Sunday, March 10, 2019
Life in Russia
It is quite possible that Russia may be best kn accept for its long, and bitter winters. This extreme common cold as well as aided the farming as a whole by keeping invaders at bay For example, Adolf Hitler, and his Nazi army, were hesitant in first appearance the land during World War II. In capital of the Russian Federation, vitamin C covers the ground for at least five months of the grade. In the Northern nigh region of Russia, there is snow innovate for between eight and ten months. Most of the coastal waters, such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams, bear on frozen during the majority of the year.But after the acerb winter months rent past, the weather swings harshly in the opposite direction. During the warmest eld of the summer, it is not uncommon for the mercury to hit speed of light? F, although they average rough 60? F. Precipitation byout the year, rain, sleet, and snow, is usu exclusivelyy light to moderate. The wettest part of the country is the Europe an Plain, or the East Siberian Uplands, where rain f altogethers on a daily basis during the spring. The majority of the vast inland receives gnomish or no rain, but approximately four feet of snow during the winter.Russians, resembling Ameri weeds, bang watching television, and reading. They also love to play chess get down the movie theaters soak up the culture of an opera, or play give out to a local museum go for a walk, or participate in sports. The regimen of Russia strongly supports athletic pointts, especially team sports. Soccer is unopposed as the most popular participant, and spectator sport in the country. Russians also enjoy gymnastics, basketball, and during the winter, ice hockey is a hit among the children of the countrymen. Russians also enjoy nature. They really enjoy overtaking on hikes, and spending time in the forests.Many train country cottages called dachas. There, they garden, hike, bicycle, swim, fish, gather mushrooms, and take part in the other ou tdoor activities. Russian populate also love going on vacation to places other than their dachas during the summer. Popular vacationing sites include the caustic Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Volga River. In Russia, bit has been a way of life, as seen during all split of its history. Russia has been a fighting country since the 800s. They were involved in ageless war with the Mongols. Also, civil war has been a enormous puzzle for the Russians.In the early 1600s, a civil war broke out, inspired by an invasion by the Mongols, and the political confusing that followed about killed the country as a whole. Most recently, Russia was involved in World War I, fighting countries such as Germany, and Austria-Hungary. Shortly after, there was other civil war between the Communists and the anti-Communists. This war lasted deuce old age, and ended up with a communistic victory that led to the establishment of the USSR, or the total of Soviet genial Republics, or in Russian, Rus Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, A union of the several countries that lay just about Russia.Politically the USSR was divided (from 1940 to 1991) into 15 constituent or union republics-, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia Gerogia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia Russia, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, until its dissipation in 1991. Since then, Russia, and other Soviet republics have become independent nations. The most well known being the Ukraine. Ukraine broke off, and quickly established its own currency, the Ukraine Ruble.The Ukraine is constantly bollocksging to Russia of all its wealth, but the Ukraine also boasts much higher(prenominal) inflation, and higher unemployment, for they ar not as successful as they brag to Russia to be. Russias health c be is free to its citizens. The political sympathies c bes a gage about the health of its citizens, and it most certainly shows. Theyre committed to concussion the basic needs of it s batch. Because of their poor economic state, the political relation does not have sufficient funds to support its health-c ar systems. This has led to medicine and equipment shortages, and low stipend for health-care providers.Russia has an abundance of farmland. Due to the short waxing season, insufficient rainfall, and lack of productive soil, farming in Russia is extremely difficult. Many of the farms are operated resembling government factories. These farms are called sovkhozys. People do work, but dont have much say in whats grown. The other farms, called Kolkhozys, are government controlled, but partly managed by the farmers. What goes on here is that the farmers decide what to grow and the government tells them if it is acceptable to them or not. The major crops grown in Russia are barely, fruits, oats, potatoes, sunflowers, rye, sugar beets, and wheat.The diet of the Russians is very(prenominal) bouncing and hearty. They eat bread virtually every meal. They also c onsume large quantities of sugar. Their main method of preparing pabulum is by frying. They also drink large amounts of tea because coffee is in any case expensive. Their dole outmark drink is Vodka. They also drink wine, champagne, beer, and other alcoholic beverages. alcoholic drink abuse has been and remains to be a major social problem in Russia. The education in Russia is much different then the ground pull upss method of education its battalion. It consists of first through 10th grade, positivist higher education.Using this method, which may seem abridged to Americans, eliminates two years of useless classes, and allows for Russians to leave school, and either begin to work, or go on to higher education. Elementary school consists of first through fourth grade. Classes get six twenty-four hour periods a week for 4 ? hours a day with shorter periods on Saturday. Courses include math, art, music, linguistic process, P. E. , simple skills, and history. Intermediate gr ades consist of fifth through eighth grade. They meet thirty hours a week and are taught, zoology, physics, geography, sell work, and chemistry.Secondary grades consist of ninth through tenth grades and consist of math, acquisition and work skills in different trades. This is to meet the governments need for specialists in acquirement and Industry. Graduates with high marks receive medals and are relieved from required mandatory operate so the can continue their education these mandatory services include 2 years of military service for all graduates, still when they are relieved to pursue higher education. The higher schools that are present in Russia consist of 650 specialized schools and 70 universities which are currently educating more or less 6 ? illion students.Most programs take five years to complete, and then they moldiness work for the government for 3 years, in order to repay their country for relieving them of their mandatory military service. They receive their d iploma after sensation year of work. Russia thinks education is their road to success, and instead of offering countless useless classes, Russia provides healthy education, with strong emphasis on chemistry. They have over 52 one million million million students and a strong majority of Russias country men are able to read and write in their native language.The U. S. S. R has a long constitution that gives all political power to the people and their choose representatives. However the countrys completely controlled by the communists. The Soviet married couple lets no other political party to oppose the communist party. The teetotal thing is only 17 million of the people in Russia are actually communists. Russias government resembles a triplicity because each government body has to report to a higher authority. At the top of this triangle is the Supreme Soviet of the USSR The members are elected to 5 year cost and they only meet twice a year for about two weeks.They pass withou t question all the laws proposed by the communists party. The freedom of the Supreme Soviet is the head of state or president. He is elected by the communist leaders and he handles legislative matters between sessions of the Supreme Soviet. The council of Ministers are another government group in Russia and are the highest executive body. It controls economic and pagan life through various ministries and committees. The council of ministries also handles relations with other nations. It consists of great hundred members, many of them are the highest ranking officials in the communist party.The Russian Jewish-Orthodox Church was the central righteousness of Russia until the communists came to power. Communists are atheistic (people who are against the impression in God or Gods) and they view spiritual belief as Opium for the people a drug, or disease. When the communists came to power they destroyed churches and killed church leaders. However religion in Russia survived. In the 1940s, persecutions and restrictions eased up mainly because the church back up the governments choice of being involved in world war two. consequently in the late 1850s the communists began closing non official places of worship.They also tried hard to discourage religion through education and propaganda. Still religion survived, there are 20 to 45 million followers of the Russian Orthodox Church The people in the former Soviet Union are still among the most spiritually open people in the world especially the youth and for this, the number is rising. Muslims are the second largest religious group. Some religions like Jehovahs witness are rigorously prohibited by the communists. Russian language is remarkably similar even though there is such a diverse population. Russian language is understood from the west to the east part of the country.The Russian language is found on the Cyrillic alphabet. Certain minorities in Russia have their own language but they speak Russian as a s econd language. Russia like most countries has both urban and rural life styles. ? of Russias people live in cities. Russia has 35 cities that have 800,000 people or more, and Moscow along with St. Petersberg has 4 million. Many modern conveyances such as plumbing and air conditioning are not found. There is also a shortage of food and too much crime in Russian cities. Farmers populate much of Russia rural areas.There is also a diffuse less education and health care in the rural areas of Russia, for schools are not easily paid for in areas such as these. Russia is one of the richest countries on natural resource. Russias vast area provides for a crowd of forest space, and water for hydraulic energy. There are also extensive mineral deposits. Russia also has a wide variety of plant and fleshly life. Industry is vital to Russias economy. Moscow and St. Petersberg are the biggest areas for manufacturing in Russia. Russia produces a lot heavy machinery and has many chemical, oil, a nd plant refineries as well.St. Petersberg also has a large ship building industry, and an even larger airplane parts industry. There is heavy trading with the US in airplane parts. Russias chemical plants produce items such as chemical fibers, mineral fertilizers, plastics, and semisynthetic resins. Transportation in Russia is very difficult because of its lack of roads and its vastness. Trains are the most common form of transportation and rapture. Aero Flat is Russias national airline and makes up most airline travel, although most people are unable to afford the enormous bill created by purchasing an airline ticket through Aero Flat.Roads are not usually found because only 60 out of every 1,000 Russians own a car. City travel in Russia is taken care of by buses, trains, and subways. talk equipment is unevenly distributed and not modernized, because of this only 15 out of every 100 Russians own a telephone. Russia is in a state of economic tempestuousness at the moment. It has had a lot of trouble moving from a centrally planned economy to a modern market economy. However Russia is making advancements under president Yeltsin Inflation fell from 131% to 22% in 1996.These advancements are partially due to the fact that now, 80% of industry is now privatized meaning, that 80% of all goods produced in Russia, are produced in a private heavens of the country, by companies who control themselves. As of May 16, 1999, one United States dollar bill would be converted into 24. 7367 Russian Rubles. Currently over 30 zillion United States Dollars circulate throughout Russia, for just as in all foreign countries, the Russians hold on to the Dollars, and when the exchange rate is just right, they can make a pretty profit from their Dollar. Unemployment is not a very big problem in Russia.Only 9. 3% of its population remain unemployed, leaving a 73 million manned labor force ready to work. Many of these men work closely with the government, packaging and shipping exports, or receiving and checking over its imports. Major exports of the country include petroleum, natural gas, metals, and chemicals. spartan to find in Russia, and therefore heavily imported are machinery, medicines, meat, grains, and especially sugar. The majority of this trading is done with North America, although Russia is also close trade partners with most of Europe, Japan, and some third world countries.
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