Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Molly Spotted Elk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
mollie un purge Elk - Research composing ExampleIt is therefore believed that mollie Spotted Elks life was a trail of snap or a life of sadness and pain. Childhood mollie Spotted Elk was always believed as a remarkable person in any light3 just like what a former director of the Penobscot Nation Museum thought of her. Moreover, the same director thought of her life as integrity of the most amazing unknown lives of any modern American woman,4 despite the fact that she essential sacrifice lived a sad life made up of several challenges. The struggle of molly Spotted Elk must have begun early in childhood. Molly was born on Indian Island, Maine on November 17, 1903 as Mary Alice. Her m another(prenominal), Philomena Solis Nelson, was a Maliseet Indian and one of the most prominent basket makers of her day. On the other hand, her father, Horace Nelson, was then a future governor of the Penobscot Nation, and was the first member of that Indian nation to go to Dartmouth College. More over, Mollys grandfather had once been a chief of the Maliseet tribe in Canada5. As a child, Molly was different from her seven younger brothers and sisters for she took a great interest in learning traditional dances when she was merely 13 years old. She did this in order to financially support her family6. It could have therefore been that at this time, Molly must suffered greatly from having to work for her family at such a young age. Moreover, Mollys despicable was to a fault evident when she scrubbed floors at night in order to be able to orbit anthropology during the day. She did this after entering the University of Pennsylvania without having enough money to pay for her tuition7. Moreover, she struggled to make both ends meet for her and for her family as well because she even had to send money to her family from her scrubbing work aside from having to pay for her tuition fee. In fact, Molly was hungry and she needed to perform to survive8 just like all Penobscot people, who themselves had to work hard and struggle. This must have been difficult for Molly herself considering the fact that she was not only a working student but also that she was a Native American Indian. Career as a Dancer When Molly was a dancer for the vaudeville troupe of the famous rodeo named Tex, she was a dancing sensation everywhere she went. However, although she was, as her family remembered, a smart and completely free spirit9, Molly danced even topless10. This must have been exciting even for her but it does not change the fact that a woman who dances topless does not care ofttimes about her image and reputation. Molly must have therefore suffered much at this point in her life. Career as an Actress In 1928, Molly Spotted Elks friendship with a Hollywood producer made her star in The Silent Enemy, one of Paramount Pictures last silent movies. Molly played the role of Neewa, the daughter of the tribal chief. In the movie, she was among the Ojibwa Indians who struggled a gainst hunger, which was the silent enemy of the Indian people out front the coming of the white man. The problem was that Molly had to endure the harshness and cold of the Canadian weather in the process. To make matters worse, the movie was not a success at all11. Life in Europe later on the failure of The Silent Enemy, Molly went to Europe briefly to dance in front of the Old homo Royalty, which included
Monday, April 29, 2019
Play And Childrens Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Play And Childrens Development - Research Paper ExampleIn a study that deliberate the rate of video game playing by students compared to their academic performance, video gaming or motionless voice gaming was found to have negative effects on the cognitive ability of students. The study describe decreasing interest in academic work due to its strong addictive nature that ties the students sound judgement to such video gaming. According to this study, teachers and policy makers in education have constantly voiced their concerns regarding the pernicious effects of video peaceful gaming and TV notice. The study found that video gaming was negatively correlated to academic performance among college students, with the variation being much higher in male students compared to females. This whitethorn be explained by the time displacement hypothesis where media consumption takes a elan most of time that would be used in the intellectually challenging academic activities. Shelving suc h intellectual challenging activities thus leads to put down cognitive developing among such constant passive game players, resulting to lowered cognitive development. Thus as Kantor (259) asserts, physical or active play would lead to improvement in cognitive development due to the mental activities and body systems obscure, all which work to improve healthy development of an individual. Russel and Newton (295) relate passive gaming to the acute increase in obesity cases among teenagers today. According to this study, electric shaver obesity increases due to leave out of enough time for physical activities, and increase in passive gaming and watching screen content.TV watching and passive gaming are rapidly displacing children physical activities with more teenagers showing increased preference to passive gaming over physical activities. The... The self-efficacy of children becomes critical in social development. Increasing children efficacy can be enhanced through increased s elf-confidence, which is attained when children learn to do things alone. Independence can be demonstrable by ensuring children plan their own games and are supported and not guided in such ambiguous games, which improve a childs efficacy. Structured games will, therefore, reduce the learning process in a child compared to unstructured games, which reduces their self-efficacy, and limits their social development. Some of the plays that children can use freely to express themselves and enhance development are drawing, collages, using paper mache and block games where children arrange blocks to form different patterns. Playing is not still beneficial in developing physical health and abilities but has a great impact on social and psychological attributes in children. To ensure the benefits of physical play among children for both psychological and physical health, child play should not be directed. Allowing children to design their games and construct meanings from such games leads to creativity and self-drive, which is critical in ensuring cognitive development in children. Therefore, active play in children has to be encouraged and facilitated in any way possible to avoid health complications in obesity and other negative behaviors related to passive gaming. such an approach in a childs play promotes major psychological, social and physical benefits involved in physical gaming.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Race and Your Community Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Race and Your Community - Personal Statement ExampleAdmittedly, my community, that is Dallas, is nonorious for the existence of racialism. It seems that the issue of racism is much higher in this city because of the special nature of the demography here. In this argona, all the racial groups are intimately equal in size. According to the 2000 statistics, Hispanics are the largest group which constitutes nearly 35.55 % of the population followed by 34.56 percent colours. The presence of blacks is estimated at nearly 25.65%. Asians and other races are the minority, which together contribute less than 5% of the total population. Evidently, this mix of population has a specific role in amplifying racial issues. Due to the almost equal proportion of various groups, both politicians and media are eager to utilize racism as a tool for campaign and publicity. In fact, my neighborhood too is a mix of a variety of races, and the variation is visible in the look of people too. There are peo ple who are black in complexion, some who are rather br declare in complexion, and on that point are whites. The fact is that my society is more(prenominal) mixed than many other cities in the US. The difference is visible in communication too. For example the Hispanics, the Whites, and the Asians are easily distinguished for the way they use language. I have come to know that people akin the Asians who first reach the place face serious problems communicating, and this situation leads to poor access to vital mixer services like medicine and other governmental grants. Admittedly, the leading within my community are highly aware about the situation, and often, it seems as if they intentionally try to use the matter for easy public attention. though most people and leaders try to avoid hurting other people by avoiding racial comments, some just make the comments publically. An example is the recent avouchment made by a Dallas County commissioner to an lawyer that All of you are white. You can go to hell (Piggy, 2011). The commissioner claims that he got angry because he found the statement of the attorney racial in nature. Though there are allegements of racism every now and then, from my observation, it seems that the leaders try to avoid any racial discrimination in their dealings. And most of the time, the term racism does not arise in public offices and services. However, when there are issues involving people from two different races, the first allegation is racial profiling or racial discrimination. When a black child is punished by a white teacher, the situation is often given the color of racism. Similarly, when a black youth is arrested for drug or looting, the media shows the tendency to present the situation in the light of racism. The frequently made claim by the media is that, or what they try to make people believe is that, blacks are antisocial creatures who live on violence, theft and drugs. some other area where racism is highly visible i s peer groups. Admittedly, the youth prefer to remain within groups of their own race. Within such groups, often comments of racial content take birth, and most of the time, it seems that such groups are screw racial attacks and abuses. I feel that the youth, if alone, will not resort to such activities of racism. As White and Perrone (2001) pull down out, it is the collective identity and the feeling of security within the group that makes them engage in such high-flown activities of racism. Though it is not always so, there are many whites who prefer to remain within white groups and blacks who prefer to be with blacks, and the main reason behind this situation is not hatred, but fear of getting maltreated by the other that is injected by the society and the media. Thus, though the administration cries no racism, there is racism in the air, and everything in the society is first analyzed in the light of racism. A catalyst of racism, as already said, is media. It seems to me th at media is bent on crating stereotypes and formulas in the social relations. As Rickford (2011) states, while
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Unwritten Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Unwritten opus - leaven ExamplePaines definition of constitution is ground upon 4 premises1.the constitution precedes and establishes the system of giving medication activity2.the people are the superior authority3.the constitution binds the Legislature and the Judiciary4.it is entrenched, designed to limit the powers of the Executive, and force out only be changed by special procedures.Wheare, (1966), defines a constitution asThe whole system of government of a country, the collection of rules which establish and regulate or govern the government. The Select Committee on the Constitution appointed in 2001 uses the following working definitionThe set of laws, rules and practices that create the basic institutions of the state, and its component and tie in parts, and stipulate the powers of those institutions and the relationship between the different institutions and between those institutions and the individual. In most constitutions a concentration of powers is avoided by k eeping the legislature, executive and judicial powers separate. This ensures that certain rights of the citizen are beyond the reach of the organs of government and are entrenched by requiring a special legislative procedure if they are to be amended. However, commentators in the UK privilege a wider definition. ... Further as Bradley & Ewing point outIn practice, a written constitution does non contain all the detailed rules upon which a government depends.6 The jurist and legal historian, Lord Hailsham believes that a written constitution is not necessary pointing out that The essential ingredientsare a strong executive based on an omnicompetent and elective legislatureregular electionspowerful and independent oppositionand limitedby convention and precedentand regulated more by checks and balances deriving from political constraints and necessities than by a written legal code policed by a Supreme Court.7It is misleading to equal to the British Constitution as unwritten from t he Magna Carta to the Local Government Acts most of our constitutional law is contained somewhere in the growing volumes of written Acts of Parliament.8 Hailsham sees no particular reason for a codified constitution since he argues thatThroughout our history, our Constitution has showd flexible, sensitive and almost infinitely capable of evolutionary adaptation. 9 The tractableness of an unwritten constitution allows the people to vote out the Executive when necessary and for majority rule. Countries with written constitutions have the similar of a Constitutional Court which has a remit to amend the constitution.10It is an axiom of our constitutional law that no parliament may bind its successor.A traditional constitution, changing and evolving with the needs of a nation, may well prove more flexible and practical than the legal strait-jacket imposed by a written Constitution.11 As examples Hailsham looks at the first two articles of
Friday, April 26, 2019
Identify and discuss the major challenges that Costa Coffee will face Essay
Identify and discuss the major(ip) challenges that rib Coffee get out face in its operations in the French market and propose suitable recommendations for overcoming or mitigating the identify challenges - Essay ExampleIn spite of the success observed in the Costa Coffee gross sales in France, there argon several challenges that the Costa Coffee will face inevitably. These challenges mainly embroil the economic difficulties. The prime business challenges faced by the Costa Coffee as a alone are directly in relation with the economic recession from 2008. This is because the customers have been observed to become to a greater extent cautious with their discretionary overtakeing due to the high personal debt as well as unemployment. Further, sociable as well as cultural challenges might as well as be faced by the Costa Coffee. The cafe will have to not only sell Coffee but also arrest the ambience and surroundings of the cafe. This is because people not only come to drink coffee but also come to calm down and have a relaxed experience. The better the ambience, the more than people will spend on coffee. Another difficulty that the Costa coffee might face is the fact that people are much more aware environmentally in the recent era. The source from which the coffee beans are produced as well as the way they design their supply chain as well as arise and sell their product is of great concern by the French customers. Furthermore, the Costa Coffee is faced by great competition from other leading coffee shops within France. These include firstly star bucks as well as coffee republic and many others. This competition tends to steal the coffee customers that are live for the increase of sales for the Costa Coffee. Further, the Costa Coffee in France would also face problems in standstill with the intense price competition. Due to the high prices in Costa Coffee, it is seen to target only the upper optic class and the privileged class. Also, any alteration in the development of information technology resulting in a change in the markets would definitely pose a threat to the Costa Coffee in France. The major problems faced by the Costa Coffee can be dealt by focusing on attracting more customers. This can be done by
Environmental Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Environmental Politics - Essay Exampleltinational companies, carbon traffic and offset organizations, and globular cities that have entered this policy arena and have developed their own initiatives and approaches to addressing this global warming issue (Schroeder 2009). Thus, the contraceptive measures against the phenomenon under consideration are being developing by global community.Global warming is a widely discussed topic. There are many scientific works, which discuss the phenomenon and its consequences. Some scientists recognize the fact of global warming, while a great part considers the issue to be a myth. The change of climate on the planet is evident, solely the question is if it can be called global warming. Thus, the theory of global exemplification is rather controversial. According to the web research results, the phenomenon under consideration seems rather a myth than mankind and the myths about it are created by press. Mass media creates false representation of global warming. In 1990s real few experts believed in this phenomenon. Cook argues scientific skepticism is healthy. In fact, acquaintance by its very temper is skeptical. Genuine skepticism means considering the full body of evidence before coming to a conclusion. However, when you compact a close look at arguments expressing climate skepticism, what you often observe is cherry plectrum of pieces of evidence while rejecting any data that dont fit the desired picture. This isnt skepticism. It is ignoring facts and the science (Cook). Many countries signed Kyoto protocol in addition to Framework Convention on Climate Change, but it did not mean that the points of it were fully accepted and followed. Framework Convention on Climate Change is the intellect signed by more than 180 countries of the world including all the countries of the former USSR and all the developed countries. The enter is about the common principles of the countries activity on the issue of climate change. The Convention was accepted in 1992 and
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Assigment #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assigment 1 - Assignment ExampleIn line with this, I find the English colonists as someone who is much(prenominal) superior as compared to the American Indians. Even though the English colonists acknowledged the event that the American Indians were highly competitive in terms of their progress in economic activities lift officularly when it comes to search and agriculture, there were quite a lot of situational events wherein the English colonists were treating the American Indians badly. In most cases, the English colonists viewed the American Indians as a group of weak individuals who can be easily manipulated through the use of unearthly activities.I believe that the familiarity between the captive people and the colonists can be explained with the use of frontiers of inclusion or exclusion. Specifically the English colonists adopted the frontiers of exclusion when they settled in North America. Since frontier of exclusion path that they distance themselves from other culture and race, the English colonists never had the opportunity to become more acquainted with the American Indians (Mancall, 1995, p. 2). For this reasons, the English colonists failed to have a better understanding with regards to the strength and weaknesses of the American Indians. This gives the American Indians the benefit of not being able to become strongly manipulated by the English colonists.The same applied on the part of the American Indians. Because of the use of frontier of exclusion, the American Indians do not clearly know the real reasons wherefore the English colonists chose to colonize their country. In fact, the American Indians were not able to have the opportunity to know more about the English culture. The only thing that the American Indians know is that the English colonists were abusive to their tribe. With regards to this perception, the American Indians became more familiar with the English colonists.The benefits and liabilities behind invading another country is not always clear
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Business strategy of the footwear company Essay
Business strategy of the footwear company - Essay moralThe study will start with an insight into the companys motion. In this case the data shows the performance of individu aloney of the eight companies under the footwear industry. The performance is rated against the investors expectation. Investor set the target for the performance of each company over a particular period, and in this case it is one grade. From the information gathered nearly of the companies atomic number 18 quite scoring well on the scoreboard by exceeding the investors expectation and as such earning some bonus point. The company leading with the elevatedest point is the bold footwear company which up to date is shown having 6 bonus points. Looking at some of the scoreboard performance over the few years, we throw quite a fluctuation with companies showing a positive trend by increasing from the front years while others going down the trench. Significant of this is the last year. That is year 20 where all the companies showed a significant reduction from the previous year. But something to note is that there is quite a full(a) trend in the industry since the companies show quite good performance amplyer than the expectation of the investor. The earning per divvy up shows quite a starling performance for three companies, company B, E, F. This is by the fact that these companies are scoring high above the investors expectation on the EPS. Greatly performed is company B with an average performance of above 15 while the other two have an average performance of between 2 and three. ... The other companies are performing quit below the expectation, with company H having the lowest weighted expectation. These results are replicated on the var. price per share and the return on shares. It is quite evident to mention that, there is a not bad(p) correlation between these three because the company scoring high on the ROE similarly score high on EPS. The credit rating shows a starling performance for three companies A, B, F, all of them scoring an A. That is high beyond the expectation of the investors. The other companies though not scoring that high, they are still within the get down of the investors expectation. The image rating only gives three companies scoring beyond the expectation in the period of hug drug years. Page 4 of the report gives an insight on the companys production and how they have been fairing in the market. The rate of production is compared against the consumption and rejected items. The rate of rejected production seems to be reduced and well-kept below five percent in the last five years, but there appears to be a significant change in the year 20th year were the percentage moved up beyond 5 percent, on the footwear production. Page five of the report is a look at the monetary performance that is the profit earning of each company. The records show quite a level performance at year 10. All the companies have a similar performance. A t year 14, there is quite a very(prenominal) significant change with company B scoring a very high net profit while company H is scoring losses. The trend is replicated in the subsequent years with company B having the highest profit level while company F still scoring the great losses. It would be lightheaded to mention that the decisions made by the companies H are the ones
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Study question about William Carlos Williams' poem Essay
Study question about William Carlos Williams poetry - Essay ExampleAnd in this respect this verse This Is Just To Say by the poet is no different.This poem, disguised as a note glued on the refrigerator, could be interpreted in a multiple dimensions. There is no general agreement on the theme. The poem could be concerned with the uselessness or self-entrapment of sexual desire, comparable to the expense of spirit in a waste of shame. Theres the potential oedipal reading, with the boy thwarted in an attempt to comprehend his origin to remove of it from his mother. Or theres the reading that would suggest self-referentiality it is the poem itself that means nothing. (Matterson, 38) And there are scores and grosses of interpretations to this lean poem solely the overall truth that ultimately catches the readers mind is the ultimate sincere approach that the poet takes in this poem. It should be taken into account that the only word capitalized in this poem is the word Forgive. Why wo uld a poet suddenly capitalize a word in the midst of all lower cased talking to is he is really not sincere with the meaning of the word?William Carlos Williams poems stabilized themselves on the opposite impel of the likes of Ezra Pounds and especially T.S. Eliots whose poetry depicted recurrent use of reference to foreign art, religion, history or languages. He focused himself predominantly on local themes for his poems and with this smell of well know home court it is but impossible to be anything else but sincere. He was, all his life, sincere to his roots, his works and thereby to his poems as this poem This Is Just To Say reflects.Structurally, this poem represents the simplicity that blends just perfectly with sincere thought process of the poem. It is writing rather than any kind of phonemic recurrence that provides directions for the speaking voice or for the eye that reads the lines silently. (Marjorie, 26) The sentiency of sincerity should not
Monday, April 22, 2019
Written research assignment in subject Employee Relations
Written research in subject Employee Relations - Assignment ExampleOrganizations need to frustrate and resolve problems that arise while studying. Every organization should ensure that they have an employee relations program that helps in increasing good morale and employee satisfaction. Additionally, one of the most effective ways of ensuring good employee relations is adopting a strategy that values employees as stakeholders in the business (Gennard & Judge, 1999).The post-war consensus took place between 1945 and 1979. Laws were created that gave legal rights at work to employees. The employers obligation towards workers was also specified. In addition, disputes were resolves through mediation and social unions agreed to provide tending to governments in resolving the economic problems of the country. However, industrial relations declined there was un utilisation and wage read and inflation keep to rise. In addition, unions improved through legislation and to achieve flexibi lity in the workplace, negotiations and social compromise was apply rather than being imposed by employers.Consequently, the Keynesian economic objective was designed to manage the demand of the economy through achieving full employment as well as an economy that is stable. It was believed that through Keynesians, the level of unemployment depended on government policy and that the state was able to achieve a low unemployment rate by accepting a high but steady rate of inflation.A tribunal system was completed in the UK to deliver the recommendations of the Donovan Commission by coming up with a system that was fast, easily to access, open and not expensive. However, this has not been successful, as it never met the standards of the tribunal. Employers view the use of employment legislation disparagingly. In addition, employment law formalized the ideologies of natural justice whereby whichever action an employer took towards an employee was measured just
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Industry Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Industry Analysis - Essay ExampleOther monumental competitors in this segment include Polaris, BMW, and Triumph. Honda is the worlds biggest pedal producer, followed by Yamaha, and Suzuki. In the U.S., Harley has the biggest market share. goliath Motorcycle Producer Approximate Worldwide Market share Ranking Honda 1st Yamaha 2nd Suzuki tertiary Harley-Davidson 4th Kawasaki 5th BMW 6th Polaris 7th Triumph 8th 3 Strengths One of the great strengths of Harley-Davidson is the power of its brand. Harley-Davidson attracts a strong following from its loyal customers worldwide due to its commitment to the delivery of a unique palpate. The ability of Harley-Davidson to deliver unforgettable survives is the biggest attraction to Harley-Davidson customers worldwide. The engagement offers a platform to other stakeholders to experience Harley-Davidson lifestyle, environment, people, and products. In addition, Harley-Davidson strength also emanates from its strong after sales service, whic h is exhibited by its family concept exhibited by Harley Owners class (HOG). Harley-Davidsons marketing efforts such as dealer promotions, customer events, and advertising hand consolidated the political partys brand. ... Harley-Davidson derives a lot of strength for its customized products that appeal to the customers specifications. In offering a range of customized bikes, the company is assured of aligning its products with the prevailing consumer needs and expectations. The continuity of a unique civilization of letting customers share their adventure and experience of the companys products has made Harley-Davidson an American icon. Harley-Davidson initiatives such as building of a museum in Milwaukee in 2008 have pursued to build a unique experience that reinforces bonds between the company and the company. Weaknesses Harley-Davidson faces challenges in keeping in touch with an ever growing advancement in the design of motorcycles. Although Harley-Davidson motorcycles embod y an innovative design and high performance, keeping up with an ever growing establishment by the competitors are challenging as the company has constantly invested in research and development (David, 2011). In addition, some of the prominent competitors of Harley-Davidson strategic alliance between Suzuki and Kawasaki in the fields of product development, design, engineering, and manufacturing may have heightened competition. Another weakness that befalls Harley-Davidson is competition from established heavyweight motorcycle dealers such as Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and Yamaha. The heavyweight motorcycle market is highly competitive, especially from competitors based outside the United States. Most of Harley-Davidson competitors are diversified in the automotive market and other fields. The diversification reinforces the competitors operations while Harley-Davidson remains exposed to aspects such as economic
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Politics of war extra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Politics of struggle extra - Essay ExampleThe Captain of the Chesapeake refused to be boarded and the ship was fired upon by the Leopard as a result, about three men of the Chesapeake were killed and 18 were wounded. The Captain then gave in to the inspection, whereupon, four members of the crew who were allegedly deserters were removed from the Chesapeake. When the maimed Chesapeake later returned to Norfolk, outrage from across the country was expressed by the American people. As a result, American opinion not only supported, but demanded war (Coles, p. 7).The present international laws and regulations on war were not in place in the 1800s. The quick international and legal policies surrounding the solvent of war during the 1800s lay in each states right to exist and declare war. In the United States, it is confided to the federal legislature where it resides with the people and is retained by them as a portion of milkweed butterfly power it must be exercised by them in their c ollective capacity as provided by original law (Halleck, p. 351). On June 4th 1812, President James Madison asked the Congress to declare war the last mentioned immediately approved Madisons proposal. After much debate, and only by six votes, the Senate withal approved Madisons proposal (Katcher, et.al., p. 3). Based on this approved process of declaring war existing at such time, the War of 1812 is considered legal.The primary causes of the War of 1812 are the policies of impressment and trade imposed by the British Empire. Impressment subjected British subjects to compulsory military service and in service to the war organism fought by the British Empire against Napoleon Bonaparte. Many British subjects who did not want to serve in the British military found work in many of the US ships and other American workplaces. near Americans were also illegally impressed into service by the British military. This angered many Americans. Due
Externalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Externalities - Essay Example, implications will be generated regarding whether Profit Ltd should embrace upon changes referable to consideration of externalities or it should attempt to resist the change with the help of lobby groups. The objective of this research newspaper is to incorporate comprehensive understanding of the theory of externalities and various issues in relation to regulations towards externalities.Externalities occur when the producers or consumers of goods and work unintentionally create indirect impacts upon otherwise producers or consumers of goods and services (Zilberman, 1999). Externality is such an aspect of the saving that although it does not depict any monetary effect upon the producers or consumers of goods and services but bears an impact upon the societys standard of living. Most of the economists consider externalities to be a market place failure. This is because upon the occurrence of externalities, the market prices do not represent the a ctual marginal costs or benefits coupled with the goods and services dealt with in the market. The concept of externalities can be prominently associated with the activities related to payoff or consumption or both. Both production as well as consumption externalities occur when the respective activities of production and consumption of one exclusive inflicts costs and benefits towards the other privates that are not spread precisely in the course of various market operations (Zilberman, 1999).Externalities can be either positivist or negative. Positive externalities occur when the individuals actions generate benefits for the other individuals. The concept of positive externalities can be best understood through citing the example of expert overrun. The positive externalities in this regard occur when an invention of a firm benefits the entire society due to the technological up gradation along with the firm. On the other hand, negative externalities occur when the action of o ne individual generates harmful
Friday, April 19, 2019
Analysis of conversation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
synopsis of conversation - Assignment ExampleAnalysis of a conversation is the study of trying to describe the structure and order that a conversation takes dapple in. every dialogue or interaction that takes place between people has a particular route of functioning attached to it. Presented forth are two conversation analyses that have taken place in two different instances and situations. Both conversations are fairly informal in nature, with the second conversation having a hint of formality between the loudspeaker systems. Conversation Analysis 1 Speech Acts and Moves In the first off conversation, speaker A is very hesitant and is holding himself from completely speaking what he wants to, perhaps due to accredited inconsistencies in his character. The use of a directive speech act has been made by A in lines 1 and 3 in the form of a request. He asks questions in lines 6, 10 and 13 whereas B asks a question in line 4. Future actions or Commissives have also been used in li nes 15A and 14B. He does not wish to come across as some 1 who is not able to yield the paint, and thus messes up his sentences in trying to clarify their costs with the shop keeper. He takes a issuing of pauses in his speech and conveys a lot of uncertainty in his dialogue whereas B is very certain of himself and promptly replies to everything he is asked. Illocutionary acts involve making conversation very concisely, in a manner that helpers to regulate forth clearly the message that one wishes to speak. However, as compared to Conversation 1, conversation 2 is much clearer in conveying what the speakers want to ask each other. Moves are also present in the discourse at lines 3 and 4 as the conversation moves gradually from one speaker to another. Turn taking and Pauses victorious turns to speak is a very fundamental aspect of any conversation. Turns are taken between speakers fighting(a) in a conversation when one wants to compare the conversation to a certain norm or make a comparison between two dialogues. B helps A speak by handsome him chances to voice his opinions and takes his own turns with great patience to speak except for when B interrupted A at 4 with his line 5. Also, in line 10, B began his dialogue beforehand, as an appended term tag, already predicting the decide to As dialogue in line 11. There are many pauses in the conversation, for theoretical account in lines 5, 15 and 16, all by A as he was very unsure of his speech. adjacency Pairs This is an aspect of conversation analysis where the conversation tends to take place in responsive pairs. In the first conversation, an adjacency pair is noticeable as the conversation is taking place between A and B side by side with both parties trying their best to carry on the conversation and help the other speak the next sentence. The answer to As question in line 6 has been answered by B in line 9. Much the same way, 9 has been replied to in line 10 and finally 16 and 17 are another adjacen cy pair as B apologizes in the final line. Cooperative Principle Cooperative principles help to define how people react and speak with one another. A person who makes use of this principle always helps to add more to the conversation and take it make headway to another level. This involves cooperating with the sentences and dialogues spoken by the other parties engaging in the same conversation in a manner that helps to take the conversation ahead. All these actions indicate uneasiness and hesitance which further tell us that he is not interested in carrying on the conversati
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Philosophy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
philosophy - Coursework ExampleAccording to him, he had no malicious intent in instilling these thoughts of his and was only accuse of having such due to the ignorance and envy of certain individuals. His point was that his ideas and actions should not be misconstrued as inappropriate still considered and respected.Analyzing deeper, one can see that the Apology was less concerned with forwarding any philosophical teach of thoughts. Rather, it provides a portrait of an ideal philosopher. Socrates wanted the people to know, whether directly or indirectly, that the philosopher is an individual who uses reason and whose ideas atomic number 18 not bounded by theological or social restrictions. The philosopher challenges current thinking by cautiously dissecting prevailing thoughts through the scalpel of logic and reason. He challenges them to go beyond the pretensions and restrictions of current human knowledge.Socrates, in violate of his discernible wisdom, confesses his induce ign orance and in doing so, makes us realize that we should not be afraid to confess our own ignorance. Only by using so can we truly release our limited reasoning from the shackles of pretensions, obscurities and fictional
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Suitable media(a song, poem, cartoon, etc.) that can be used to Essay
Suitable media(a song, poem, cartoon, etc.) that can be used to illustrate a pattern - Essay ExampleThese atomic number 18 system of rulesal behaviors that are undesirable still they depict how employees would behave if they are demotivated and lost faith leadership about their leadership by thinking (which later influenced their actions) that their organization represents wholly that is soulless and wrong. The most obvious negative element present in Initech was the alienation of employees. The initiatory kind of alienation was the inability of the Peter Gibbons, Michael Bolton, Samir Nagheenanajar and Milton Waddams to appreciate the fruits of their labor because they cannot concretely connect how their mulls contribute to the software product they are creating that made that Peter to stare at his computer all day. They despised their work and this alienates them from it which their ungovernable and antagonistic behaviors showed. As a result of the alienation from work, Pe ter et al felt modify from themselves because they bump that their jobs are sucking the life out of them with Peter Gibbons remarking We werent meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day. ... Workers fall into calculate of what they do by the rational legal authority vested to its bosses which in the movie Office Space case was Bill Lumbergh whom the promoter workers hated because he represent all that is soulless and wrong. It is important to stress that despite Peter, Milton, Michael and Samir scorn of Bill, Bill still continue to lord over them as Vice President because the structure of the organization provided him the legal authority to be the boss no matter how hated he was. This set up is what Weber called to be the iron cage of bureaucracy that employees are still in the organization plane if it is spent in Gibbons terms filling out useless forms...and listening to eight different bosses jab on about mission statements because they needed the job. In plain language, the job may suck but they have to be there to make a living because there are bills and mortgages to pay. There may be no prison bars but certainly, the formal offices which Weber described as the place they do their specialized skills and reason to be in the organization also felt like a prison cell. Thus, the person in the organization is diminished and turned into a soulless or alienated bureaucrat because he or she still has to be there no matter how despicable the job and organization is. The movie of course is an exaggeration just like any other narrative to punctuate certain points of which the moviemakers intend to impart to its audience which in this case organizational behavior of discontented and dejected employees. One of these exaggerations is the penchant of their boss Bill to write memos reflective of Webers nature of organization to abide by formal written communications which in this case,
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Nutrition and Fit Essay Example for Free
Nutrition and live EssayIn my composition, I am going to describe or so advantages why, we should keep adjoin. In my judging is that be fit has not got disadvantages. I am also going to describe what we should do when we take to keep fit and also what we should not do when we want to keep fit. To be fit has a many advantages. When you are fit you have better mood and we do not feel sleepily on the contrary we feel full of energy. You have not got many health problems like arteriosclerosis, centre attack, obesity, anemia etc.When we want to keep fit, like first we should change our occupying habits. We should not eat many junk food, candy, sweetened beverages for example Sprite, Coca-Cola, Fanta etc. We have to try to eat a handle of vegetables, fruits and a solidification of healthy food because this food comprises from lots of antioxidants, protein and vitamins. We also should try to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner party and also for snack and afternoon snack.When som ebody wants to keep fit he/she should aim do a lot of exercises. I think we should try to run every morning and evening. Sometimes we should visit some gym and swimming pool. When we want to keep fit we should not smoke and drink a lot of alcohol. We should not eat a lot. We also must not laze. In my opinion is that be fit is better than be lazy person. I hope that my composition will can help soulfulness to keep fit.
Monday, April 15, 2019
The Harmful Effects of Video Games Vs. The Benefits Essay Example for Free
The Harmful Effects of television system Games Vs. The Benefits renderthither atomic number 18 many an(prenominal) questions about film games and how they affect children. I c every(prenominal) back that television receiver games argon uponful to children in many ways. Many studies meet tried to prove that they are harmful, as sound that they are overly estimable to children. It is difficult to understand which argument is the truth behind the research. I believe that the harmful stool are greater than the benefits. The benefits that the children gouge learn by dint of mental picture games can in like manner be taught to them otherwise ways besides just word-painting games. Video games are not the provided way to teach the children values and how to live properly. Video games are damaging the way that our children think and act, as well as harming their bodies by teaching them wrong morals about themselves and others.The first way that goggle box games are harming our youth is psychologically. There was a study published in the Journal of personality and tender Psychology that children that were be countenanceing icon games were reported to be more than aggressive than those of children that do not play video games. Previous research has documented that playing violent video games has various negative set up on social behavior in that it causes an increase in aggressive behavior and a lower in prosocial behavior. In contrast, there has been much less evidence on the effects of prosocial video games. In the present research, 4 experiments examined the hypothesis that playing a prosocial (relative to a neutral) video game increases helping behavior. In fact, participants who had played a prosocial video game were more likely to help after a mishap, were more go awaying (and devoted more time) to assist in further experiments, and intervened more often in a harassment situation.Results further showed that exposure to prosocial vid eo games activated the accessibility of prosocial thoughts, which in turn promoted prosocial behavior.( Greitem oculusr, Tobias Osswald, Silvia, 2012) The research withal found that children that were exposed to the video games were also did havethe ability to control the aggression. The children see the horror and the hysteria on the games and believe that it is proper to act the same way when they return angry. The children cause fights and can harm other people. Another effect that video games have on children is their ability to pay attention. The children that play the video games are wholly focused on the games. It can become an addiction to them. They do not know that anything else is important in life besides the games. The children lose track of everything that is important and feel that the games are the only thing that is important. The children also lose the idea of socializing.They spend some much time playing games and discriminate themselves away from other chil dren or people, they do not learn how to socialize and learn to deal with other people. The video games are also harming children physically as well. Children that play video games do not hasten the knead than a normal child should. Children sit and play games for many hours a day. A unbroken child should have 60 minutes or more a day to be healthy. When a child is playing video games, they are not receiving that exercise. When a child does not get the exercise they need, weight gain is a problem. Obesity is already a major problem with children these days, but video games just add to the problem even more. The weight gain can cause many health problems in children. These problems with children can contribute to future health problems. Weight gain also teaches the children unhealthy habits that they will continue as they get older.The children do not see that being healthy is important. They grow up and continue to not worry about their bodies or being healthy. Research has docu mented negative effects of video games on childrens physical health, including obesity, video-induced seizures, and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, these effects are not likely to occur for almost children. The research to date suggests that parents should be most concerned about two things the amount of time that children play, and the content of the games that they play. (Gentile, PhD, 2000) pump problems are also a result from video games. A child sits and watches just the game for many hours. The games cause the children to strain their eyes. The eye strain can cause headaches, discomfort, fatigue, and blurry eyes. If a child plays games for a long time, the games can cause eye steering problems.Playing video games for extended amounts of time cancause children to experience many of the same symptoms seen in computer vision syndrome in adults. Extensive viewing of the game screen can lead to eye discomfort, fatigue, blurry vision and headaches. Kids seem to become so engrossed in video games that they forget to take breaks. Prolonged game play without significant breaks can cause eye focusing problems, as well as eye irritation. (Bedinghaus, 2008) The childrens eyes are delicate and when playing games for a long time, the eyes tend to not want to focus well on other items. There are ways that people have argued that video games can be beneficial. The first argument that they have is that the video games teach the children about strategic thinking and planning.The games teach the children quests, which the children have to learn to get through by planning out the routine for the game. There are reports that stated that children that played video games, the childrens math, reading, and spelling improved. The games have many side shots that they have to read. The children learn better reading from reading all the shots in the game. The children also learn better spellin g by all the reading that they have to do in the game. The math skills are better because the games have many different goals to earn and to count how to get there in the game. Video games also teach a child simulation, adventure, and role-playing. They learn the role-playing from pretending to be other people in the games. They learn adventure from all the different kinds of games and their themes.There are also many career opportunities for when they get older. The children can be game designers and game programmers. So there are some benefits for video games. Even though there are a few reasons to believe that video games can be educational to the children, there are more reasons to believe that the games are harmful to the children. The video games cause psychological and physical problems with children. So as some of the results might say that gaming is beneficial to children. They should be controlled on what they play and how much they are in contact with. Children are learni ng stinking behaviors and harming themselves without even understanding the thought that they are doing anything wrong.Children are children because they need to be taught how to live and do things right. When they have other factors telling and showing them violence, horror, and harmful ways to live, they are going to start using these factors and alert them. Video games are harmful to children andshould be considered very closely when letting the children play them by observe the types of games that the children are playing, as well as the amount of time that they spend playing the games.ReferencesBedinghaus (2008). Video Games and passel Video Games May Cause Vision Problems in Kids. About Vision Eyes and Vision Problems Eye Health Vision and Eye Care. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from http//vision.about.com/od/childrensvision/qt/Video_Games.htm Computer games health issues Better Health Channel. (2012, September 11). understructure Better Health Channel. Retrieved Oct ober 7, 2012, from http//www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Computer_games_health_issuesDr. Phil.com Advice Children and Violent Video Games. (2012). Dr. Phil.com. Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http//www.drphil.com/articles/article/297Gentile, PhD, D. A. (2000). Pediatrics for Parents. Pediatrics for Parents. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from http//www.pedsforparents.com/articles/2791.shtmlGreitemeyer, Tobias, Osswald, Silvia (2012). Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior. American Psychological Association. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from http//psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=search.displayRecordid=993617CC-95FF-E099-47CA-8791DAA7640BresultID=1page=1dbTab=paIowa State University (2011, May 22). Video game effects on kids Not all black and white, expert argues. Science Daily. Retrieved October 18, 2012, from http//www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2011/05/110510101504.htmWhy Video Games Are Good for Your Kids. (2012). ReadWrite web Web Apps, Web Technology Trends, Social Networking and Social Media. Retrieved October 7, 2012, from
Special Education Laew and Litigation Essay Example for Free
Special Education Laew and Litigation Essay* Special information teachers must experience legal liabilities and rights pertaining to student, p bent, and teachers. Special education teachers recognize that limited education practice is heavily regulated and argon able to define relevant laws and policies that related to specific special education. (APTS 8, 9 INTASC 1 CEC 1, 9) Assessment peter Selected * Essay Specific Performance/Task(s) Articulate relevant educational laws and ethics pertaining to student, p arnt, and teacher rights and responsibilities. (APTS 8. 13) Explain pronounce and federal laws, rules, and regulations as they pertain to special education. (APTS 9. 2) Identify legal responsibilities of teachers (special and general) in accordance with special education laws, rules, and regulations. (APTS 9. 2) Define relevant laws and policies that relate to specific special education situations. (CEC 1. 2) Analyze influential historical events and serviceman issues in special education from various points of view. (CEC 1. 3) Apply ethical/professional standards, follow legal parameters, and obtain within limits of practice in the design and execution of instruction, decision-making, and collaborative interactions with students, families, colleagues, and agencies.(CEC 9. 1) Relevancy of Task to Teacher nominee * In the special education classroom setting, teachers must comply with laws and rights pertaining to the field of special education. Assessment scholar Prompts/Teacher Directions * Discovering the Relationship Between the Law and Your School (Benchmark Assessment) Use the GCU eLibrary to research information beyond what is provided in the course materials to explore the law and its application to special education issues covered in this course.Explore evoke departments of education Web sites to investigate the laws of your state and other states as well as their application to special education issues covered in this course. Schedu le an appointment with an attorney well-versed in school law or with a special education director to learn about the following issues a) How has the legal system evolved, as it applies to special education, over the past 20 years, and how has that affected the legal framework for special education now? b) How does the legal framework differ for special needs students and regular students in private and public schools?c) Who monitors the implementation and evaluation of IEPs in private and public schools? d) In the legal experts opinion, are in that respect any elements of special education law that need refinement? Explain. Write an essay of 1,750-2,000 words in which you compare and contrast the findings of your research and the information obtained in the interview. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required. Additionally, submit the assignment in TaskStream.Directions for s ubmitting to TaskStream smoke be found on the College of Educations page in the Student Success Center. mark Tool/Guide (Rubric) Discovering the Relationship Between the Law and Your School Criteria 1 Unsatisfactory 2 slight Than Satisfactory 3 Satisfactory 4 Good 5 Excellent * Required Content * 85% * * CEC 9, 10 Central purpose or argument is not clearly identified. Analysis is vague or notevident. Reader is conf spendd or may be misinformed. Information computer backups a central purpose or argument at times. Analysis is basic or general. Reader gains few insights. exclusively required cloy is discussed.Information provides reasonable support for a central purpose or argument and displays evidence of a basic analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains insights. All required content is discussed and examples are provided to support or stand for main ideas. All required content is thoroughly discussed and examples are provided to support and exemplify main ideas. Com ments Organization and Format (10%) Essay Structure, Paragraph Development, and Transitions Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No patent connections among divides. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope.Organization is disjointed. both(prenominal) paragraphs and transitions may lack logical feeler of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident. Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show slightly inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other. A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are aimd as appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope. There is a sophisticated construction of the essay.Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The writer has been careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. APA Format and Style Requirements APA format and style are not evident. act page is present, but is missing APA elements. In-text citations, where necessary, are used but they are formatted inaccurately and not referenced. All key elements of an APA title page are present. An abstract is present and formatted correctly. In-text citations and a reference section are present with few format errors. Mechanics of writing are reflective of APA style. Plan elements are theoretically supported with accurate citations and references. A broad understanding of APA format and style is evident in the use of level headings and lists, for example. Comments Mechanics, Language Use, and earreach Awareness (5%) Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar) Surface errors are pervasive sufficient that they impede communication of meaning. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracti ng to the reader. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English. Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc. ) Student uses noncollegiate, conversational tone, inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction, and lack of variety in dustup use. Student appears to be unaware of audience. Use of terra firma prose indicates student either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately. Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some conversational tone. Language choice (register) can be distracting or inconsistent with sentence structure.Some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately is noted. Language is clear and audience-appropriate. Sentences display varied structure with minor errors. Use of collegiate language is appropriate for the most part. Uses a variety of sentence structures and collegiate-l evel vocabulary. Uses figures of speech and idioms to communicate clearly. Language is precise and sentences display consistently strong, varied structure. Approach to use of language is unique, creative, and appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope of topic. Comments * * * 2012. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Jewish Federation Apartments Essay Example for Free
Judaic federation A ploughsh arements EssayThe Judaic federation Apartments is a benevolentitarian hold public service organization for the elderly, those who are 62 days and preceding(prenominal), and those who whitethorn be impaired in terms of mobility, those who are 18 years or older. The Jewish Federation Apartments is a public service aiming founded and run by the Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo. Preservation of the elderly quite a littles dignity, safety and decency of the occupants of the apartments is the of import(prenominal) aim for fight backing the Jewish Federation Apartments. Through the years of activity, the Jewish Federation Apartments passing non nonwithstanding housing but also integrated neighborly activities that encourage the apartments occupants to integrate non only with their family members, if any, and the confederacy. Jewish Federation Apartments 1) Describe the internal representations mission statement. Identify the client prow of the dominance including the cultural groups The Jewish Federation Apartments was started by the Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo to offer housing and humanitarian care to the elderly as nearly as those who whitethorn be mobility-impaired.The main mission of the Jewish Federation Apartments organization is to offer public service to those aged 62 years and those who are 18 years and older and are mobility-impaired. The main mission is to safeguard the dignity, decency and safety of occupants fleck offering social operate. In any given community or society the elderly and mobility-impaired may feel the shoot for loving care that would give them the feeling of being a normal part of the community. As it may be noted, both the elderly and mobility-impaired may arrest a sense of need to move around like any other member of the community.The mission of the Jewish Federation Apartments is to take in that those who qualify to be tenants in the apartments get afford f itting housing in a safe environment and that their dignity and decency is sustained. Only those who are successful in qualifying for moving in based on the Jewish tradition would attain residence in the Jewish Federation Apartments. The Board of Directors, whole offering their services voluntarily, goal is to construe that the personal dignity, physical, emotional and spiritual life is of enhanced quality. These are every in the fulfillment of the Jewish Federation Apartments mission.According to the president of the Jewish Federation Apartments, that I interviewed, the place is preponderantly occupied by Jews but this may only be so due to the fact that the apartments are a public service offered by the Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo. Another reason this may be so is due to the fact that qualification for occupancy/tenancy is guide by the Jewish tradition. This, and more factors, has seen the apartments occupancy be mainly of Jewish oriented persons, though thither ar e other cultures and other religious occupants such(prenominal) as the Polish, Italians and Persians.The Jewish Federation Apartments has always denote or sought to attract applicants from solely cultures religions, ethnicities and communities and this has seen it achieve its current multifariousness of occupancy cultures. The Jewish Russian community seems to be one that has the highest occupancy numbers however, other communities are also increasing in number. In the past approximately half of the Jewish Federation Apartments was from the Jewish Russian community that go to America a long time back.However, in recent years, this has changed and the Jewish Russian community seems to be reducing to more or less 35-40% of the whole community says the Jewish Federation Apartments president. Despite having an open invitation to in all(a) ethnics and religions and communities, the Jewish Federation Apartments seems to gather in low attraction of the African American community. T he main reason why thither seems to be no African Americans is that, the community seems slow to accepting change from their communities and neighborhoods. The African Americans seem not too keen on moving from their neighborhoods.This then explains why Jewish Federation Apartments occupancy has no African Americans despite there being a waiting list of the community, reveals the Jewish Federation Apartments president during the interview. Current occupation in the apartments is mainly of whites as African American communities are slow in taking up the challenge of change that may infer from moving from their communities. In the past the African American were tenants in the apartments, however, they seem to realise moved out since currently there are only a white population of tenants remaining. each(prenominal) these were revelations from the interview that I carried out with the president of the Jewish Federation Apartments. Despite there being a waiting list from the African A mericans at the Jewish Federation Apartments, they do not want to move there yet. 2) Describe the deputations cultural and lingual competency plan Culturally, the Jewish Federation Apartments substance has been diversified, however with a reduced attention and rice beer from the African American community.The surenesss efforts to attract all communities to consider occupancy at the apartments have been generally attractive and open to all. Advertisement for apartments is open to everyone who is over 62 years and those who are above 18 and are mobility-impaired. The culture of the dominance is to care safeguard and condition that every tenants decency and dignity is enhanced. The current situation seems to lean more on the Jewish setting. Since the agency is in a predominantly white community, the cultural orientation may be leaning to the whites culture.The African American community on the other hand seem to be holding on to their cultures since they seem adamant about movin g to the Jewish Federation Apartments despite a past occupancy and application for consideration for tenancy. Jewish Federation Apartments agency culture is that of a friendly and social environment that allows the tenants to interact though there are policies that govern occupancy of the premises by outsiders. whizz may therefore be responsibility to say that the agency is tumesce out to protect the qualified tenants and the community of Jewish Federation Apartments.One culture that the Jewish Federation Apartments community seems to have adapted is that of organized friendly activities that consider all tenants have some sought of meeting point to engage in friendly socializing activities. In this way, many who may be old and rather disoriented would be uplifted emotionally and spiritually. By using a light and concise tenant handbook, the agencys aim is to give clear tenancy regulations that must be followed. By doing this, the agency is able to enhance the culture of organi zation and responsibility.This center that tenants are able to correlate and live peacefully with one another. The cultural plan of the agency is to maintain an open community culture that would checker that all tenant correlate and live with harmony below the rules and regulations. Adequate, clear and precise chat has been one main challenge for the agency. Clear communication among all thee divergent verbiage speakers, agnizeing each other and having clear and understandable communication with the agency are among the language challenges the agency faced.The legal tenancy documents print language, as well as all varietys of communication have to be clear and understandable. lingually, there has to be clear communication in order for all to understand each other. In order to drive this possible, the agency would have to produce/print communication materials in understandable tenants languages. In the past, the agency printed documents in two main languages English and Russ ian. This may be a sign that other language speaker, though of minority groups, may also desire to be able to get materials written in their language so they can understand.Legal documents are important and authoritative and must be well understood to avoid any legal or regulatory conflicts. The agency may make plans to ensure that all tenants get these legal tenancy documents in languages that they can understand, however, since people who speak other languages seem to be quite few to justify the cost of translating these documents to specific separate languages. Past translations made to Russian have proven challenging since Russian tenant challenge the agency for not giving accurate translations.This may be a challenge of language translation that may affect may other language translations unless there be a specialized organization make standard and accurate translations. Lack of an official translation made the U. S. Department of admit and Urban increase (HUD), want to re gister English to other languages such as Russian, Spanish, French, Polish, Chinese and other languages. Though this has not been done by HUD yet, it would give positive response if done, says the agency president. If the U. S.Department of Housing and Urban nurture (HUD) translated, the tenants may feel that the translation was done accurately and of higher standard. In the past, the agency had tried to make Russian translations as this would seem cost effective considering the Russian population that justified the translation efforts. The main adapters that the agency has employ in the past for the Russian language were the language institute as well as Russian translators. This has however not proven to be fully accepted by the Russian community.The community claims that the translations are not accurate hence posing a translation challenge to the agency. The main plans made by the agency to bridge cultural and language barriers are From the interview with the Jewish federal official Apartments president, it seemed apparent that language would be most tasking and most challenging to the agency to deal with. During meetings tenants have had to come with translator who would translate to them so they would understand the meeting proceedings. The agency has made efforts to have its greenbacks written in Russian as well and placed on the bulletin board. This would be a sign that the agency is making an effort towards fulfilling the laid out cultural and linguistic competency outlined by the matter Standards on Culturally and lingually Appropriate Services (CALS). In an effort to make communication in the midst of the agency and the tenants clear, when a tenant goes to the agency offices, he/she has to go with a translator who may be a relative, friend or fellow tenant.This, as easy as it my seem, is one of the many culturally and lingually challenging issue that the agency may have to address urgently as availableness of a good and accurate translator m ay require one who is neutral well midazolam with both languages i. e. the agencys and tenants languages. English training is offered by the agency twice a week at the agency premises. This seems to be one of the agency plans to make communication with the tenant s easier and cost effective instead of having to translate all communication materials and finding a translator for each tenant speaking other languages.The main challenge with this kind of plan may be the ability, volitioningness and availability of the tenants to attend the classes. Great efforts were made in housing and urban development programs to facilitate low-cost housing. Culturally equal services did not have a successful impact. To prove this, one may say that even with bilingual services and culturally appropriate information, caregivers do not consider that many minorities did not read or write in their native tongue, so that traditional mainstream communication methods were not reaching them.More important ly there were still not enough minority providers and caregivers (cited in Lecca et al, 1998). every last(predicate) plans by the agency to ensure that it conforms to the standards of CALS may seem rather wanting. However in order to ensure standard culturally and linguistically appropriate services, the agency would have to put more effort into ensuring that all tenants cultural and language needs are considered and integrated into the agencys policies and culture.It may be recommended to the agency to work with HUD and CALS and other human service organizations to ensure a level of conformity to the standardized useable policies. Cultural competence is based on an organizations policies, principles and structures working effectively across all cultures. Organizations have to contain the electrical condenser to value diversity in cultures and linguistics, carry out self discernment to ensure they can manage the dynamics of visible diversity, have cultural knowledge and adapt to the diversity and cultural differences of the people and communities they serve/work with.In this way all individuals will have a sense of care and respect, decency and dignity as well as pride in their culture and language. This is the agencys main objective and one that may help it conduct a self discernment to ensure conformity to these basin cultural competence guidelines . Organizational processes of policy making, management and administration as well as service delivery should be based on the foundation of cultural competence by considering and integrating the community or those they serve in all processes.The agencys capacity to offer effective communication and convey information that is easily comprehended by all persons including those with low English proficiency, seemingly low literacy, and/or any form of disability would only be reviewed by the agency itself. The current situation at the agency implies a need for this to be accomplished to ensure all tenants cultural , linguistic and communication needs are well catered for. 3) Examine how the policies are utilise The Jewish Federation Apartments agency follows policies developed by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).The HUD wages are the ones that have to be enforced and used by every house and its rules have to be followed. Individual human and support services offered by the agency have to be in the preferred language and communication medium of the tenants and community served. For this to be accomplished, the human service organizations such as the agency have to ensure that the policies conform to the government and/or local mandates that may be governing language access. Besides the lease document developed by HUD, the agency has house rules it has developed and documented.This two guiding documents have used at the agency by all tenants and observed by the staff, all communicated in English and Russian. All documents pertaining to the lease and house rules are communicate and provided to all tenants so as to ensure smooth operations at the agency apartments. According to Lecca et al, the health social and human service practitioners of today are no longer faced with patients/consumers of only one culture, but also with those who are of diverse cultural backgrounds and with different needs.With the changing and current demographic settings, agencies and human service providers have then to be culturally competent so as to meet the rapidly growing minority population. 4) Design a cultural and linguistic competency policy for the agency and suggestions of implementation strategies to improve the cultural and linguistic competency of the agency. Most social scientists and human service experts agree that if our community is more educated, better trained and healthier, productivity is an inevitable result.Housing projects and alternative community training employment and educational services have also incorporated culturally based competence service and methodologies with some success. In order for the agency to be competent in cultural and linguistic policies, there has to be a level of commitment that is not dependent on the availability of resources but rather on the aim of equitable, respectful, understandable and effective human service delivery. In order for this to be effective, a change in policy and policy implementation processes has to be implemented.Linguistically and culturally all ethnic and religious communities must be equally considered and served. All services offered by the agency have to be equally and clearly communicated to all culturally and linguistically diverse tenants. This kind of communication must also be clear, concise and understandable in the tenants preferred language and mode. In a bid to make this quest for equal, clear and understandable communication, the agency must collect all relevant data and information on all the tenants ethnicity, religious, cultural and family background be fore the lease of tenancy is offered and tenancy in commenced.Culturally and linguistically competent policies and communication frameworks have then to be implemented to ensure that the agency is culturally and linguistically competent. A policy or policies that may be implemented would be Board of Directors and staff must exhibit behavior that can help build deposit and understanding in the diverse agency. The agency has to strive to promote a feeling of acceptance for all tenants and staff to ensure both do work together to make the agency culturally and linguistically competent. The agency must be culturally and linguistically sensitive to the values of its management and operational processes and techniques. When the Jewish Federation Apartments tenants express doubts, concerns and feelings of need for some help or action to be taken on any given issues, whether it concerns their tenancy, environment or service, the agency must demonstrate acceptance and understanding of th e problems by identifying clearly, the employees concerns and discussing them thoroughly. The agency must show consideration, respect and understanding to all tenants at the apartments. Since minorities may not be prompt and willing to reveal that they may not understand the language of communication, all modes of communication such as diagrams should be used to ensure that agency-tenants communication is clear and understandable. All communication whether verbal or written should be in the tenants preferred language, respectable, concise and understandable. The agency should implement strategies to recruit, go forward and promote at all levels of the organization, diverse staff and leadership that represents the demographic qualities of the Jewish Federal Apartments tenants.In the past the agency seemed to have been challenged by the notion or reality of having to conform to standard culturally and linguistically competence. Currently this may be achieved if only the agency wou ld Work with the existing standard and well known translators to make translation of all communication materials that all can understand. If translators are needed the agency should try and have staff be the ones translating other that tenants bringing their own translators. This would help them avoid situations where a tenants own translator, being a relative or friend, being unable to translate some word that may be embarrassing. The agency should offer language assistance at no cost and inform the tenants that this service is available by posting a notice on the notice board. This would ensure that all tenants are informed of the right to language assistance. Knowledge and general understanding of the Jewish Federal Apartments tenants cultures should be encouraged for all staff. This would help them communicate effectively especially in face of an emergency. In conclusion, in order for the agency to attain effective and efficient culturally and linguistically competence, it w ill have to embrace the fact that diversity of cultures, languages, ethnics e. t. c. in inevitable.This will then help the agency ensure that its prepared for competent service delivery. References Jewish Federation Apartments (2007), Tenant Selection. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from http//www. jewishfederationhousing. org/selection. html Lecca, Pedro J. , Quervalu, I. , Nunes, J. V. , Gonzales, H. F. (1998). Cultural Competency in Health, Social and Human Services Directions for the Twenty-first Century. NY Garland Publisher. Fong, Rowena (Ed). (2004). Culturally Competent form with Immigrant and RefugeeChildren and Families (Social Work Practice with Children and Families). NY The Guilford Press. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (2001), National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. omhrc. gov/templates/browse. Aspx? lvl= 2lvlID=15 U. S. Department of Housin g and Urban Developments Office of insurance Development and Research (2009), About HUD. Retrieved April 16, 2009, from http//www. hud. gov/ about /index. cfm Personal communication, April, 2009
Thursday, April 11, 2019
The cardinal rule Essay Example for Free
The cardinal rule showThe cardinal rule in creating a unveiling is that the opening mustiness be able to instanter engage the audience and see their attention. While it is in any case important to maintain the interest of the audience every throughout the creation, the first five (5) minutes of the presentation are the most crucial. It is more difficult to mesmerize the attention and captivate the audience during the course of the presentation.This is the reason why any opening presentation must be able to draw the audience in and the body of the presentation (assuming that it is a very redeeming(prenominal) one or interesting for that matter) will take care of the rest. It is important to remember however that unmingled gimmickry or showmanship will not do the trick as the opening presentation must also contain substance because the primary goal of any presentation is to inform and not just entertain.The account mistakes that donors often make is to create such an entertaining and amusing opening presentation that it acts as a distraction and makes the audience remember only the opening but not the other relevant segments of the presentation. An prototype of this would be the presentation of an ad agency agent in front of the Marketing Board of PepsiCo. The presenter had a whole array of media equipment at this disposal and even had mascots during the opening presentation.While the board was ab initio impressed, the failure of the presenter was that the hype and excitement that he managed to generate at the opening could not be sustained throughout the presentation. The end result was that he lost the contract and all that could be remembered from this presentation was the opening. An effective opening presentation must therefore be entertaining and informative enough to capture that attention of the target audience but it must not be the highlight of the presentation. Remember, it is the entire presentation itself that matters and not just the opening.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Friedrich Nietzscheââ¬â¢s Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883) Essay Example for Free
Friedrich Nietzsches gum olibanum Spake Zarathustra (1883) turn upIn the Prologue section of Friedrich Nietzsches Thus Spake Zarathustra, he spoke of a thirty-year-old universe named Zarathustra who goes into the wilderness where he stays for hug drug years taking pleasure in his solitude. When he decides to be in mop up with the battalion again and go under, Zarathustra starts to sh ar what he has learned over the preceding(a) ten years. He tells ab prohibited a point, saying that man is born to be between a sentient beingness and a superman.Man should be able to over move into this state, yet the road is very dangerous. He preaches that man should utterly focus on this life and non the life afterward death. He should hold in contempt things like happiness, reason, justice, justice, or pity. As man is becoming more and more tame and domesticated, accordingly the last man on earth will alone be alike like a herd of animals. They sh solely be afraid of danger and peril, which will lead to self-destruction. In the Zarathustra Prologue, Nietzsche speaks about a crisis that is being sh bed by the existing humanitythe crisis of being contented with comfort alone being as comfortable and contented as to resist the utilization of strong, positive goals in ones existence. individually section of Thus Spake Zarathustra carries with it essential points to consider, especially the Prologue section and Parts 1-3. What are these essential points? How do they all blend together to come up with the whole thought or proclamation of Nietzsche? In the end, we shall come up with the answers to these questions, together with the essential points that create Nietzsches preaching of nihilism. In this world of materialism and nihilism (as Nietzsche declared), is God truly dead?Main BodyThe Crisis of Existing Humanity In the Prologue section of Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche speaks about a crisis that lingers in all of humanity today. Zarathustra speaks tha t saints are besides proud and love still God and non men, as stated in the lines Now I love God men, I do not love. Man is a thing too imperfect for me. Love to man would be fatal to me (Nietzsche 21). He besides stated that acts of charity should go after acts of beseech If, however, thou wilt give unto them, give them no more than an alms, and let them also beg for it (Nietzsche 21). This points out that acts of charity are make for the sake of pride and self- worthyiness. When Zarathustra speaks that God is dead (Nietzsche 22), he meant that God does not exist in this world anymore, even on people whom we think should find made God more alive.Secondly, Zarathustra speaks that people have made a shame of themselves Ye have made your counsel from the worm to man, and much indoors you is still worm. Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes (Nietzsche 22). He preaches that the way to go is to be the Superman, which Zarathustra speaks as th e meaning of the earth (Nietzsche 22) and the herald of the lightning, a heavy drop out of the cloud (Nietzsche 25).People are in crisis because much of life is centered on life after death and not on the present life on earth. Happiness, reason, virtue, justice, and pity appear to be profitless and should not be centered on, since self-satisfaction of men is being slaughtered, while men cry to enlightenment for answers to satisfaction, which should only be found on earth. Thirdly, Zarathustra speaks that Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Supermana rope over an abyss (Nietzsche 24). There is crisis and peril in trying to go by means of the ropethe present state of man that should be defeated and prevailed over. Man has succeeded in transforming itself from a sentient being to a man, yet at that place is another significant task for a manto transform itself from a man to a Superman. However, the people do not yet understand There they stand there they laugh th ey understand me not (Nietzsche 25).For this, Zarathustra starts to speak of the last man because people are becoming too content and comfortable with their lives they do not see the need to have strong, positive goals anymore. Zarathustra proclaims that, if this will not change, time will come when the trees and the soil will bear no trees when man will not see a reason to long for and dream and when man will no longer be capable of giving birth to a star (Nietzsche 26).This inability of the last man to create something that is beyond himself would make the earth little and smaller, and the last man becoming weaker and weaker becoming lazier as days go by. If man is to surpass the crisis that is in the midst, then he should surpass the rope of being a man and learn how to become a Superman.The Principal Parts of the Last Mans Soul harmonise to Zarathustra, man is not made up of system and soul rather, that he is composed only of the personify that, on the other hand, is made up of the spirit and the self-importancetism, which common people call the soul (Nietzsche 40-41). Zarathustra preaches that the self isnot saidbut done (Nietzsche 41). It is the ego that gives a virtuoso of feeling, while it is the spirit, conversely, that discerns what is to be done considering the ego. These two, the spirit and the ego, continuously attach to one another over ones existence What the sense feeleth, what the spirit discerneth, hath never its end in itself (Nietzsche 41). Behind the senses of the ego and the spirit is the Self (or the body), which seeketh with the eyes of the senses, it hearkeneth also with the ears of the spirit (Nietzsche 41) yet it appears that the Self is the master of the senses of ego and spirit, as reflected in the avocation linesThe Self saith unto the ego Feel pain And thereupon it suffereth, and thinketh how it may put an end theretoand for that very purpose it is meant to think. The Self saith unto the ego Feel pleasure Thereupon it re joiceth, and thinketh how it may ofttimes rejoiceand for that very purpose it is meant to think. (41) In relation to the crisis, this request of the principle parts of the last mans soul leads one to think that the Self is really in the soul, which is not true, according to Zarathustra (since there is no soul). The Self is in the body, and for those who say that Self is in the soul, they are called despisers of the body who despise because of their esteem (Nietzsche 41). Through the body, there is spirit and through the spirit, there is worth and will. The Self, however, should be made to do what it desires mostto be that which is beyond itself to be a Superman on earth To be a Superman needs a special kind of selfishnessthe healthy and devoted type of selfishness that constrains all things to flow towards you and into you, so that they shall flow back again out of your fountain as the gifts of your love (Nietzsche 76).In this selfishness there is no lust or craving but true virt ue that elevates the body and enraptures the spirit (Nietzsche 76). This new virtue brings power and knowledge through what he calls the Will to violence. This is what drives the powerful into wanting obedience and change. Zarathustra calls it the unexhausted, procreating life-will (Nietzsche 108), and together with worth and will, this is also what the last man lacks nowadays. People are unaware of the healthy and holy selfishness, which is why he cannot create beyond himself.The Way to Redemption Zarathustra, as a teacher, tries to correct the conflicting understanding of these notions by doing the following first, by finding his own disciples and instruction them before sending them on their own to find their Will to Power and virtue, which should both be overrun in order for them to preach or share it with others and second, by preaching to the most uncommon men (i.e., hunchback, the cripples, the blind men) who live apart from the rest of the people.However, because man has turned his back against the Will to Power, Zarathustra claims that there is low-down on earth as penalty for the negligence Everything perisheth, therefore everything deserveth to perish (Nietzsche 132). Yet the past is past. pull down the Will to Power has no power to bring back time thus, there is wo(e). But there is what is called courage that slays giddiness, suffering, and death (Nietzsche 143). As stated, Courage, however, is the best slayer, courage which attacketh (Nietzsche 143). By possessing courage, man is on his way to salvation to find his Will to Power and his virtue, for the Self to find its worth and will in the spirit. At that moment, he will have the power to create beyond himselfa being that even death, giddiness, and suffering is uneffective to tear down.Conclusion Truth is always on the side of the more difficult. Friedrich Nietzsche in his letter to his sister, 1865 (NietzscheKaufmann 29) In Nietzsches Thus Spake Zarathustra, he speaks about a crisis that is being shared by the existing humanity. There is crisis because of the following essential points first, the non-existence of God in this world second, the centering on life after death third, the suffering of self-satisfaction fourth, the longing for contentment and comfort fifth, the lack of strong, positive goals and courage sixth and last, having a smaller world with weaker men. With the Self as the master of the ego and the spirit, a man should not despise his body because of esteem, especially that it is the body that builds the spirit, which then builds both worth and will.Without the body, there is no spirit, worth, will, and the ego. To be a Superman is to be selfish enough to gain in knowledge and in power, yet how can all be possible without virtue and Will to Power? To have Will to Power in a changing and suffering world, however, there is a drastic need for courage. This is the way to the redemption of mankind to have the courage in wiping away suffering and pain, wh ich has been inflicted on mankind as penalty for its negligence. Despite the past being irrevocable, man will no longer fall to self-destruction, as he has learned to go well beyond himself.Works CitedNietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Translated by Thomas Common. University Park, Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania State University, 1999.Nietzsche, Friedrich, and Walter Kaufmann. The man-portable Nietzsche. New York, NY Penguin Group, Inc., 1977.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Beer and Food Essay Example for Free
Beer and Food EssayAbstract As a consultant for many restaurants in California, I find myself re-visiting the establishments with a vast nutriment menu and a wide variety of divergent beers that I bay window enjoy simultaneously. I prefer to engage myself in restaurants that be optimistic in their location, upshot values, menu selections, and ostracise environment. Not only is it important to sell good food and drinks, it is also first harmonic to possess team members that charter integrity in their jobs.I was hired for a restaurant in Claremont, Heroes and Legends (131 Yale Ave. ), in indian lodge to evaluate their many beer selections in coincidence to their menu passing playings. My purpose in evaluating this restaurant is to enlighten another(prenominal) potential guests of suitable beer survivals that leave cut, complement or contrast their food penchant in the establishment. I feel it is my duty to also inform the restaurant of the several food and beer ite ms they offer that may open conversation for server suggestions ultimately lead to a great guest experience. repair in the heart of downtown Claremont at that place is a trendy restaurant by the name of Heroes and Legends bar and grill.This establishment seems to appeal to a demographic of all ages. With a brick-laid exterior and a name wish comfortably Heroes and Legends, hotshot would expect advertisements of stouts, porters and fine meats- drinks and foods of a rustic, colonial motif. Walking into the establishment I was immediately told that there was a self-seating method. The feel of the restaurant was warm and upbeat, welcoming a friendly and social attitude. One important focal point upon entering is the bar. Easy to find, it has stool seating and a well-varied selection of beers on tap. zealous to know all the beer selections, I opened the small ringed book sitting on my table. I counted a total of forty-seven beers that were be offered on the list. any(prenominal) of these beers were of special availability, therefore the waiters and waitresses encouraged us to enjoy them while they last. Each one of these beers had a special quality to them. Of course the test, inebriant percentage, and coat are all special qualities, but each type of beer was served in different glassware. Some of the beers are served in a pint, medium, or large glass.Other beers are served strictly in pint glasses or 11oz glasses only. For example, Premium Belgian imports are served in 11oz flare glasses only, while other beer choices are served in medium schooner glasses or large 34oz mugs. As I scanned the beer menu, I was greeted by a server named mike whose tasks also involved working behind the bar. To my surprise, this establishment does not channelise one server to one section of tables rather, each server helps one another with every task. Whether it is pickings a drink or food order, or running the food out to the table, the restaurant had a total team effor t feel.The menu had many food items varying from fish n chips to affable entrees like sirloin steak and carried enough beers for customers to enjoy. As this was my first visit to Heroes and Legends, I asked my server to enlighten me with the establishments top 6 items on the menu. The waiter began with the top-selling Chicken Quesadilla, which was chosen to first off my meal. For one order of this appetizer, it is priced at $11. 95. Served hot with grilled chicken, sliced mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions topped with Cheddar and Jack cheeses with a side of guacamole, acerbity option, and salsa.I paired this appetizer with a Hoegaarden Witbier for its smooth, refreshing, and crisp finish that wont overpower the food. The Hoegaarden has a coriander and orange peel touch, and a dry/sour after audition. It isnt overly sweet, but was flavorful paired with the appetizer. Priced at $7. 25, it was served in a pint glass and has an ABV of 5%. Pairing with a different beer I would recomme nd the Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier make by Paulaner Brewing Company in Germany (ABV 5. 50%).Paulaners Hefeweizen has a banana and clove aroma, but has a better kick regards to audition because of the match and prominent grasp of banana, clove, wheat, and caramel sweetness. It is a light beer that is high on carbonation, drinks smooth and is creamy- perfect for a poultry appetizer. Next, Mike recommended the New York Steak (14 oz. medium-rare) with a side of steamed vegetables and a baked potato topped with sour cream and chives. I paired the steak with a Belgian-style ale known as St. Bernardus Abt 12 Quadrupel. It had a total ABV of 10% priced at $7 and was served in a flare glass.This beer has a sweet, light-roasted malt, clove, banana, and candy sugar flavor with a impalpable causticness towards the end. It is remarkably flavorful which complements any robust, gamey meal such as the New York Steak. This Quadrupel isnt quite as bold as other unlighted beers, but its smooth, full -body and rich taste made this colligation a satisfying meal. Another beer to go with Heroes New York steak would be the Dunkel Lager by The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery. It is spicy yet light-bodied and smooth with an ABV of 4. 90%. Its initial taste of dark toast is mildly sweet and continues with bitter coffee and dark chocolate.It then finishes with a slight spicy presence which is perfect for any spectator involving red meat. Among other recommendations, the waiter suggested the L. A. 19 Pastrami. Pricing at $12. 45, Mike described that it is served hot with Russian dressing, zesty coleslaw, Swiss cheese, mounted over rye bread and is served with a choice of sides, one being curly fries. The seasoning on the curly fries and the coleslaw on the sandwich calls for a beer that will cut from the seasoniness. It paired wonderfully with an IPA such as grindle head 90 minute IPA (ABV of 9%) which was served in a pint glass priced at $7.A perfect suggestion for this pairing would be Russian Rivers triple IPA, Pliny the Younger (ABV 11%). This IPA is extremely hoppy. With a strong scent of yen cone and a balanced blend of citrus and herbs it would do well to cut through the salt and fattiness. Other top-selling items were a couple of Heroes best-selling burgers. First was the California burger (priced at $18. 95). This burger is definitely a discoverment consisting of caramelized sauteed mushrooms, Applewood smoked bacon, pickle chips, whole leaf lettuce, tomato, avocado, cheese, onion, and pesto mayo topped on top of flame-broiled black Angus chuck patty on a wheat bun.Containing bold greasy, flavors from the bacon and mushrooms I paired this selection with gemstone have doorkeeper. It is an American Porter by rock music Brewing Co. with an ABV of 5. 9 % served in a choice of a pint, medium schooner glass, or large 34oz mug. The smoked malt in the beer complemented the large pieces of bacon. Like the Stone Porter, I suggest Hill Farmstead Brewerys Everet t Porter. It has an ABV of 7. 50% with a taste of roasted malt, dark chocolate and brown sugar on the finish which complements the mushroom taste.No hint of booze or hops on the flavor profile leaving the beer very drinkable and smooth. Either porters will do fine in cutting through the greasy flavors. The next Burger Mike suggested was the famous Heroes Kobe Burger. This 10 snow leopard Kobe beef burger is topped with lettuce, pickle chips, and Thousand Island dressing on an onion bun and priced at $13. 95. This burger seems unprejudiced therefore, I would pair it with a beer extravagant with flavor such as Rouge Double hot chocolate Stout. This is an imperial stout priced at $7. 00 with an ABV of 8. 7%.The choice side, specifically curly fries dipped in ketchup, complimented the stout due to the sweetness of the ketchup. The burger, having an onion bun, gave the beer a great contrast, therefore causing the sweet taste of the beer to counteract the wholesome onion flavor. A simi lar beer not offered at Heroes would be Alesmith Speedway Stout vanilla extract and Coconut (ABV 12%). It has the same flavor profile but the amazing blend of vanilla, coconut, dark chocolate, coffee and toasted malts in the background gives this beer a very creamy, rich taste.It is also incredibly well balanced with no alcohol presence making it a great smoked meat or dessert beer. The last best-selling food item served as a lunch entree is the Beef Brisket Sandwich. It consists of tender, thin-sliced and slow-cooked brisket. imputable to the large amount of beef, I would recommend a beer that provides cut or contrast. To contrast and cut the flavor of the protein which is salty and greasy, I recommend a dark, bitter and full-bodied beer. From their in-house selection, a mixture of the Stone Smoked Porter with the Stone IPA would pair well.The IPA will provide a refreshing citrusy and hoppy taste with higher alcohol content while the Smoked Porter will provide the dark, smooth, ch ocolate-coffee, smoky flavor. Combining both these beers into one drink will provide the contrast and cut needed to pair perfectly with the beef brisket sandwich. A beer not offered in this establishment that could also be considered is the wooly-minded Coast Alley Cat gold (ABV 5. 50%). This beer is well-balanced, full-flavored amber ale, providing an assertive and balanced blend of malts and hops, and will contrast the high protein flavor of the beef. carry over 1 Food Heroes and Legends Beer Outside Beer Chicken Quesadilla Hoegaarden Witbier Paulaner Hefe-weissbier New York Steak St. Bernardus Abt 12 Quad Olde Mecklenburg Dunkel Lager LA Pastrami Dogfish head 90 minute IPA Russian River Pliny the Younger (Triple IPA) CA Burger Stone Smoked Porter Everett Porter Kobe Burger rascal Double chocolate Stout Alesmith Speedway Stout Vanilla Coconut Beef Brisket Sandwich mix in Stone Smoked Porter with the Stone IPA Lost Coast Alley Cat Amber Everyone was slaked with the in-house selection of beers but some recommendations were made.Many of the brand recommendations were Paulaner Brewing Co. , Russian River, The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, Hill Farmstead Brewery, Alesmith Brewery, and Lost Coast which had produced beers that paired great with our meals. Generally, the 6 new brands were chosen either for similarity in taste and/or better taste, or business-related. For example, The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery is a newcomer in the brewing business. They were chosen due to their exceedingly regarded beers and as a method of merchandise strategy.OMBs beers are only sold and distributed in pairing Carolina, but if Heroes and Legends carried one of their beers such as the Dunkel Lager in the West Coast customers will bash to try this new rare beer. Its a great way to bring publicity nearly the OMB name to the West Coast as well as increase Heroes daily volume of customers. Some decisions were easier than others such is with Alesmith Brewery their beer had a simila r taste and profile as Rogues Double Chocolate Stout. All in all, Heroes and Legends beer selections were vast enough for me to have many options.As far as marketing techniques for beers at Heroes and Legends, a new strategy could be applied. Currently, tin and neon signs decorate the cluttered walls from watershed to corner. It is overwhelming and lacks any description of each beers content. One good technique for introducing new beers is to have a specific beer on special every week or month- a beer of the month approach. Also, it wouldnt hurt to have the servers make recommendations as a customers order is placed. Many of the recommended in house beers were great. Because the selections are already satisfying, our out of house beers resembled them.Therefore, it would not prove difficult to supplement our recommended beers into the reliable beer list. That is to say, advertising would not have to change much at all. In conclusion, blah blah something final this paper.Works Cite d BeerAdvocate. (2013). Dunkel Lager The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery. BeerAdvocate. Retrieved from http//beeradvocate. com/beer/profile/19247/54854 Benitez, T. (2013). Beer and Food Pairings Editorial. Mens Fitness. Retrieved from http//www. mensfitness. com/nutrition/what-to-eat/beer-and-food-pairings Brewers Association. (2013).Celebrating the Best of American Beer. CraftBeer. com. Retrieved from http//www. craftbeer. com/beer-and-food/pairing-tips/pairing-chart Zagat. (n. d. ). Heroes and Legends. Menu. Retrieved from http//www. zagat. com/r/heroes-and- legends-claremont/menu accessory Key Learnings Briana While doing this project I learned about the different tastes of certain beers in comparison of being on tap or in nursing bottle. In my visit to Heros and Legends except and Grill, I learned that they do not carry any beers in bottle, only on tap. That dark I ordered Rouge chocolate stout.I am a fan of nearly Rogue beers, specifically Dead Guy Ale. I enjoy Dead Guy Ale equa lly in bottle or on tap, but for some reason the Chocolate Stout didnt excite me as much as it does in a bottle. While drinking it on tap, the beer did not have a finishing taste as it does in bottle. The strong chocolate taste was not as evident. Also, the lavatory of the glass from the tap stout did not have residue of chocolate as it will when I buy a bottle and pour it into a glass myself. Therefore, I learned that I would most certainly, from now on, favor certain style beers out of the bottle, rather than on tap.Kayla Ive learned that its not just the taste of the beer that sets it apart, but how it smells, looks and the dynamics of pairing it with food. I used to choose a beer based on its alcohol content and name. If it sounded unique, I would order it. Then Id discern whether I liked the beer or not by how smooth it is and whether I liked the flavor. I never understood what each name meant, for example Pilsner or Dunkel. For the longest time my struggle trying to number ou t which beer to order was like trying to find a new computer I was inadequately informed and there are so many options.Thanks to this class, I dont have to blindly choose my beers anymore. I can read their labels and, based on what type of beer it is, have a good image of what it looks like and how it will smell/taste. Omar Through this project I learned to start looking at which beer will go well with my food and not just order a random beer. By selecting a pairing of my choice I learned what to look at when pairing beer with food. Michelle The task of pairing food and beers may come off as overwhelming. It is important to remember that if it taste good to you, then that is what truly matters.In the vast market of craft brews (over 2,100 breweries as of 2012) pairing can be simplified to three key roles of beer- cut, contrast, and compliment. When finishing this assignment, it became evident that one beer can pair well with several different food options. For example, a nice whit beer can cut a productive burger and then compliment a banana split. I feel, that after experimenting, my options have only been expanded for food and beer pairing and now there is an eagerness and excitement to put my knowledge to the test. More beer tasting
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