Monday, April 15, 2019
Special Education Laew and Litigation Essay Example for Free
Special Education Laew and Litigation Essay* Special information teachers must experience legal liabilities and rights pertaining to student, p bent, and teachers. Special education teachers recognize that limited education practice is heavily regulated and argon able to define relevant laws and policies that related to specific special education. (APTS 8, 9 INTASC 1 CEC 1, 9) Assessment peter Selected * Essay Specific Performance/Task(s) Articulate relevant educational laws and ethics pertaining to student, p arnt, and teacher rights and responsibilities. (APTS 8. 13) Explain pronounce and federal laws, rules, and regulations as they pertain to special education. (APTS 9. 2) Identify legal responsibilities of teachers (special and general) in accordance with special education laws, rules, and regulations. (APTS 9. 2) Define relevant laws and policies that relate to specific special education situations. (CEC 1. 2) Analyze influential historical events and serviceman issues in special education from various points of view. (CEC 1. 3) Apply ethical/professional standards, follow legal parameters, and obtain within limits of practice in the design and execution of instruction, decision-making, and collaborative interactions with students, families, colleagues, and agencies.(CEC 9. 1) Relevancy of Task to Teacher nominee * In the special education classroom setting, teachers must comply with laws and rights pertaining to the field of special education. Assessment scholar Prompts/Teacher Directions * Discovering the Relationship Between the Law and Your School (Benchmark Assessment) Use the GCU eLibrary to research information beyond what is provided in the course materials to explore the law and its application to special education issues covered in this course.Explore evoke departments of education Web sites to investigate the laws of your state and other states as well as their application to special education issues covered in this course. Schedu le an appointment with an attorney well-versed in school law or with a special education director to learn about the following issues a) How has the legal system evolved, as it applies to special education, over the past 20 years, and how has that affected the legal framework for special education now? b) How does the legal framework differ for special needs students and regular students in private and public schools?c) Who monitors the implementation and evaluation of IEPs in private and public schools? d) In the legal experts opinion, are in that respect any elements of special education law that need refinement? Explain. Write an essay of 1,750-2,000 words in which you compare and contrast the findings of your research and the information obtained in the interview. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required. Additionally, submit the assignment in TaskStream.Directions for s ubmitting to TaskStream smoke be found on the College of Educations page in the Student Success Center. mark Tool/Guide (Rubric) Discovering the Relationship Between the Law and Your School Criteria 1 Unsatisfactory 2 slight Than Satisfactory 3 Satisfactory 4 Good 5 Excellent * Required Content * 85% * * CEC 9, 10 Central purpose or argument is not clearly identified. Analysis is vague or notevident. Reader is conf spendd or may be misinformed. Information computer backups a central purpose or argument at times. Analysis is basic or general. Reader gains few insights. exclusively required cloy is discussed.Information provides reasonable support for a central purpose or argument and displays evidence of a basic analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains insights. All required content is discussed and examples are provided to support or stand for main ideas. All required content is thoroughly discussed and examples are provided to support and exemplify main ideas. Com ments Organization and Format (10%) Essay Structure, Paragraph Development, and Transitions Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No patent connections among divides. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope.Organization is disjointed. both(prenominal) paragraphs and transitions may lack logical feeler of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident. Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show slightly inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other. A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are aimd as appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope. There is a sophisticated construction of the essay.Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The writer has been careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. APA Format and Style Requirements APA format and style are not evident. act page is present, but is missing APA elements. In-text citations, where necessary, are used but they are formatted inaccurately and not referenced. All key elements of an APA title page are present. An abstract is present and formatted correctly. In-text citations and a reference section are present with few format errors. Mechanics of writing are reflective of APA style. Plan elements are theoretically supported with accurate citations and references. A broad understanding of APA format and style is evident in the use of level headings and lists, for example. Comments Mechanics, Language Use, and earreach Awareness (5%) Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar) Surface errors are pervasive sufficient that they impede communication of meaning. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracti ng to the reader. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English. Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc. ) Student uses noncollegiate, conversational tone, inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction, and lack of variety in dustup use. Student appears to be unaware of audience. Use of terra firma prose indicates student either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately. Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some conversational tone. Language choice (register) can be distracting or inconsistent with sentence structure.Some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately is noted. Language is clear and audience-appropriate. Sentences display varied structure with minor errors. Use of collegiate language is appropriate for the most part. Uses a variety of sentence structures and collegiate-l evel vocabulary. Uses figures of speech and idioms to communicate clearly. Language is precise and sentences display consistently strong, varied structure. Approach to use of language is unique, creative, and appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope of topic. Comments * * * 2012. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
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