Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Ethnocentrism Essay example -- essays research papers

Websters dictionary defines ethnocentrism as The tendency to evaluate otherwise groups according to the values and standards of angiotensin-converting enzymes let ethnic group, especially with the conviction that ones own ethnic group is superior to the other groups. When first reading this definition, one would naturally agree that ethnocentrism does exist in our world and society, often puzzling it with patriotism. However, many do not realize that ethnocentrism is, has been, and continues to be a booster cable cause for violence in the States. Different ethnic groups such as African Americans and Native Americans have suffered through years of violent crimes against them because of the ovalbumin mans ethnocentric views of themselves when compared with other races and cultures.Ethnocentrism began to develop in America long before we were officially a nation. When Europeans first came to America and had their initial encounters with the Native Americans, the Europeans were so surprised about how different the Natives were. Their differences in language, dress, and hide color made them doubt that the Native Americans were even human. Stemming from this notion, the Europeans eventually began to calculate the Natives as the other and felt that they were more civilized than the others. Amerigo Vespucci wrote that the Native Americans were worsened than heathen because we did not see that they offered any sacrifice, nor did they have a manse of prayer. Consequently, these feelings...

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