Monday, February 18, 2019

Essay --

The author George Elliot once said dont judge a entertain by its cover. Appearance can be very misleading, and you shouldnt prejudge the worth or value of something by its external appearance alone. This philosophical idea has been included in many whole shebang of literature, including the timeless classic To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper lee side. The novel takes place in the town of Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s. many an(prenominal) citizens of Maycomb tend to make judgements based on outward appearances alone. In the novel, Lee uses minor characters such as Boo Radley, Mrs. Dubose, and Tom Robinson to convey the books theme of prejudice. Boo Radley is thought to be a malevolent, soulless, shadowy person, but he proves to be a caring, good-natured person. In Chapter 1, Jem offers his sensing of Boo Radley to Scout and Dill Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, thats why his give were bloodstainedif you ate an animal raw, you could never wash the blood off. in that location was a long jagged scar that ran across his face what teeth he had were yellow and rotten his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time (16). Jem perceives Boo Radley as creation a monster instead of existence a man. Jem comes to this conclusion despite having never even seen Boo Radley in person. Jems understanding of Boo Radley is based on the rumors that he has comprehend about him. In Chapter 8, after the fire at Miss Maudies house, Scout notices that she was wrapped in a blanket that she did not rescue with she left the house. Scout asks Atticus who was the person that put the blanket virtually her. Atticus tells Scout, Boo Radley. You were so busy watching the fire you didnt receive it when he... if they tried. In our courts, when its a gaberdine mans word against a dark mans, the white man always wins. Theyre ugly, but those are the facts of life (295). From the very line of descent of the trial, the jury was going to find Tom Robinson guilty since it was a black mans word against a white mans word. The all-white jury never wanted to see a black person win against a white person. After he is found guilty, Tom is sent to a prison where he tries to escape but is shot to death by the prison guards. Mr. Underwood writes an editorial in which he compares Tom being shot to death to hunters shooting mockingbirds. Like a mockingbird, Tom never caused any harm to anyone. Tom is shot by the jury when they simulate that he is guilty because he is a black man and his supposed victim is white. In the end, an innocent man was found guilty because of the change of his skin.

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