Saturday, February 9, 2019

Database design process Essay -- essays research papers

AbstractDatabase Systems has a practical, hands-on approach that makes it unequivocally suited to providing a strong foundation in good database approach pattern practice. Database stick out is more art than science. While its true that a by rights designed database should follow the normal forms and the relational model, you still have to diminish up with a design that reflects the product line you are trying to model. This physical composition shows describes design operation of database project.The importance of Completing the Design ProcessAn cardinal point to keep in mind is that the level of structural integrity and data integrity is in direct proportion to how thoroughly the design process is followed. The less m spent on the design process, the greater the risk of encountering problems with the database. While thoroughly following the database design process may not eliminate all of the problems you may encounter when designing a database, it will greatly help to m inimize them. Also in an RDBMS software system program a well-designed database is easier to implement than a poorly designed database. (Michael J. Hernandez, 1996)      tonality database Design ConceptsBefore a design effort can give-up the ghost full speed ahead, the designer must first number time to understand the business. Understanding the business involves understanding the entities, data, and rules within an organization, and then converting these attributes of the business into a business model. Then, the designer must have a steadfast comprehension of the proposed database model. Finally, the designer will convert the business model into a database model, using a design methodology, whether automated or a manual(a) process.(Ryan Stephens & antiophthalmic factor Ronald Plew, 2002)General Design Process following(a) table angle general steps of database designStep     Description1     Requirements sight and a nalysis2     Conceptual database design3     Choice of a DBMS4     Data model mapping (also called logical database design)5     Physical database design6     Database system implementation(Elmasri, Ramez, & Navathe, Shamkant B., 1994)Creating the finishing is the last stepnot the first Many developers take an mentation for an application, bu... ... levels of normalization, but the primary levels are the first, second, and third normal forms. Each level has a rule or two that must be followed. Following all of the rules will help ensure that your database is well organized and flexible.To take an idea from inception through to fruition, you should follow a design process. This process essentially says "think before you act." Discuss rules, requirements, and objectives, and then create the final exam version of your normalized tables.Reference1.     El masri, Ramez, & Navathe, Shamkant B., Fundamentals of Database Systems, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994, ISBN 0-8053-1748-1, pages 450-452.), retrieved from website http// unclouded/finosaur/db/ , Feb 06, 20052.     Michael J. Hernandez, Database Design For Mere Mortals, Chapter 4, 1996, retrieved from UOP resource safari Tech Books Online website, Feb 06,20053.     Ryan Stephens & Ronald Plew, Key database design concepts, 2002, retrieved from website http//,289142,sid13_gci812028,00.html, Feb 06, 2005

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