Friday, May 31, 2019
the mind Essay -- essays research papers
Free Your Mind - Free Your Life.Escape entrapment by developing thought emotion, and communication.Clear out your mental scraps and Develop new ways of speak uping.Avoid being overwhelmed - by your emotions or by anothers.Be in control of your feelings and be in control your life. re-create your mind and renew your existence.We atomic number 18 trapped in spite of appearance our minds within our universes. Like the maker of the computer who becomes controlled by his creation, we as spiritual beings hit become entrapped within our own creations - our minds. Developed, like the computer, to free us from the tedium of routine existence, our minds have become our masters. Made originally for us to control, they now control us.Minds full of toss awayAs beings living now, we have minds filled with junk - perhaps from many aeons ago. And ways of doing things that belong in the days of tooth and claw We need to both peel out our minds, and remake new, more useful programs to help us live effectively and to continue our spiritual quest.Our minds contain thoughts, procedures and views - pictures, sounds, feelings and taste-smells. We think by following procedures we have developed - but probably long forgotten and long been unaware of. For example, in a phobic situation, we see something which we associate with some emotions and consequently get along in a certain way. In the phobic state the emotion is fear and the behaviour is probably escape or attack. In a phobia the thing we are afraid of is not a threat to the body.     "Nothing is a threat to the spirit"(Nothing is a threat to the spirit) The fear is inconclusive or extreme. Even if we do not have phobias, the principle affects all of us.The way we think in phobicly does not help us at all. At the very most it is a relic from some past threat. Phobias are not usually big issues with many of us, but their principle affects us all, when we think of irrational nervousness in sit uations where there is no physical threat. And the same mechanism works whenever we loose control of ourselves, either due to extremely agreeable or painful emotions. We react with too much emotion and overwhelm ourselves.When we hear speech in a certain tone, for example, and we note certain actions we cogency conclude that the other person doesnt like us, and we think we should get our own back. Mental program... When ... ...fainted in a certain situation. She could not recall the image she made in that situation - that frightened her so much she fainted. So Freud sent her back to that situation, with the instructions that she should remember the image this time By becoming aware and confronting the image, the girl was able to overcome her fainting attacks Making ProgressIn making our progress we need to clear the mind of old, useless thoughts. We need to be aware of them and deal with them appropriately. These thoughts sewer be mental images, sounds, etc, and also language. Our minds can generalise and the troublesome thinking might be extremely abstract generalisations. By clearing the mind of this debris and replacing old, useless procedures with useful ones we can begin to make spiritual progress, and begin to learn about our true nature. Minds are useful, but not minds filled with garbage. The answer isnt to throw out the mind, but to clean it up and put the right data in it this timeFreed of our fears and our excitements, we can begin to live live more fully and happily, attaining our goals for the benefit of all. We will also have removed some of the impediments to spiritual development.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The big day :: essays papers
The big dayI truly hated the sound of that alarm clock, that piercing, irritatingrepeated beeping. later on a twinkling or two I slowly started realizing thatit was non just another day, it was the day.I felt the movement in the bed as she reached for the clock andthence the beeping stopped allowing me to slip back towards tranquillityagain.Love you, I whispered.Excuse me, you were saying? she said sarcastically.You heard me, I said a little louder yet trying not to strain my tiredvoice.I didnt say I didnt fucking hear you, I asked you what you said.Repeat it, louder. And try opening your eyes this cartridge clip.After a moment of contemplating the situation I forced myself to make aneffort and sat up, looking at her. Everything about her was beautifuleven in the morning. The way of life that curly almost black hair just touchedher shoulders. The casual pose she held sitting on the edge of the bedin that worn Lakers T-shirt. I took her hand and pulled her a littlecloser admiri ng her mischievous smile. She wanted to say something butshe waited for me to speak first. I kissed her hand repeatedly andlooking into her dark brownness eyes I said slowly overenunciating smile got wider as she replied.You better. Dont you dare flake on me now.She lay down beside me and kissed me gently neglige her arms around me.I slid my hands inside her T-shirt running them up and down her back andI saidWe really dont have time for this.Absolutely not. How about the shower?And the shower it was, taking far too much of the time we did not have. I stood shaving when she asked from the bedroomDennys or rascal in the box?Which one is the most romantic?Breakfast in bedOK, you got me. How about Big Bobs in Burbank?You call Big Bobs romantic?Were not making love there, were eating.Its a drive, Im hungry. I wanna eat now.I looked at my reflection in the mirror, undergoing one of those minicrises wondering if it was really me standing there. Was that r eallywhat I looked like, who I was? That was my face, my body, and I wouldspend the rest of my life confined within it. Even though I was quitefamiliar with my own image, he seemed a little like a stranger. Well? she said, and I suddenly snapped back into the present.Er, is Jack in the box drive-through fine?Perfect.Perfect, I thought.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Bill Gates :: essays research papers
Skinny, shy and awkward, teenaged Bill supply seemed an unlikely successor to his overachieving parents. His father, powerfully built and 66 tall, was a prominent Seattle attorney, and his gregarious mother served on charitable boards and ran the United Way. While he showed enormous talent for math and logic, teenage Bill, a middle child, was no ones idea of a natural leader, let alone a future billionaire who would reinvent American business.Born in 1955, Gates attended public elementary school, and enrolled in the private Lakeside School at age 12. The following year, Gates wrote his first computer program, at a time when computers were still room-sized machines run by scientists in white coats. Soon afterwards, he and his friend Paul Allen wrote a scheduling program for the schoolwhich coincidently placed the two in the same classes as the prettiest girls in school. Still in high school, Gates and Allen founded a company called Traf-O-Data, which analyzed city relations data .Gates set off for Harvard University intending to become a lawyer like his father. Still shy and awkward, he rarely ventured out to parties unless dragged by his friend Steve Ballmer, whom he later repaid by naming him president of Microsoft.One day in December 1974, Allen, who was working at Honeywell outside of Boston, showed Gates a Popular mechanics cover featuring the Altair 8800, a $397 computer from M.I.T.S. computing that any hobbyist could build. The only thing the computer lacked, besides a keyboard and monitor, was software package. Gates and Allen contacted the head of M.I.T.S. and said they could provide a version of BASIC for the Altair.After a successful demonstration at the companys Albuquerque headquarters, M.I.T.S. contracted with Gates and Allen for programming languages. The pair moved to New Mexico and started Micro-soft (they dropped the hypen later). Although the companys first five-spot clients went bankrupt, the company struggled on, moving to Seattle in 1979. The following year, IBM asked Gates to provide an operating system for its first personal computer. Gates purchased a system called QDOS (Quick and Dirty in operation(p) System) for $50,000 from another company, changed the name to MS-DOS, and licensed it to IBM. The IBM PC took the market by storm when it was introduced in 1981and licensing fees streamed into Microsoft, ensuring the companys survival over the next several years.Microsoft continued concentrating on the software market, adding consumer applications like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
The Rule of Law Essay examples -- fair legal system
The persist of law is a difficult concept to grasp and proves elusive to substantive definition. However, the following work considers the attempts of various complaisant and legal theorists to define the concept and pertinent authorities are considered. Attitudes and emphasis as to the exact shape, form and content of the rule of law differ instead widely depending on the socio-political perspective and views of respective commentators (Slapper and Kelly, 2009, p16), although there are common themes that are almost universally adopted. The conclusions to this work endeavour to consolidate thinking on the rule of law in order to address the question posed in the title, which is at first sight a deceptively simple one. The rule of lawModern legislation places the rule of law firmly at the heart of the English legal system. The Constitutional straighten out Act 2005, for example, states in component 1 that the Act does not adversely affect the existing constitutional principle of the rule of law. Moreover, the oath required to be taken by the Lord Chancellor, as specified in section 17(1) of the 2005 Act, pledges that the rule of law will be respected alongside defence of the independence of the judiciary.Unhelpfully perhaps, at least in the context of the question posed in the title to this work, the 2005 Act does not provide a definition of the concept of the rule of law. As Lord Bingham observed in a 2006 lecture, the draughtsmen of the 2005 Act seemingly acknowledged the difficulty of establishing an accurate, comprehensive and succinct definition appropriate for incorporation in the statute, and so left the job of definition to the judiciary in their subsequent interpretation and application of the Act (Bingham, 2006, Sixth Sir Dav... ...yranny begins. (Locke, 1690). This Lockean stance emphasises the importance of the rule of law as a golden precept and inviolable principle that controls the way in which a States power is exercised over its citizens o r subjects. BIBLIOGRAPHYConstitutional Reform Act 2005Dicey A.V., An Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, (1885)Locke, J., The Second Treatise of Civil Government, (1690)Hayek F.A., The Road to Serfdom, (1994) University of Chicago PressLord Bingham of Cornhill, The Rule of Law, November 2006, Sixth Sir David Williams Lecture, spunk for Public Law, University of CambridgeRaz J., The Rule of Law and its virtue, (1977) 93 LQR 195Slapper G. & Kelly D., The English Legal System (2009) Routledge CavendishThompson E.P. (Thompson D. (ed)), The Essential EP Thompson, (2001) The New Press
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Feeding and Fishing: the Issue Facing the U.S. and the Global Community
Feeding and Fishing the Issue Facing the U.S. and the Global Community Give a man a fish, feed him for a day teach a man to fish, feed him for life. When translated into agricultural terms, this Chinese pr overb confronts the question facing the United States and the global community today. The United States has been providing aliment for the rest of the humanness for years. While this illustration of care is commendable, it also has a downside. In the future, and debatably in the present, it is not possible for the United States to continue providing for other countries. An increase world population, a lack of methods for effectively sharing crop surpluses, and a decrease in the amount of food produced by agriculture has created a item where it is impossible for the United States to feed the world instead we must teach the world how to feed, or fish, for themselves. Egypt is a prime example of the U.S. feeding the world. Between 1979 and 1991, the U.S. provided Eg ypt with over three billion dollars in wheat and corn. According to W. Fornos, every third loaf of bread baked in Egypt is made from wheat and corn fusee in the United States (Fornos). The U.S. is currently giving the world fish, but we cannot continue to do so. The first issue limiting the ability of the world to feed itself is the increase world population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as cited by Agroecology Professor Dave Wilson, the world population was one billion in 1804. The world population doubled itself in 154 years and has since continued to double exponentially. In 1987, the world population was 5 billion, and in 13 years, the population doubled once again. Accompanying 1999 was a world population ... ...tion Development. Irrigation and Drainage. Vol. 52. 2003. 31-38.McMullum, et al. Application of Modern Biotechnology to Food and Agriculture Food Systems Perspective. Journal of Nutrition, Education, and Behavior. Vol. 35. 6. Nov/Dec. 2003. 319, 326-328. pedantic Search Premier. Population Growth and Food Needs. Population Reports. 25. 4. 3. 1997. 24, Feb. 2005. Academic Search Premier.Pretty, Jules. Agroecology in Developing Countries. Environment. Vol. 45. Nov. 2003. Academic Search Premier.Serageldin, Ismali. World Poverty and Hunger-the Challenge for Science. Science. Vol. 296. 5565. 54. 17, Feb. 2005. Academic Search Elite.Wilson, Dave. Homework Topic 6 Genetically Engineered Crops. disunite lecture. 25, Feb. 2005.Wilson, Dave. Population Growth. Class lecture. 7, Feb. 2005.
Feeding and Fishing: the Issue Facing the U.S. and the Global Community
Feeding and Fishing the Issue Facing the U.S. and the Global Community Give a man a fish, apply him for a day teach a man to fish, consort him for life. When translated into agricultural terms, this Chinese proverb confronts the question facing the coupled States and the global community today. The United States has been providing food for the rest of the world for years. While this illustration of care is commendable, it also has a downside. In the future, and debatably in the present, it is not possible for the United States to continue providing for other countries. An increasing world population, a lack of methods for effectively sharing crop surpluses, and a decrease in the amount of food produced by agriculture has created a situation where it is impossible for the United States to feed the world instead we must teach the world how to feed, or fish, for themselves. Egypt is a prime example of the U.S. feeding the world. surrounded by 1979 and 1991, the U.S. provided Egypt with over three billion dollars in wheat and edible corn. According to W. Fornos, every third loaf of bread baked in Egypt is made from wheat and corn ground in the United States (Fornos). The U.S. is currently giving the world fish, but we cannot continue to do so. The first issue limiting the ability of the world to feed itself is the increasing world population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as cited by Agroecology Professor Dave Wilson, the world population was one billion in 1804. The world population forked itself in 154 years and has since continued to double exponentially. In 1987, the world population was 5 billion, and in 13 years, the population doubled once again. Accompanying 1999 was a world population ... ...tion Development. Irrigation and Drainage. Vol. 52. 2003. 31-38.McMullum, et al. Application of Modern Biotechnology to Food and Agriculture Food Systems Perspective. Journal of Nutrition, Education, and Behavior. Vol. 35. 6. Nov/Dec. 2003. 319, 326-328. Academic Search Premier. tribe Growth and Food Needs. Population Reports. 25. 4. 3. 1997. 24, Feb. 2005. Academic Search Premier.Pretty, Jules. Agroecology in Developing Countries. Environment. Vol. 45. Nov. 2003. Academic Search Premier.Serageldin, Ismali. World Poverty and Hunger-the Challenge for Science. Science. Vol. 296. 5565. 54. 17, Feb. 2005. Academic Search Elite.Wilson, Dave. Homework Topic 6 genetically Engineered Crops. Class lecture. 25, Feb. 2005.Wilson, Dave. Population Growth. Class lecture. 7, Feb. 2005.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A necessary Evil
I am completely against the proliferation of A- acemax prison houses. Despite the fact that these people who are put in there are put with a agreement I still think that this is not a final solution only if instead it is a beginning of a bigger problem. The fact that these pris wholenessrs depart one day be set free and come to join us is actu completelyy threatening after looking at the effects these passing max prisons have on the victims.I will want to discuss the effects of these as analyzed in A Necessary Evil? By Vince BeiserThese topnotch max prisons are turning prisoners into mental cases the set up of these prisons is very different in terms of isolation and activities. Unlike some other prisons including Maximum tribute prisons where inmates can play basketball, work in the laundry room or in the dining room, the super max prison one can scantily take in to any activity, there arent any jobs, nothing educational.You are left alone and there is no human contact i odine is locked in a room of 8 by 10 foot almost the whole time. whizz can not even see other prisoners or the prison guards. It is truly a cage of isolation. These places are meant for those prisoners who commit crimes while in prison and therefore can be as prison in prisonWhen one is left in such isolation for a long period, a lot of things are likely to happen touching especially the psychology of the victim. Psychiatrists, activists and some correctional officials say the intense isolation of supermaxes is producing prisoners who are uncontrollably furious and sometimes violently deranged. Most of those Prisoners will one day be set free.In the past three years, in fact, Nearly 1,000 California SHU inmates at the end of their sentences were moved to less-restrictive prisons for just a few weeks, and wherefore released. As seen from Dr. Stuart study of effects of solitary confinement for a period longer than two decades, the examination was on more than one hundred super max prisons and his conclusion was super max can literally drive inmates crazy.The fact that there are many cases of people who never suffered psychiatric illnesses but once they went done super max prisons they developed such illness. This is enough good prove that these institutions are doing more harm than good. People going through these institutions are expected to come out worse than they were in the beginning.Dr Terry Kupers, a psychiatrist based in Oakland who has many years of experience in prison work had this to say Ive almost never seen self-mutilation among adult males anywhere else, but its very common in SHUs. At the landmark Madrid v. Gomez federal official trial in 1995 over conditions at Pelican Bay, even the prisons senior staff psychologist acknowledged seeing psychiatric deterioration among some SHU prisoners.There are problems faced and experienced by the prison in the super max prisons such as hypersensitivity to external stimuli, paranoia and sometimes hallucin ations. Prisoners some time develop apprehension attacks, hostile fantasies involving revenge, torture, mutulatuion and outbursts. This at times gets to higher extents and the prisoner can even gorge out their eyes, they can bite chucks of their own fleshThe speech of one prisoner featured is Matthew Lowe he confesses that in his years at the super max prison he only had a chance to speak to tail fin or six people in the whole period of three years. He says that he just sat there and thought of doing something crazy all the time.He has known that since then he has become paranoid and jumpy So many times Ive come so close to snapping since I got out, he says. One time in a store, someone cut in front of me in linea 50-year-old guy, I dont think he even recognize it. I had to catch myself, because my first thought was just to smash him.An interview conducted to the other prisoners of the regular prisons support the fact that those in the supermax prisons are getting damage psycholo gically was by Dr. Grassian. Almost all the inmates interviewed including one correctional officer admiited that other prisoners suffer serious mental deterioration in the SHU they could be hear screaming, banging on doors cutting themselves.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Evaluate the social and economic impacts of the ââ¬ËOne Childââ¬â¢ Policy in China Essay
Evaluate the friendly and economic impacts of the unrivalled Child Policy in mainland chinawareIn the year 1979, mainland China was suffering a severe increase in population, and because of this Deng Xiaoping (leader of the communist party of China) introduced China to an anti-natalist polity called the One Child policy. An anti-natalist policy aims to decrease the crude nascence rate and the congeries fertility rate in a country in order to slow the population egress . This policy generated many social and economical impacts and in this essay I leave al matchless talk about the social advantages of the policy, the social disadvantages, the economical advantages and finally the economical disadvantages.Firstly, the One Child policy has named social advantages in China, since the population growth rate decreased. Due to the fact that the One Child policy restricts women from solitary(prenominal) having one boor in urban areas (there are some exceptions, like twins, lived in a rural area, if your child died whence you can have another), this slowed down the crude birth rate and the full fertility rate. If Chinas population kept on growing at the same rate like it was before any policies were introduced they would have encountered problems with resources. Resources are limited and China only has a certain amount of land, food, natural resources and water.This policy lowered the pressure on the limited amounts of resources and enabled people to have comely food and water to have a good plentiful quality of life and not live in fright, that one-day there wont be enough food and water. Further more, if a couple follows this policy, they would be offered some incentives. These incentives include that they would have access to wellness services and the child would have an education . This is a huge advantage because the child will have an education and can learn and develop as a person and hopefully have a higher(prenominal) chance of succeeding in l ife. Also, access to health services is a great benefit because some families wouldnt be able to afford health services. It will make sure that the family will be healthy and hopefully live longer. Women will receive education about having a child and will receive free contraception. With this, we can say that the One Child policy created social advantages to people living in China.Secondly, the One child policy as well as has produced social disadvantages inChina, like a sexual practice imbalance and other social problems. Only having one child in a family can create some social problems with the child. Individuals who grew up, as single children as a result of Chinas policy were considerably less trustworthy, more risk-averse, less competitive, more pessimistic, and less conscientious individuals . Their social skills will be poor with other children since they have no siblings at home. The parents usually spoil the child since its the only child they have, this is how the name the little emperors was created for an only child. Additionally, the male to female ratio has drastically leaded towards the male side.This is because parents prefer to have a boy sort of than a girl because when the parents get older, they will have to depend on their sons wife to take care of them. If they had a girl then they wouldnt be able to move in with their daughter because the daughter will look after her husbands parents rather than her own parents. This has a created a gender imbalance (for every 6 boys born in China, there are 5 girls) in China and has caused many older men to have no partner due to the simple fact that there arent enough women for the amount of men. In addition, there are some cases where unwanted girls are inclined or aborted even though it is illegal in China. These children will have to be adopted or go to an orphanage. Child trafficking is at a indicate high in China and for the purpose of exploitation, which is a human right violation. Since th ere is a fall in the crude birth rate and total fertility rate there is going to be a greater gap between the younger population and the ageing population, which will mean that China could become a ageing population instead of a stable population. As we can see, Chinas One Child policy has do many negative social impacts in China.Thirdly, economic advantages of the One Child policy are seen in China with a clear economic growth in China. It costs quite a lot to raise one child and its not easy to raise another child and so families will save money by only having one child. It is also believed that the One Child policy is benefitting the economic future of China because it aids to remediate the living standards and saves a lot more resources as I said before. Furthermore, the policy also reduces unemployment in China because there will be more businesss available to people since there will be a decrease in population.This will allow most people to have a job and earn more moneyan d therefore their standards of living will be better. The One Child policy has had some positive economic impacts on China and the living quality for the Chinese.Fourthly, the One Child policy has generated negative economic impacts on China. Older generations are dependent on the younger generations. The one child that is economically active is going to need to take care of his/her parents. However, if the one child is unable to take care because they dont have a job, his/her parents will then face a very tough end of their life with very few resources. Also if you do have more than one child then you will receive a fine of a certain amount (depends on which province you live in), which can affect the family. The One Child policy has so far created these negative economic problems on China.In conclusion, the One Child policy has generated positive and negative social and economical impacts. I think that the policy is doing what it should be doing to Chinas population, which is lowe ring it and slowing down the growth rate. China would be close to 2 one thousand thousand people right now if the policy wasnt introduced in my opinion, instead of its current population 1.3 billion .Word Count 1063Bibliographyallgirlsallowed (Director). (2011). Statistics About Gendercide and the One-Child Policy Motion Picture. Fozzard, H. (2011, may 18). One Child Policy Incentives Support for the Family. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from shenzhenparty (2012). chinas current population. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from Google https// q=chinas+current+population&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCH545CH546&oq=chinas+current+po&aqs=chromium-plate.1.69i57j0l5.4406j0&sourceid=chrome&espvd=210&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8Guinness, P. (2011). Patterns and Change. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.Monash. (2013, January 11). The effects of Chinas One Child Policy on its children. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from http//, T. (2010, October 5). Anti-natalist Policies. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from Geography IBHL http//
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Public Key Cryptography
Abstract- Public- expose cryptogram is a light upon technology for e-commerce, intranets, extranets and early(a) blade-enabled applications. However, to garner the benefits of overt-key cryptography, a supporting groundwork is needed. The Microsoft Windows 2000 operational system includes a primal human beings-key infrastructure (PKI) that is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of the Windows 2000 security architecture.This paper describes the fundamentals of worldly concern-key security systems, including what benefits they offer and what comp adeptnts are take awayd to consume them. It as well as describes how the Windows 2000 PKI components deliver the needed services while providing interoperability, security, flexibility, and ease of implement. I. Overview Public-key cryptography offers signifi tin undersurfacet security benefits when its properly implemented. Like other enabling technologies, public-key cryptography requires an infrastructure to deliver its benefits.However, the public-key infrastructure, or PKI, isnt a physical object or software process instead, its a set of useful services admitd by a aggregation of interconnected components These components work together to provide public-key-based security services to applications and exploiters. This white paper has two ends to explain public-key technology and its uses, and to describe the larks and benefits provided by the native PKI in the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system.Understanding both of these topics will help you to decide where you open fire use PKI technology to improve your business processes and increase your ability to securely handle proceeding with others. In this paper, youll learn what a public key infrastructure is, what desirable benefits it burn offer your operations, and how the Windows 2000 PKI delivers interoperability, security, flexibility, and ease of use. II. History During the early history of cryptography, two parties would find out upon a key apply a secure, but non-cryptographic, method for example, a face-to-face meeting or an exchange via a certain(p) courier.This key, which both parties unbroken absolutely hole-and-corner(a), could then be used to exchange encrypted messages. A physical body of signifi give noticet practical difficulties arise in this approach to distributing keys. Public-key cryptography addresses these drawbacks so that users dope communicate securely over a public channel without having to agree upon a divided key beforehand. In 1874, a book by William Stanley Jevons1 draw the relationship of one-way functions to cryptography and went on to discuss specificall(a)y the factorization problem used to create the trapdoor function in theRSA system.Since the 1970s, a large number and variety of encryption, digital signature, key agreement, and other techniques have been developed in the field of public-key cryptography. The ElGamal cryptosystem (invented by Taher ElGamal) re lies on the (similar, and related) difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem, as does the close related DSA developed at the US National Security Agency (NSA) and published by NIST as a proposed standard. The introduction of elliptic curve cryptography by Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller independently and simultaneously in the mid-1980s has yielded new public-key algorithms based on the discrete logarithm problem.Although mathematically more complex, elliptic curves provide smaller key sizes and faster operations for equivalent estimated security. III. What is public key cryptography? When most people hear the words encrypt or cryptography, they straightaway think of secret-key cryptography, wherein two parties share a single secret key thats used both to encrypt and decrypt data. Loss or compromise of the secret key makes the data it encrypts vulnerable. By contrast, public-key systems use two keys a public key, designed to be shared, and a private key, which must be closely held .These keys are complementary if you encrypt something with the public key, it can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key, and vice versa. Public-key systems depend on the mathematical relationship between the public and private keys. Its not feasible to derive one from the other. There are two fundamental operations associated with public key cryptography encryption and signing. The goal of encryption is to obscure data in such a way that it can only be read by the intended party. In public-key cryptography, if bobtail wants to send Alice some private data, he uses her public key to encrypt it, then sends it to her.Upon receiving the encrypted data, Alice uses her private key to decrypt it. The important concept here is that Alice can freely distribute her public key in order to allow anyone in the world to encrypt data that only she can decrypt. If Bob and toss out both have copies of her public key, and Chuck intercepts an encrypted message from Bob to Alice, he w ill not be able to decrypt it only Alices private key can do that, and she is the only person who holds it. These two operations can be used to provide three capabilities A PrivacyPrivacy is a necessity for businesses of all kinds, but its of vital importance for ones that use the Internet. The Internet allows anyone in the world to communicate with anyone else, but it doesnt provide security. Even within your companys internal network, if someone can gain physical access to your network media, they can eavesdrop on any data that traverses it. Public-key cryptography provides privacy via data encryption, whether the data is in the appoint of e-mail messages, credit card numbers sent over the Internet, or network traffic.Because public keys can be posted freely, complete strangers can get to private communications simply by retrieving each others public keys and encrypting the data. B. Authentication Any transaction involves two parties, whether theyre a client and a server or a cu stomer and a vendor. For many transactions, its desirable for one or both sides to be able to authenticate, or verify the identity of, the other. For instance, before a customer provides their credit card number to an e-commerce meshwork site, they will want to know that they are not talking to an imposter.One way that a customer can do this is by making the web site prove that it holds the right private key. For example, a web browser might encrypt a foregather of information using the sites public key and ask the web server to decrypt it, thereby demonstrating that the server has the right private key, and proving its identity. Authentication can in any case take the form of assuring your customers that you produced a particular piece of data and that it has not been tampered with. Public-key cryptography enables you to do this by means of a digital signature, a concept which is an extension of the public-key signing operation discussed supra.If Bob wants to digitally sign his companys annual report, he first leaves a unique fingerprint of the report using an algorithm called a hash algorithm. Hash algorithms are specially designed to guarantee that even a single changed byte in the document will generate a completely different hash. Next, he encrypts the report and the hash using his private key. Alice (or anyone else) can verify the origin and authenticity of the signed report by first decrypting it using Bobs public key, then calculating her own version of the fingerprint and comparing it to the fingerprint she received.If the two match, it proves two things that the report has not been tampered with, and it came from Bob. C. Non-repudiation Businesses require the ability to enter into rachis agreements, whether in the physical world or on the Internet. Suppliers and buyers need the assurance that if they enter into an agreement, the other party will not be able to repudiate the agreement at some later point. Digital signatures on electronic purchas e orders, contracts, and other agreements are legally binding in several countries and in many U.S. states, and legal acceptance is rapidly growing. D. infrastructure Manage keys a PKI makes it easy to issue new keys, review or revoke existing keys, and manage the send aim attached to keys from different issuers. Publish keys a PKI offers a well-defined way for clients to locate and retrieve public keys and information about whether a specific key is valid or not. Without the ability to retrieve keys and know that they are valid, your users cant make use of public key services.Use keys a PKI provides an easy-to-use way for users to use keysnot just by moving keys around where theyre needed, but also by providing easy-to-use applications that perform public-key cryptographic operations, making it literalistic to provide security for e-mail, e-commerce, and networks. E. A capability,not a thing A common misperception is that a PKI is a thing. In fact, its a capabilitythe capabilit y to easily publish, manage, and use public keys. Think of a PKI like a municipal pissing system. A water system is made up of purification plants, storage towers, pumps, water mains, and so on, as well as the pipes and faucets in your house.All of the disparate service-providing objects work together to provide a capability for users to obtain water on demand. In a similar way, a PKI consists of a group of discrete components that work together to allow you to use public keys, and public-key cryptography, seamlessly and transparently. The surmount place to implement a PKI is in the operating system. Operating systems already provide a number of other infrastructures, like the printing infrastructure that moves documents to printers and the file service infrastructure that retrieves files from shared storage.In both cases, the operating system provides a capability to transparently and easily use a network service, just as a PKI does. F. Digital certifications furtherance for pub lic key So far, this paper has mentioned public keys when talking about the objects that a PKI uses. While public keys are required for PKI-based security, theyre usually packaged as digital suretys. (Its important to stress that only public keys are packaged into presents. The private key is never shared, so it doesnt require packagingits simply stored securely). The security system contains the public key and a set of attributes, like the key holders name.These attributes whitethorn be related to the holders identity, what theyre allowed to do, or under what conditions the present is valid. The binding between attributes and the public key is present because the certificate is digitally signed by the entity that issued it the issuers signature on the certificate vouches for its authenticity and correctness. For a real-world analogy, look in your wallet. If you have a drivers license, you have the equivalent of a digital certificate. Your license contains a unique key (your lic ense number) and some attributes (an expiration date, your name, address, hair color, and so on).Its issued by a trusted agency and laminated to prevent it from being tampered with. Anyone who trusts the agency that issued your license and verifies that the lamination is intact can rely on its authenticity. At that point, though, the analogy breaks downin the real world, only the government can issue a drivers license, so everyone knows that a license issued by Joes Really Good DMV isnt valid. How do you make the same end with a digital certificate? The answer lies in the concept of a certificate hierarchy.In a hierarchy, as shown in symbol 1, each issuer, or certificate authority, signs (using its own private key) the certificates it issues. The public half of the CAs keypair is itself packaged in a certificateone that was issued by a higher-level CA. This pattern can continue through with(predicate) as many levels as desired, with each CA certifying the authenticity of the cert ificates it has issued. Eventually, though, there must be a top-level CA, called a root certificate authority. Since theres nobody above the root CA in the hierarchy, theres nobody to vouch for the authenticity and origin of its certificate.Instead, the root CA signs its own certificateit simply asserts that it is the root. Figure 1 What a certificate hierarchy looks like Clearly, its not secure to accept a root CAs assertion of its own identity. To verify a root CAs certificate, a trusted copy of its public key is obtained via an out-of-band method-that is, its delivered by a third party instead of over the networkand the key is used to verify that the root certificate is bona fide. Microsoft provides the public keys for many popular root CAs in PK-enabled products like Internet Explorer, allowing users to verify those roots transparently.Root CAs can also provide copies of their public keys for downloading from public web sites. Once the root key has been delivered via an out-of-b and means, the user can verify the root certificate, and hence the entire certificate chain. Even better, because each certificates digital signature protects it from tampering, certificate chains can be freely passed over insecure media like the Internet. G. Public key enabled application Once your PKI can issue, publish, and nurse certificates, the next tread is to deploy applications that can use them.A well-written application that is tightly integrated with the rest of the PKI can make the use of public-key cryptography all but transparent to the user. The user should not need to know how cryptography works, where certificates are stored, or any of the other detailsthey should simply indicate what they want done, and leave it to the applications and the PKI to make it happen. Applications can use digital certificates to deliver the benefits of public-key cryptography, and they can combine cryptographic functions like signing and encryption to make possible e-commerce, secure network access, or other desirable services.All Microsoft applications that use public-key cryptography are natively public-key enabled. For example, the Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client offers built-in signing and encryption support, combine with the ability to use certificate publishers and root certificates from a number of sources. Internet Explorer, Microsoft Money, and Internet Information Server provide the ability to set up encrypted web sessions. PKI-enabled applications can build on industry-standard protocols to speed development and allow easy interoperability with other organizations, too.H. Hardware support The increasing market demand for PKI implementations has spurred hardware vendors to develop cryptographic hardware, including smart cards, PC cards, and PCI cards that offer onboard cryptographic processing. These hardware devices offer a wide range of capabilities. On the low end, smartcards offer limited cryptographic processing combined with secure key storage on the high end, multiprocessor crypto-accelerators allow high-volume web services to secure data without suffering from bottlenecks caused by software cryptographic modules.The best thing about PKI hardware devices is that theyre optionalif your application requires additional performance or security, you can add hardware to provide it as necessary, but you can unsounded build a completely functional PKI in software. I. Models The standalone CA imitate The standalone CA model (see Figure 2) is probably familiar to you if youve used SSL-protected web sites. In the standalone model, some third-party entity holds the root key and certificate for your organization, and it issues and revokes all certificates for your users.This third party might be a commercial CA like VeriSign, Thawte, Belsign, or GTE Cybertrust it could also be a bank, a law firm, a trade association, or any other organization that you trust to issue certificates on your behalf. Figure 2 The stan dalone CA model This model allows trust both within and outside your organization, so you can exchange secure e-mail and e-commerce transactions with outsiders. Standalone CAs also free you from the complexities of issuing, revoking, and tracking certificates.However, it requires you to trust some outside entity with your certificate management, and many third-party CAs levy an soulfulness charge for each issued certificate. The enterprise CA model In this model (see Figure 3), your enterprise acts as its own CA, issuing and revoking certificates subject to your business requirements. Because no outsourcing provider is involved, your organization maintains complete control over its PKI. In addition to that control, though, you can guarantee that no one outside the enterprise can obtain a certificate unless you issue it to them.This model works well for controlling access to internal resources, or for generating certificates whose attributes would be meaningless to an outside entity . For example, you could issue certificates to managers that would allow them to make electronic start reservations through the company travel office. Figure 3 The enterprise CA model Enterprise CAs with subordinates You can expand the flexibility of the enterprise CA model by adding subordinate CAs for individual departments, business units, or subdivisions of the organization. Most organizations already delegate some amount of administrative control to their subunits.For example, individual managers at most companies have some level of purchasing authority higher-ranking managers can write bigger checks. Even though theres a centralized purchasing department that does much of the enterprise-wide buying, individual units still have the ability to perform day-to-day purchasing tasks. Choose your trust model If the choice of a CA model is the most important one you face when implementing a PKI, choosing a trust model comes in a very close second. When you trust a root, youre making an implicit statement that you trust them to be careful about who they issue certificates to.In this case, careful isnt quite the right word what youre really saying is that you trust them to follow their prescribed policies and procedures to verify the identity of a certificate holder when they issue the certificate. When you choose to trust a root certificate, youre also choosing to trust certificates signed by that root. Depending on the CA model you use, the practical impact of this choice could be large (as when you choose to trust a large, widely used commercial root CA) or small (like deciding to trust your own accounting department).Normally these decisions are made for the enterprise as a whole however, the Windows 2000 PKI allows individual users (or their administrators) to make their own trust decisions. In addition, administrators may override or augment user trust decisions with group policies. You also have to choose what you trust certificates to be used for. The X. 509 v3 certificate standard allows you to furbish up whether certificates can be used for signing, encryption, or both. For example, you might want to give everyone signature certificates but restrict the use of encryption-capable certificates to certain departments or individuals.Microsoft has extended this feature to allow you to specify additional uses, including signing software components, logging on using a smart card, or recovering an encrypted file. When using the Windows 2000 PKI, the issuer has total control over what the certificate can be used for. IV Conclusion Public key cryptography offers critical business advantages, including the ability to conduct e-commerce and normal business operations with increased privacy, security, and assurance. To deliver these benefits, a public-key infrastructure is necessary that makes it easy to manage, publish and use public keys.Windows 2000 offers a PKI that is completely integrated with the operating system and provides flexible , secure, interoperable services that are easy to use, easy to deploy, and easy to manage. References N. Ferguson B. Schneier (2003). Practical cryptanalytics. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-22357-3. J. Katz Y. Lindell (2007). Introduction to Modern Cryptography. CRC Press. ISBN 1-58488-551-3. J. Menezes P. C. van Oorschot S. A. Vanstone (1997). Handbook of Applied Cryptography. ISBN 0-8493-8523-7. IEEE 1363 Standard Specifications for Public-Key Cryptography Single Sign-On Technology for SAP Enterprises What does SAP have to say? 1 Ed Gerck, Overview of Certification Systems x. 509, CA, PGP and SKIP, in The Black Hat Briefings 99, http//www. securitytechnet. com/resource/rsc-center/presentation/black/vegas99/certover. pdf andhttp//mcwg. org/mcg-mirror/cert. htm Stephen Wilson, descent 2005, The importance of PKI today, China Communications, Retrieved on 2010-12-13 Mark Gasson, Martin Meints, Kevin Warwick (2005), D3. 2 A study on PKI and biometrics, FIDIS deliverable (3)2, July 2005
Friday, May 24, 2019
Background Screening and the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Recent incidents with domestic and international significance have compelled employers to give more weight and attention to the practice of asking background checks not only on job applicants but on their current employees as well. Some of these events prodded employers to resort to background screening on their own initiatives while others had been the subject of state and federal official requirements. One of the most noteworthy events were the 9/11 terrorist attacks which have made employers more security conscious, leading them to subject the backgrounds of both their prospective and present workers to more rigorous examination.A recorded increase in lawsuits filed against employers involving all sorts of negligence in the hiring of employees, on the other hand, caused employers to stop hiring applicants based solely on their instincts about gentle nature. Corporate frauds and scandals similar to the Enron case of 2002 had also impelled employers to scrutinize both the private and professional lives of the members of their upper management teams such as corporate executives, officers, and directors in efforts aimed at preventing financial losses.Newspaper reports claiming that as high as 40% of job applicants in the country have been submitting fabricated resumes and false information have similarly alerted employers into ascertaining the backgrounds of people approaching them for employment ( retirement Rights Clearinghouse). A heightened interest on background checking also resulted from the observed rise in cases involving abductions and abuse of children, older people, and persons with disabilities.This resulted to majority of the states requiring employers to conduct criminal background checks for anyone who works with children, the elderly, or disabled. In fact the database of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now friendly to state officials under the authority of the National Child Protection Act primarily for this purpose (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Employers conduct background checks under the authority of the Fair assurance Reporting Act (FCRA), a federal law.Although background checks are not a requirement under the FCRA, employers nevertheless do so in send to comply with the standards set by the national government concerning screening of employees. These national standards are established by the FCRA. Under the FCRA, external organizations should undertake the investigation into the backgrounds of applicants or employees and include the same in a consumer report. Employers are not allowed to apply the provisions of the FCRA to checks which they themselves have done (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse).Examples of information and/or records that could be obtained or accessed by dint of a background check are criminal convictions, driving records, social security number, property ownership, past employees, vehicle registration, character references, personal refe rences, credit records, solicit records, neighbor interviews, state licensing records, incarceration records, workers compensation, drug test records, sex offender lists, educational records, military service records, dental records, and bankruptcies within the preceding ten years. The following(a) information could likewise be available to a check conducted under the FCRA as long as the investigation should cover only the preceding sevensome years civil suits, civil judgments, paid tax liens, and accounts placed for collection (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Under the provisions of the FCRA, before an employer could have a background check conducted, the scripted consent of the applicant should first be obtained.If after reading the report the employer decides to take an adverse carry out i. e. he/she decides not to hire the applicant, terminate an employee, rescind an offer of a job, or refuse to promote an employee, he/she is required to provide the applicant or employee wit h a notice or a pre-adverse action disclosure together with a copy of the result of the background check.After undertaking the adverse action, the name and address of the screening entity should be provided to the applicant or employee in an adverse action notice together with an advice that he/she has the right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any of the information in the report (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). Reference Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. Employment Background Checks A Jobseekers Guide. July 2007. 23 September 2007
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Bad News
Bad news Letter Guidelines Tips Before you start writing the earn, you have to ask yourself the following questions 1. Is the letter for internal or external communication? * How close ar the s barer and the receiver? The Salutation (Dear / hi / Mr. / Wolfgan? ) and the culmination (Sincerely / Best / Love / Regards? ) should pay perplexity 2. How many parties are involved in the event? (a Mainland company IS NOT the name of the supplier ) 3. Do you understand the basic manufacturing process of a produce / the product? NO Google it then Make sure you understand the meaning of supplier, electrical component, assemble, and end product be stupefy components are in truth different from end products). 4. What is the role and duty of each part involved? 5. What is the event happened? What is the stultification to the factory? Why is it related to the large consignment? What is the grownup news on the dot What is the real problem led by the adventure in the factory? What is the i mmediate impact on the large consignment? 6. Is on that point any damage involved in the case? What human body of damage (e. g. financial, relationshipetc.? ) will bring to the company?And recommendations on resultant? What kind of short- / long- term force play will bring between the company and the supplier? 7. Whats the immediate solution to the immediate problem? Why and How is it going to understand the problem 8. What some other repairs is arose from the incident that constitute impact / damage to the company in longer term? Whats your suggestion / solution? What are the reasons to set up your suggestion / solution? 9. Some of you mention about customers / clients. Where are they in the chain? Whats their role? If they are involved, what kind of damage will cause to them due to the incident?Why is it important to keep relationship with the clients? What is / are the solution(s)? What are the benefits of the solutions (in the short-term or long-term? ) Salutation natio nal or foreign? Dear / Hello Billy / Mr. Chan Buffer Think of it as an introduction of an article. It should briefly preview the main messages of the letter. The drop dead sentence leads in to the next paragraph. moderateness & Bad News Begin with the incident Bad New Implication to the consignment? Immediate daze & Solution Begin with a sentence linking last paragraphs last sentence. Briefly and clearly states the mmediate impact to the company or other party involved the solution wherefore will it light up the impact Longer-term Impact & Solution Begin with a topic sentence hinting this paragraph is about longer term planning Briefly state the concern clearly states why the concern can be an issue to the company explain the solution clearly and logically (using logic transitional words) states the assertable positive outcome. Closing Short and simple. Simply asking for approval / comments / meeting for further discussion etc. And be positive Complementary Close Interna l or out-of-door? Sincerely / Regards / Best / Best Regards? Bad NewsBad News Letter Guidelines Tips Before you start writing the letter, you have to ask yourself the following questions 1. Is the letter for internal or external communication? * How close are the sender and the receiver? The Salutation (Dear / Hello / Mr. / Wolfgan? ) and the Closing (Sincerely / Best / Love / Regards? ) should pay attention 2. How many parties are involved in the event? (a Mainland company IS NOT the name of the supplier ) 3. Do you understand the basic manufacturing process of a product / the product? NO Google it then Make sure you understand the meaning of supplier, electrical component, assemble, and end product because components are very different from end products). 4. What is the role and duty of each part involved? 5. What is the event happened? What is the damage to the factory? Why is it related to the large consignment? What is the bad news exactly What is the real problem led by the i ncident in the factory? What is the immediate impact on the large consignment? 6. Is there any damage involved in the case? What kind of damage (e. g. financial, relationshipetc.? ) will bring to the company?And recommendations on solution? What kind of short- / long- term effect will bring between the company and the supplier? 7. Whats the immediate solution to the immediate problem? Why and How is it going to solve the problem 8. What other concerns is arose from the incident that constitute impact / damage to the company in longer term? Whats your suggestion / solution? What are the reasons to support your suggestion / solution? 9. Some of you mention about customers / clients. Where are they in the chain? Whats their role? If they are involved, what kind of damage will cause to them due to the incident?Why is it important to keep relationship with the clients? What is / are the solution(s)? What are the benefits of the solutions (in the short-term or long-term? ) Salutation Inte rnal or External? Dear / Hello Billy / Mr. Chan Buffer Think of it as an introduction of an article. It should briefly preview the main messages of the letter. The last sentence leads in to the next paragraph. Reason & Bad News Begin with the incident Bad New Implication to the consignment? Immediate Impact & Solution Begin with a sentence linking last paragraphs last sentence. Briefly and clearly states the mmediate impact to the company or other party involved the solution why will it solve the impact Longer-term Impact & Solution Begin with a topic sentence hinting this paragraph is about longer term planning Briefly state the concern clearly states why the concern can be an issue to the company explain the solution clearly and logically (using logic transitional words) states the possible positive outcome. Closing Short and simple. Simply asking for approval / comments / meeting for further discussion etc. And be positive Complementary Close Internal or External? Sincerely / Regards / Best / Best Regards?
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Call Now to Buy Your Very Own Sham Essay
In The Hard Sell Advertising in America, Bill Bryson gives specific insight on the necessity of being more apprised of why you buy what you buy. Bryson argues that the product name must be short, simple and unique. He states, First. It is short. Second. It is not capable of mispronunciation. Third. It does not resemble anything in the art (425). some other effective advertising strategy that Bryson observes is the giveaway. Bryson states, Consumers became acquainted with the irresistibly tempting notion that if they bought a particular product they could expect a reward (427). Bryson overly asserts the importance of creating in the consumer a feeling of anxiety that makes the consumer feel as if they NEED the product and not just merely WANT it (428-429). Another businesslike selling tactic is the use of scientific-sounding terms, according to Bryson, There was never slightest hint of what GL-70 was, but it would, according to the advertising, not only rout odor-causing bacteria but pass across out enzymes (434).Bryson is very insightful and emphatic in his arguments about the alluring thought of a reward, the necessity to create an anxiety in the consumer, and the conclusive scientific studies. Take, for example, any product you can find on a late-night television infomercial. One of the most effective advertisements is the commercial for the ShamWow. Like all the products found on the infomercials, the ShamWow comes at an UNBEATABLE offer, call now and get not one, but TWO ShamWows for the price of one The company does a very effective production line at pulling in the viewer with this line, sometimes you can get even more products like books and containers if you call quick enough. The announcer does a great credit line at creating the anxiety by asking, Does your car always have unsightly water spots? Do your friends ask you when the last time you cleaned your car? business organization no more The ShamWow will WOW your friends and family This cause s the viewer to become embarrassed if their vehicle has water spots on it, leading them to want to purchase the ShamWow so they can dry their car before the sun bakes on the water spots. Lastly, and most effectively, the company includes an exaggerated quality by stating that the ShamWow holds 12x its weight to get the consumer to envisage that they do some kind of study. If you pause in your daily life and take a step by and analyze all the commercials and advertisements that you are bombarded with every day, you will begin to notice the advertising schemes employed by the companies. Brysons advice still holds its weight in gold, much like the ShamWow does with water, today. Consumers are tricked into think they hold products that they have no use for and can get at a cheaper price.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Moral Dilemas: Antigone Essay
One of the most difficult trials I face in my life argon ethical and moral dilemmas. I believe one purpose for this life is to learn to act for ourselves and learn to see a situation correctly and act righteously. Everyday Im faced with decisions of right and wrong, most of which are easily and correctly dealt with. Sometimes however, decisions need to be made that are not easy or perfectly clear. In this paper I wish to discuss a presented moral dilemma and explain what I would do in the same situation.One of the biggest conflicts in the play Antigone by Sophocles is the value of human beings law vs. divine law. In this tragic play a newly name king Creon declares to his people that treason was committed during battle, and one of the two brothers (Polyneices) killed shall not be buried. This dilemma is felt by many, especially Antigone (sister of Polyneices). The struggle between human law and divine law is a moral dilemma Antigone feels as she decides to go against the laws of th e king.The moral dilemma being presented is from the perspective of a pharmacist. The pharmacist has a young sick niece who has a terrible ear infection and cannot get an appointment with the doctor until the next day. The pharmacist knows that she doesnt have a prescription, further knows what type of antibiotic she probably needs. Does the pharmacist give the medicine to the niece?If I were in the position of the pharmacist, I would refuse to give the medicine to my niece. I wouldnt give the medicine to my niece because of the consequences that I would be dealt if I were too. My position on the dilemma is similar to Ismines (Antigones sister) when trying to convince Antigone not to secrete her brother. If the pharmacist helps then he/she will get fired, go to jail, and probably never work as a pharmacist again. This turns a short status problem into a long term problem which will influence the rest of your life. Is an ear infection worth going to jail and possibly ruining your life?
Monday, May 20, 2019
Homosexuality in football Essay
Chapter One Introduction Addressing Homophobia in footb all in all game Introduction should just give a brief idea of what work is going to be approximately so not much detail Outline your channel footballers match society so a lack of homosexual fakes is to a fault bound to affect the way it is portrayed Talk near the problems contact football i. e. racism, sexism. What is different about homophobia? Why is homophobia a problem in football? Why is it prohibited?Talk about programmes enforced to help combat it i. e.just mention Stonewall, different programmes etc Outline the different chapters you exit be writing in the diss i. e. I depart be looking at (describe chapter 2) and needs to be a page long, maybe a little longer. Basically outline your argument and refer back to your question, mention problems in football why homophobia is taboo / big problem, talk about programmes (briefly) and then outline what youll be talking about in each chapter. FINALLY say at the end what you hope to conclude i. e. homophobia is a big problem, it does affect society, what can be done?I intend to seek homosexuality within the footballing world, and how, if at all, its representatives views on it affect those of societies. football game is Britains national sport, engrained into every aspect of our market-gardening, and as such players are authority models that transcend all classes, colours and creeds so why do such a minute percentage feel it is a safe environment in which to be openly homosexual? Are the individuals involved simply inherently homophobic, or are there more deep-rooted explanations?I will be looking in chapter two at masculinity and where homosexuality lies within it, focusing particularly on the theories surrounding footballs role in reproducing a hegemonic masculine environment. Over the last 20-30 years it has be recognize more fashionable to explore the varying moulds of masculinity, and I will observe footballs relationship with these d evelopments. The differences on and off the pitch are also of relevance, and can be scrutinised easily due to the massive interest in, and thus coverage of, footballing culture.Chapter three explores potential reasons behind the lack of openly homosexual professional footballers today and throughout history, primarily using player interviews and concentrating on the case of Justin Fashanu, the showtime professional British player to reveal their homosexuality to the public. I will also discuss the issue as an international problem, which is not isolated to Britain and the Premier League. Finally, an evaluation of footballers as role models in our culture at present forms the basis of chapter four how exactly do their views affect societys?ADD IN WHEN WRITTEN CHAPTER The industry has managed to overcome various other effective issues, such as racism and sexism, so what is it doing to combat homophobia? Since many efforts by the F. A. to address homophobia have been deemed superfic ial, does the F. A. stock-still consider it as serious a problem as the aforementioned problems? The Stonewall organisation in particular has completed extensive research into the issues surrounding homophobia in football, interviewing players and fans alike, and even setting up the first gay football club.How successful has this been in drawing attention to the problem so clearly predominant in the modern game, and what else can be done to encourage the changes so desperately required to come into fruition? I hope to discover through my research the extent to which homophobia runs in football, and by whom it is considered a problem. I am also intrigued to see how the public perceive the current situation, and how it alongside general footballing culture has influenced them, if at all.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Bridging the Gender Gap in Oil and Gas
1.0 IntroductionFor many another(prenominal) countries, the extractive labor plays a major role as an economic driver, creating jobs, revenue and opportunities for develop ment and harvest-feast. There ar also social, economic and environmental risks associated with these industries which affect men and women distinctly. Research by the World Bank (2009) has indicated that men overhear the most access to the attains of these industries, whilst women are more likely to suffer the consequences of the social and environmental harms associated on that pointwith. The disparate experiences of men and women in these industries significantly affect the ability of women to contribute to active growth and development in their respective economies. The g reverseer gap in the embrocate and gun for hire industry exists in two develop forms, the first being the top-end employment discrimination where there is a lack of effeminates at the higher end of the employment spectrum seeing ve ry low numbers of female engineers, and science and technology employees (European flush, 2009). On the angiotensin-converting enzyme hand this problem is a reflection of the imbalance of opportunities for adequate knowledge, and on the other is what is referred to as the draughty pipeline conundrum which describes the phenomenon of disproportionate numbers of women going away these professions in each consecutive career horizontal surface in this industry. The second form of the grammatical sexual activity gap is the very low numbers of female employees at the bottom end of the employment spectrum, that which requires lower education standards, but which may be more physically intensive. The World Bank reports (2009) that in most companies there is a female workforce of less than 10%, as these types of jobs are generally considered to be a mans job. This is so because of the intact physicality required in these work environments and the exposure to chemicals which presents a problem for female employees that are pregnant, intend more time away from work and the inability to work if pregnant. This seek will consider the globe of the gender gap, the justifications because, the effects of the gap and recommendations for closing this gap in the industry in wrong of ensuring that the opportunities for growth and development, both economic and social are equally accessible in modern oil and blow out industry.1.1 Background to Research 1.2 Significance of Research 1.3 Research Question & Research Objectives1.3.1 Research QuestionWhat is the extent of the gender gap in the oil and gas industry?1.3.2 Research ObjectivesTo determine the causes of the gender gap in the oil and gas industry. To determine the effect of the gender gap in the industry. To determine a heavyset set of recommendations for companies in the industry, as healthful as regulatory authorities in order to remainder this gap moving towards equal employment opportunities in this indust ry.1.4 Proposed Structure 2.0 MethodologyThe question is primarily a conceptual research dissertation that focuses on an extensive conceptualization, contextualization, evaluation, and summary of the key issues relating to Corporate Social responsibility in the oil and gas industry. A conceptual research employs an analytical framework that is based on a set of broad theories and ideas that help the researcher to identify accurately the problem(s) they seek to address, frame their research questions appropriately, and locate appropriate literature on the research subject (Smyth, 2004 168). In using the conceptual research method, this research combines theoretical and analytical aspects in order to achieve its aims and objectives and provide pertinent answers to the research objectives. In light of the fact that conceptual research requires access to an extensive pool of resources, there is a large reliance on diverse sources of subaltern materials for analysis. In this regard, some of the sources of secondary data for the research and analysis include electronic databases such as Questia, Jstor, Emerald Insight, and Google Scholar. Of specific interest are journals that focus on gender issues in extractive industries in general as these are analogous with the oil and gas sector, but oddly those that are based on the study and evolution of the gender gap in oil and gas companies, focusing on developing nations and the Gulf countries, as these represent compounded historical gender issues.2.1 qualitative Research 2.2 Content Analysis 2.3 Data Collection 2.4 Reliability and Validity of Research 2.5 Research Limitations 3.0 literary works Review 3.1 The gender Gap in Developing versus Developed Countries3.1.1 Differences in Socio-economic problems3.1.2 The relevance of education in enforcing this gender gapIf one considers the vast differences in education priority placed in Gulf countries by comparison to African oil-economies such as Nigeria, one can se e a very different picture of the relevance of education. On the one hand, Gulf countries are more likely to actively know apart against female executive employees as there is a larger pool of adequately qualified female candidates, where in developing countries there are fewer qualified candidates, because of the lack of priority given to education and particularly education of females.3.1.3 The difference in the nature of the Gender Gap in different socio-economic conditions3.2 ethnical Sensitivities and PragmatismIn certain regions of oil and gas exploration, companies base their hiring discrimination on cultural sensitivities where there is a concern for hiring women in higher-paying jobs would cause a backlash against women by their male colleagues (Musvoto, 2001). This has resulted in communities with soar up unemployment rates of up to 87% of women, despite the female demographic representing over half the local population. oddly in developing countries, there is a trend t owards rural-urban migration of the working population which often sees the breadwinner of a family leaving to work in an urban environment which perpetuates this gender gap by enforcing the role of the female as a caregiver rather than a breadwinner. In addition to these cultural sensitivities is a pragmatic procession taken by oil and gas companies which represents the bottom line in the sector in terms of cost implications. There is an argument to be made either way, with diversity goals becoming a secondary concern in favour of productivity and outcome. Male workers often have had greater educational opportunities and therefore less training and education is required, as well as less concern for factors of work-life balance. In the real economic climate, cost effective labour solutions are being of elementary wideness, particularly considering the growing importance of labour standards and quality of work environments which also present greater cost implications. On the othe r hand, studies have shown that in employment that is non-physical in nature women perform more productively and effectively, coupled with the barrier to common soldier sector growth and development that employment discrimination breeds, increased female representation in the oil and gas sector may prove to be a more economical labour practice. alas however, despite evidence of long-term benefits of gender equality in the sector, companies choose short-term benefits which perpetuate and go for this gender gap.3.2.1 The broader socio-economic effect of the culturally enforced gender gapA theoretical expose on the broader socio-economic effects of the gender gap, e.g. continued lower education levels of women, perpetuated poverty for single parent households, lack of diversity in the workplace.3.2.2 The benefit of a diverse workplace3.2.3 sum upd Issues with Work-Life Balance based on Gender3.3 Leaky Pipeline Anomaly and development of form _or_ system of government to Mitigate the Gender GapThere are a number of potential explanations for this anomalous situation of women in high end oil and gas jobs, one of which is the role of women in many societies as the primary caregiver of their families (joined Nations, 2008). Therefore, as women progress through their careers there is a likelihood of their care responsibilities, as well as job responsibilities increasing proportionately and simultaneously, and as a result they are less competent to meet the demands of higher level employment. Whilst certain industry competitors have been recorded as saying that they campaign to incorporate individual career plans that take account of these increasingly personal responsibilities of employees (Al Tukmachy, 2012), the reality is a labyrinth of professional obstacles described as the glass ceiling metaphor where female progression in the industry is limited due to concerns of increased need for consideration of factors of the work-life balance that are less presen t in their male counterparts (European Commission, 2009). As a result, women are often worked out of these executive and management positions, because companies offer limited policies that do not consider individual career and family outcomes (European Commission, 2009).3.3.1 Current Changes in Policy Direction to Increase Diversity and Retention of Female Staff A corporate perspective 3.3.2 International Instruments Mandating Diversity in Oil and Gas MNEs4.0 Discussion 4.1 Analysis of the Gender Gap by Region 4.2 Analysis of the Gender Gap by Employment Level4.2.1 Executive 4.2.2 Managerial 4.2.3 Non-managerial 4.2.4 Labour 4.2.5 Discussion 4.3 Current Examples of Corporate Policy for Non-Discriminatory Work Practices 4.3.1 Strengths 4.3.2 Weakness 4.4 Current Examples of Employment Schemes aimed at Female Inclusion in the Workplace 4.4.1 Strengths 4.4.2 Weaknesses5.0 resultantThe gender gap in the oil and gas sector is very current and topical literary argument as gender equal ity in the workplace is becoming a diversity goal close to the world. Careful understanding of the causes and effects thereof are imperative for the management of these companies and the greater macro-economic goals of development and growth. This research therefore aims to contribute to the current understanding of these goals in order to further the studies and make concrete recommendations in order to close this gap and further growth and development in the sector.5.1 Recommendations 5.2 Conclusion ReferencesAl Munajjed, M. (2008) Womens Employment in Saudi Arabia A Major Challenge, Ideation Center Insight Booz & Co Al Tukmachy, S. (2012) oppugn with Saba Al Tukmachy, Career Development Manager at ENOC Leaders of the Future Summit Bridging the gap in oil and gas, 1 12 April 2012, Abu Dhabi UAE Eftimie, A., Heller, K. & Strongman, J. (2009) Gender Dimensions of the Extractive Industries. The World Bank Extractive Industries and Development Series European Commission (2009) Wome n in science and technology Creating sustainable careers. EUR 23740 EN Musvoto, A. (2001) Gender and Mining Community. Birnam Park African make up of Corporate Citizenship Smyth, R. (2004) Exploring the usefulness of a conceptual framework as a research tool A researchers reflection, Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 167-180. United Nations (2008) Equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men. United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women. Expert Group Meeting, Geneva, 6-9 October, 2008
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Rfid at the Metro Group Essay
The commercialize is mature and continually seeks innovative ideas to enhance competitive advantage -Highly capital intensive -Low to moderate get the picture intensiveness -Low margin high gear stack they take advantage of economies of scurf -Characterized by high volume holding capacity controlled through Information Technology Company Facts underground Group was Germanys biggest retail merchant (250 stores, 10 warehouses, 100 suppliers) that operates globally in 6 divisions Metro Cash & Carry (wholesale), Retail (hypermarkets), peculiar(a) (supermarkets), Media Market and Saturn (consumer electronics), Praktiker (building materials), Galeria Kaufhof (department stores) -Metro Group (hereafter, Metro) is the worlds 3rd-largest retailer -Having the capacity to carry large volumes of inventory and nominate it adequately controlled and managed by cost efficient Information Technology resources Increased company international expansion overseas -Metro is seeking to improve product accessibility Having products consumers want in locations consumers target find them intimately oReducing shrink in the Supply chain oHaving little to no Out of Stock occurrences -Launched the Future fund Initiative in September 2002 to test different initiative aimed at improving all aspects of the guest experience Competitive Environment -Porters Five Forces o Supplier Power- Relatively low products can be procured from many different places at low price.Products have low differentiation oSubstitutes- High affright with established companies such as Walmart, Tesco, and Carrefour in the same industry. Buyer Power- Moderate level of vendee power. Customers are sensitive to prices, brand names and are willing to investigate substitutes oBarriers to Entry- Relatively high- Metro is alternatively large and established as well as some of its competitors. Need lots of capital, innovative picture chain management strategy will be need to be able to compete. oRivalry- Moder ate to high level of rivalry between the competition. Companies are investigating new way to improve product availableness and cut costs Strategic Fit or Alignment -Metros supplier have not been implementing RFID as Metro would like i. e.Misplaced, low quality tags are a major issue -Metros IT subsidiary has aided in improving fit across the 6 independent sale divisions -There is a lack of fit between employees training and the mission of management to implement the RFID -Lack of alignment existent deep down Metros leadership as to whether or not RFID should be applied company-wide as the reply for Metros go forth chain issues -Hard Conclusions Metro should develop an even more strategic kindred with its suppliers so that they are cognizant of how to implement RFID and that they maintain a certain level of quality Metro should also train its employees on how to apply RFID within their tasksMetros highest management should continue to expend RFID but should also seek to improve its supply chain in the areas suggested by opponents of RFID RFID Facts -RFID contains at least two parts oIntegrated circuit- storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio frequency and other specialized functions oAntenna- receiving and transmitting the presage Used in enterprise supply chain management to improve the efficiency of inventory track and management -Limited growth and adoption in enterprise supply chain markets due to advanced technology needed to implement it Metros Competitive Strategy -Metro is a leader in supply chain innovation through the use of the RFID system.Metro does not want to sacrifice quality over costs for RFID which oReduces shrink because of great accuracy in inventory location oImproves on-shelf availability and reduces substitute purchases oReduces out-of-stocks by reducing poor store execution oImproves productivity and labor efficiencies by eliminating manual entries and barcode scanning -Strengths (Metro) oMore econ omies of scale oGlobal recognition and success Moving in a positive direction with innovative technologies.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Nuclear Iran Essay
IRAN HAS THE RIGHT TO better URANIUMThe Persian thermo thermo thermo thermonuclear plan was initiated decades ago but for some years it has been attracting controversy and take on inter topic forums. This research essay provide be touching both sides of the controversy and beg off how the whole affair has evolved over time. Nations critical of either nuclear development in Iran regard it as a threat to peace and stability in the mankind. However Iran maintains a different but high-principled stance on this issue. On the basis of the unite Nations Charter of 1945, Iran considers it as its right as a sovereign evince to pursue its desire of enriching atomic number 92 and certainly does non consider itself liable to prove authorization of its actions from any otherwise aver or organization. With these words to support the claim of this essay, the Islamic majority draw rein of Iran is fully sovereign in its decision to enrich uranium and obtain nuclear engineering sci ence.History of Iranian efforts for achieving uranium-enrichment and nuclear engine room goes back five decades, when the Shah of Iran Raza Shah Pahlavi came into index number during the 1950s. The King of Iran thought that as fossil oil militia were eventu bothy going to run out so the need for an alternative source of fuel was assertive for the future. A civil nuclear cooperation deal was signed with the United States of America (USA) under the name of Atoms for tranquillity program. This led to the establishment of the Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) in 1967, run by the nuclear goose egg agreement of Iran. The following few years saw the golden period of international relations of Iran with the western world. Trade agreements were signed and many European countries showed a lot of interest in the development of its nuclear technology. The US response to the whole speckle was over-whelming and other real countries followed suit. The first nuclear nuclear reactor wa s set up at Bushehr and nuclear fuel was provided along with the necessary equipment to help Iran start its nuclear research. Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968 and was thus subject to verifications from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).Political scene changed abruptly and Iran went through the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The government of Raza Shah was overthrown and AyatollahKhomeini became the ghostly leader of newly found Islamic Republic. The favourite of the western world, Raza Shah was no more in power and that left the western world with no interest in Iran. The anti-US sentiment in Iran grew to an immeasurable finish that US-Iran ties were severed at all levels. US backed out of the nuclear cooperation deal with Iran and many countries including France and Germany followed the US. in all deals and ties with other European countries also came to a halt. All agreements remained unfulfilled as many countries, including the US, that h ad received payments in exchange for nuclear fuel and technology cooperation refused to pay back. Iran felt that it was creation cheated as it had to virtually feature all its efforts for enriching uranium. The unreliability in international agreements with the western powers got exposed and Iranian government decided to hold out the coun returns nuclear development program with help from countries other than the West and continued to do so till date despite imposition of sanctions and embargoes by the West.The first and foremost claim in support of the Iranian pursuit of nuclear development is the right of every sovereign nation to rule itself and undertake any developmental programs it considers best for itself, under its own jurisdiction, as said in the UN Charter. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members. Charter of the United Nations Art. 2(1) The above clearly underlines the peremptory right of every sovereign state under the capacity of international law, to manage its affairs the office it seems appropriate. And further stressing on it, the UN Charter clearly mentions in Article 2 (7) that no other state or international agency leave alone be authorized to intervene in matters of domestic jurisdiction of any other state and goes on to say that no state will be allowed to make such matters to the UN under the present Charter. Thus it clearly shows that Iran is doing nonhing wrong or for the fact, nothing objectionable. What Iran is severe to achieve is nothing less of what the club of developed nations has already achieved and today stand proud of their achievements on the world stage.The main objective of Iran for enriching uranium is to generate electricity and depend less on its oil reserves. Iran started the project of developingnuclear technology to meet its growing demands of energy through reliance on cleaner, more efficient sources of energy. Iran has maintained this position on all inter national forums. United States of America contest that Iran has vast reserves of oil and gas and does not need nuclear technology for power generation. An enkindle thing to note is that Russia and Britain, both exporters of oil and gas, are generating power from nuclear technology. States like Bulgaria can sop up a nuclear power plant but Irans nuclear plant harbours so practically controversy. Israel refuses to disclose how many nuclear weapons it has but wholeness thing is confirmed that Israel became a nuclear state with the help of the United States and continues to avoid the signing of NPT. Pakistan, India, sexual union Korea, Israel, United Kingdom, Russia and the United States all possess nuclear weapons and use nuclear technology for power production. If they being sovereign states can develop nuclear technology why does Iran have to be an exception?As seen in the above paragraphs, Irans pursuit of nuclear technology is its right and as per law the question of allowing Iran to enrich uranium or not does not stand credible. However politics follow a different pattern. The country to initiate the nuclear program and development of research in Iran took a three-sixty degree turn after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. United States of America, after its singular use of nuclear bombs, has had a great influence over the world alliance after the Second World War that completely changed the world dynamics. This also influenced the Iran-Iraq strugglefare that started in 1980 and lasted 8 years. Iran was attacked by Iraqi soldiers aircraft and missiles, initiating the war, which destroyed Irans nuclear reactors in Bushehr. Iranian military was not that well equipped and Irans pleas for a diplomatic solution to this war fell on deaf ears of the western world and the United Nations. The West openly supported the Iraqi regime throughout the war and supplied it with the latest weapons. Iran fought for eight long years and learned that the West could not be relied upon. And in late years in that location exists a threat from Israel and so does from the US, both of which continue to apply pressure, directly or indirectly, on Iran to forego its pursuit of nuclear technology. The US invasion of Iraq on the pretext of finding and destroying weapons of flock destruction was baseless. This made Iran feel exposed to the world community and it remainscommitted to go up with enriching uranium and acquiring nuclear technology. If it achieves this, a nuclear Iran will be enough to deter any foreign attack.An interesting example is that of India. India became a nuclear state in 1974 and since then has declined to become a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The NPT prohibits its signatory states from making a deal on nuclear technology with any other state that refuses to comply with the terms of the NPT. However the world saw a arguable resolution passed by the US Congress when it approved US-India Civilian Nuclear deal. The dea l was signed by both the governments and any objections voiced by the world community were unheeded. Iran fulfilling all international obligations in meekness with the IAEA and the NPT has yet to face all kinds of hurdles in the form of sanctions and trade embargoes as it continues to proceed with its nuclear program and uranium enrichment.The example of North Korea shows the devil- face up attitude of the developed countries of the world. North Korea claims to have nuclear weapons and maintains a hostile attitude towards South Korea. It is a signatory of the NPT and thus under inspections of the IAEA, however it has developed nuclear technology to the extent that it can produce nuclear weapons as well. US and other world powers have dealt with the whole situation diplomatically and even come up with a deal for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Contradictory to this, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously against Iran that it should outright suspend all i ts nuclear programs. If it does that then the world powers agree to hold talks with the Iranian government. This raises the question that on what causal agency exactly the western world wants Iran to leave its nuclear program of enriching uranium.Iran might have many reasons to go ahead with its nuclear program however in that location is another side to the Iranian Nuclear Program. Critics of Irans nuclear program defend the stance of the United Nations Security Council that Iran should curb its nuclear program and immediately stop the enrichment of uranium. They vehemently oppose the prospect of a nuclear Iran in the future and consider such a development as a serious threat to worldpeace and instability in the gulf role. They base their arguments on three main issues that include risks of nuclear proliferation, the start of an weapons system backwash in the domain and lastly the increase in hostilities in the Gulf region eventually jumper cable to global tensions.It is tru e that if Iran goes ahead with its nuclear program and is able to enrich uranium for its nuclear purposes there will be a risk of nuclear proliferation. However such risks are inherent in case of all nuclear states and that is one of the reasons that the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty was accorded and signed to curb such leaks. Iran is already a signatory of the NPT and has been under the inspection of IAEA for several years. The inspections under taken by the IAEA clearly show that Iran has been complying with the terms of the NPT and IAEA. It has enriched uranium up to the permissible levels and has not yet been found of proliferation of any nuclear technology to any other state. The Iranian government has stressed time and again on its peaceful intentions regarding uranium enrichment and nuclear prospects. As per international laws the measures adopted by Iran suffice and it should be allowed to enrich uranium and keep going with its nuclear program.Those critical of Irans nuclear program feel there is a threat of an impending arms race in the region if Iran gets nuclear technology. What they claim is probably right and this might be one of the initial responses if Iran continues its nuclear program. As more and more resources will be spent on military budgets and on the development of nuclear weapons, this will have a negative effect on the suppuration of those nations. This will also cause a decrease in expenditures for the public welfare, insufficient spending on development of infrastructure and even an increase in environmental degradation. However it should also be say that Iran is not the first country to have or close to having nuclear technology in the region. Israel already has nuclear technology and Irans pursuit of nuclear technology is not a recent phenomenon. It has been there for years now and so has been the arms race in the region. Iran wants to develop this technology for peaceful uses as its leadership has said on numerous occasions. The Iranian government cannot afford to allow letting billions of dollars of enthronementinto this program over five decades go waste just because other nations think that Iran should discontinue its program. On another dimension Irans aim of enriching uranium seems the best step forward as it will shift some military power from the hands of just one player in the region that is Israel.Another argument, in addition to proliferation, going against Irans nuclear program is the escalation of hostilities in the region. The antagonistic kind of Iran and Israel will get even worse if Iran continues with its nuclear program and this will put the whole region at risk as both countries will be nuclear powers. The official stance taken by both these nations with respect to the other speaks for itself. Iranian government refuses to acknowledge Israel as a received state and has intent in eliminating Israel from the world map. Israel on the other hand talks of using press against Iran if it doe s not discontinue its nuclear program. Such tensions will require only an excuse to start war and if that is a nuclear war the consequences will be destructive. However it should also be noted that with go on nuclear technology Iran would be at the same level as others and the looming threats of attack from the US and Israel will diffuse. Both will be well aware of the consequences of any such attack and will try to avoid it all costs. The world has seen the effects of two nuclear bombs and no nation will assume to take such a step in haste. The example of Pakistan and India can be considered in this regard. The two countries have fought three wars and many incidents have taken place when war had become imminent. However, after they became nuclear powers, both states have been responsible in this regard and the respective nuclear weapons have acted as a deterrent. Similar is the case with Iran the possession of nuclear technology will bring it at an equal pick with Israel and tha t will compel both to treat each other responsibly, something not observed nowadays in world politics.Considering all the arguments given in this essay one thing is certain that Iran has the right to go ahead with its nuclear program and that choice remains with the Iranian government or the people of Iran only. The risks snarly in developing nuclear technology can be minimized but noteliminated. Iran being a responsible state has complied and continues to abide by the terms and conditions of the NPT and the rules of the IAEA. A country like Iran that has faced so many sanctions and embargoes through the years and, however, still continues to go ahead with the plan of enriching uranium should be taken seriously. No amount of pressure is going to affect it. This is something that other countries might not be willing to accept but the fact remains that Iran is pushing itself through this. Considering the regional and the global situation Iran should be allowed to enrich uranium for t he purpose of fulfilling the nations needs, be it energy requirements or national security compulsions.LIST OF WORKS CITEDBBC intelligence activity Q&A Iran Nuclear Issue. BBC Homepage. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. .Charter of the United Nations Chapter I Purposes and Principles. Welcome to the United Nations Its Your World. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. .Wright, By Robert. Listen to the Iranian People Opinion Opinionator communicate Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .Irans Nuclear Program The New York Times. The New York Times Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .Bruno, By Greg. Irans Nuclear Program. Council on Foreign Relations. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .Nuclear Weapons Iran. safe Security Information. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. .The Iran Nuclear Issue. Intelligent Essays. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. .Perceived Nuclear Threat from Iran Essay cover Unlimited. Web. 1 Dec. 2010. .Web. 1 Dec. 2010. .
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter One
Elena stepped into the clearing.Beneath her feet tatters of autumn leaves were freezing into the slush. declivity had fallen, and although the storm was dying out the woods were pointting colder. Elena didnt feel the cold.Neither did she capitulum the threatening. Her pupils opened wide, gathering up tiny particles of light that would have been invisible to a human. She could see the two figures struggling below the great oak tree quite clearly.One had thick dark hair, which the wind had churned into a tumbled ocean of waves. He was slightly taller than the former(a), and although Elena couldnt see his acquaint she somehow knew his eyes were atomic number 19.The separate had a shock of dark hair as intimately, unless his was fine and straight, almost interchangeable the pelt of an fleshly. His flanges were drawn spikelet from his teeth in fury, and the lounging grace of his body was gathered into a predators crouch. His eyes were black.Elena watched them for several minutes without moving. Shed forgotten wherefore she had come here, why shed been pulled here by the echoes of their battle in her mind. This close the clamor of their anger and crime and pain was almost deafening, give care silent shouts coming from the fighters. They were locked in a death match.I admiration which of them will win, she thought. They were both wounded and bleeding, and the taller ones left arm hung at an unnatural angle. Still, he had just slammed the other against the gnarled trunk of an oak tree. His fury was so strong that Elena could feel and taste it as well as hear it, and she knew it was giving him impossible strength.And then Elena remembered why she had come. How could she have forgotten? He was hurt. His mind had summoned her here, battering her with shock waves of rage and pain. She had come to help him because she belonged to him.The two figures were down on the frosty demesne now, righting like wolves, cracking. Swiftly and silently Elena went t o them. The one with the wavy hair and green eyes- Stefan, a voice in her mind whispered-was on top, fingers scrabbling at the others throat. Anger washed through Elena, anger and protectiveness. She reached between the two of them to ginger snap that choking hand, to pry the fingers up.It didnt occur to her that she shouldnt be strong enough to do this. She was strong enough that was all. She threw her exercising weight to the side, wrenching her captive away from his opponent. For good measure, she bore down hard on his wounded arm, whang him flat on his salute in the leaf-strewn slush. Then she began to choke him from behind.Her attack had taken him by surprise, simply he was far from beaten. He struck impale at her, his good hand fumbling for her throat. His riffle dug into her windpipe.Her attack had taken him by surprise, but he was far from beaten. He struck back at her, his good hand fumbling for her throat. His thumb dug into her windpipe.But he was stronger than she was. With a tweet of his shoulders, he broke her hold on him and twisted in her grasp, flinging her down. And then he was above her, his face contorted with animal fury. She hissed at him and went for his eyes with her nails, but he knocked her hand away.He was going to buck her. Even wounded, he was by far the stronger. His lips had drawn back to show teeth already varnished with scarlet. Like a cobra, he was ready to strike.Then he stopped, hovering over her, his face changing.Elena saw the green eyes widen. The pupils, which had been contracted to vicious dots, sprang open. He was staring down at her as if truly perceive her for the first time.Why was he looking at her that way? Why didnt he just get it over with? But now the iron hand on her shoulder was releasing her. The animal snarl had disappeared, replaced by a look of bewilderment and wonder. He sat back, helping her to sit up, all the dapple gazing into her face.Elena, he whispered. His voice was cracked. Elena, its you.Is that who I am? she thought. Elena? It didnt really matter. She cast a glance toward the old oak tree. He was still there, standing between the upthrust roots, panting, supporting himself against it with one hand. He was looking at her with his endlessly black eyes, his brows drawn together in a frown.Dont worry, she thought. I can take cautiousness of this one. Hes stupid. Then she flung herself on the green-eyed one again.Elena he cried as she knocked him backward. His good hand pushed at her shoulder, retentiveness her up. Elena, its me, Stefan Elena, look at meShe was looking. All she could see was the exposed patch of skin at his neck. She hissed again, upper lip drawing back, showing him her teeth.He froze.She felt the shock reverberate through his body, saw his gaze shatter. His face went as white as if someone had struck him a blow in the stomach. He shake his head slightly on the muddy ground.No, he whispered. Oh, noHe seemed to be saying it to himself, as if he did nt expect her to hear him. He reached a hand toward her cheek, and she snapped at it.Oh, Elena he whispered.The last traces of fury, of animal bloodlust, had disappeared from his face. His eyes were dazed and stricken and grieving.The last traces of fury, of animal bloodlust, had disappeared from his face. His eyes were dazed and stricken and grieving.He stared at her a moment, the pain in his eyes reaching a peak, and then he simply gave up. He stopped fighting completely.She could feel it happen, feel the resistance leave his body. He lay on the icy ground with scraps of oak leaves in his hair, staring up past her at the black and foggy sky.Finish it, his weary voice give tongue to in her mind.Elena hesitated for an instant. There was something about those eyes that called up memories inwardly her. Standing in the moonlight, sitting in an attic room But the memories were too vague. She couldnt get a grasp on them, and the effort made her dizzy and sick.And this one had to die, this green-eyed one called Stefan. Because hed hurt him, the other one, the one Elena had been born to be with. No one could hurt him and live.She clamped her teeth into his throat and bit deep.She complete at once that she wasnt doing it quite right. She hadnt hit an artery or vein. She worried at the throat, angry at her own inexperience. It felt good to bite something, but not much blood was coming. Frustrated, she lifted up and bit again, face his body jerk in pain.Much better. Shed anchor a vein this time, but she hadnt torn it deeply enough. A little scratch like that wouldnt do. What she needed was to rip it right across, to let the rich hot blood stream out.Her victim shuddered as she worked to do this, teeth raking and gnawing. She was just feeling the flesh give way when hands pulled at her, lifting her from behind.Elena snarled without letting go of the throat. The hands were flagrant though. An arm looped about her waist, fingers twined in her hair. She fought, clingi ng with teeth and nails to her prey.Let go of him. Leave himThe voice was sharp and commanding, like a blast from a cold wind. Elena recognized it and stopped struggling with the hands that pulled her away. As they deposited her on the ground and she looked up to see him, a name came into her mind. Damon. His name was Damon. She stared at him sulkily, resentful of being yanked away from her kill, but obedient.Stefan was sitting up, his neck red with blood. It was running onto his shirt. Elena licked her lips, feeling a throb like a hunger pang that seemed to come from every fiber of her being. She was dizzy again.I thought, Damon said aloud, that you said she was dead. He was looking at Stefan, who was even paler than before, if that was possible.That white face filled with infinite hopelessness.Look at her was all he said.A hand cupped Elenas chin, tilting her face up. She met Damons narrowed dark eyes directly. Then long, gauzy fingers touched her lips, probing between them. Inst inctively Elena tried to bite, but not very hard. Damons finger found the sharp curve of a canine tooth, and Elena did bite now, giving it a nip like a kittens.Damons face was expressionless, his eyes hard.Do you know where you are? he said.Elena glanced around. Trees. In the woods, she said craftily, looking back at him.And who is that?She followed his pointing finger. Stefan, she said indifferently. Your brother. And who am I? Do you know who I am? She smiled up at him, showing him her pointed teeth. Of course I do. Youre Damon, and I love you.
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