Thursday, January 31, 2019
Personal Narrative- Shoulder Injury :: Personal Narrative Essays
Personal Narrative- Shoulder imperfectionI felt it pop, and pain engulfed my shoulder like ants cover an formicary that has been stirred with a bowling pin. It made me angry, exactly it didnt help things to get mad. in that respect was nothing I could do but try to recover in time to start over. Giving up wasnt an option.My junior year in high school, I went out for basketball game. I liked it for a while, but when games started I was on JV. It was okay, but I was scarcely getting to sport twain minutes per game. This didnt make me very happy. With all the time that I was putting in to play, it just wasnt worth it. My dad told me to just stick it out. Some of my friends told me that I should just switch to wrestling. I didnt know if this was possible, so I talked to the coach. The coach verbalize he would be glad to capture me on the team, but I would have to talk to the counselor. I talked to him and explained why I wanted to switch sports and he gave me the go ahead. The re was only one thing standing in my way how was I spill to persuade my parents to let me wrestle. I talked to my dad about it and he said that if that was really what I wanted to do then that would be fine. I decided that I would play one more game of basketball and if things didnt get fall in, I would switch. Things didnt get better. I went in once for two minutes.I got my weight certified and started wrestling over Christmas break. My first intrust was horrible. The head gear straps made my head raw and I got my target area kicked. I didnt know anything compared to the other guys in the 135 weight group. I learned a lot from them, though, and as time progressed, I got better and could actually wrestle with them. I found that there were some moves that wouldnt change state on me, beca use my shoulders were very flexible. It was great, because some kids were afraid that they were tearing up my shoulders, so, they wouldnt use some of the techniques that they regularly would hav e. Finally, I had enough practices to wrestle in a meet. I was nervous, because it was my very first meet, and it was a varsity meet that our JV was going to.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Hindustani classical music Essay
The customs duty was born divulge of a ethnical synthesis of some(prenominal)(prenominal) melodyal traditions the Vedic intonate tradition, dating back to more than than three thousand years ago,the antediluvian patriarch Iranian tradition of Musiqi-e assil, and various tribe traditions prevalent in the region. It is traditionalistic for per fermenters who declare reached a distinguished level of achievement to be awarded titles of observe Hindoos ar ordinarily give earred to as pandit and Muslims as ustad. An aspect of Hindustani medication going back to Sufi times is the tradition of spectral disinterest Muslim ustads whitethorn verbalise compositions in praise of Hindu deities, and iniquity versa. Around the 12th ampere-second, Hindustani innocent euphony diverged from what eventual(prenominal)ly came to be identified as Carnatic innocent music. The central notion in cardinal these systems is that of a ariose mode or raga, sung to a jazzy cycle or tala . The tradition dates back to the ancient Samaveda, (sma signification ritual tone up), which deals with the norms for chanting of srutis or hymns such as the set Veda.These principles were refined in the musical treatises Natya Shastra, by Bharata (2nd threesome century CE), and Dattilam (probably 3rd4th century CE). In medieval times, the melodic systems were f employ with ideas from Persian music, circumstancely by dint of the enamour of Sufi composers wish healthful Amir Khusro, and afterward in the Moghul motor hotels. Noted composers such as Tansen flourished, a ample with religious groups comparable the Vaishnavites. after the 16th century, the telling drifts diversified into different gharanas patronise in different sybaritic solicits. Around 1900, Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande consolidated the musical structures of Hindustani classical music, called ragas, into a fleck of thaats. Indian classical music has seven-spot basic notes with five interspersed half-no tes, resulting in a 12-note scurf.Unlike the 12-note scale in Western music, the base frequency of the scale is not fixed, and intertonal gaps (temperament) may alike vary however, with the gradual replacement of the sarangi by the harmonium, an equal tempered scale is increasely apply. The per clayance is set to a melodic pattern called a raga characterized in part by specific ascent (aroha) and descent (avaroha) sequences, which may not be identical. Other diagnostics include world power (vadi) and queen (samavadi) notes and characteristic phrases (pakad). In addition each raga has its natural register (ambit) and portamento (me intercept) figures. Per plaster castances are usually marked by considerable improvisation within these norms.History euphony was premier formalized in India in connection with preserving the sruti texts, primarily the tetrad vedas, which are seen as apaurasheya (meaning not created by man). Not simply was the text important, but as well as the manner in which they had been enunciated by the immortals. metrics and chanting were thus of owing(p) importance, and were enshrined in the two vedangas (bodies of knowledge) called shiksha (pronunciation, chants) and chhandas (prosody) these remained a headstone part of the brahmanic educational system till innovative times. The formal aspects of the chant are delineated in the Samaveda, with certain aspects, e.g. the relation of chanting to meditation, lucubrate in the Chandogya Upanishad (ca. 8th century BC). Priests involved in these ritual chants were called samans and a number of ancient musical instruments such as the conch (shankh), lute (veena), flute glass (bansuri), trumpets and horns were associated with this and later practices of ritual singing.Sanskritic traditionThe Samaveda outlined the ritual chants for singing the verses of the Rigveda, particularly for offerings of Soma. It proposed a tonal structure resting of seven notes, which were named, in travel ai m, krusht, pratham, dwitiya, tritiya, chaturth, mandra and atiswr. These refer to the notes of a flute, which was the only fixed-frequency instrument. This is why the second note is called pratham (meaning archetypal, i.e., produced when only the first hole is closed). Music is dealt with extendedly in the Valmiki haleayana. Narada is an everlasting(a) musician, as is Ravana Saraswati with her veena is the goddess of music. Gandharvas are presented as spirits who are musical masters, and the gandharva style looks to music primarily for pleasure, accompanied by the soma rasa. In the Vishnudharmottara Purana, the Naga king Ashvatara asks to know the svaras from Saraswati. The about important text on music in the ancient provokeon is Bharatas Natya Shastra, composed some the 3rd century CE.The Natya Shastra deals with the different modes of music, dancing, and drama, and also the worked up responses (rasa) they are expected to evoke. The scale is set forth in terms of 22 micro -tones, which can be combined in clusters of four, three, or two to form an musical octave. While the term raga is articulated in the Natya Shastra (where its meaning is more literal, meaning colour or mood), it finds a clearer expression in what is called jati in the Dattilam, a text composed dead after or around the same time as Natya Shastra. The Dattilam is focussed on gandharva music and discusses scales (swara), defining a tonal frame grow called gramma in terms of 22 micro-tonal intervals (sruti3) comprising one octave. It also discusses various arrangements of the notes (murchhana), the permutations and combinations of note-sequences (tanas), and alankara or elaboration. Dattilam categorizes melodic structure into 18 groups called jati, which are the fundamental melodic structures resembling to the raga.The names of the jatis reflect regional origins, for standard andhri and oudichya. Music also finds signify in a number of texts from the Gupta period Kalidasa mentions some(prenominal) kinds of veena (Parivadini, Vipanchi), as sanitary as percussion instruments (mridang), the flute (vamshi) and conch (shankha). Music also finds mention in Buddhist and Jain texts from the soonest periods of the Christian era. Naradas Sangita Makarandha treatise, from about 1100 CE, is the earliest text where rules similar to those of current Hindustani classical music can be found.Narada actually names and classifies the system in its earlier form before the Persian work ons introduced changes in the system. Jayadevas Gita Govinda from the 12th century was perchance the earliest musical composition sung in the classical tradition called Ashtapadi music. In the 13th century, Sharngadeva composed the Sangita Ratnakara, which has names such as the turushka todi (Turkish todi), revealing an influx of ideas from Islamic culture. This text is the last to be mentioned by both the Carnatic and the Hindustani traditions and is much thought to date the divergence ming led with the two.Medieval period Persian influenceThe advent of Islamic rule under the Delhi Sultanate and later the Mughal Empire over northern India caused considerable cultural interchange. Increasingly, musicians received run on in the courts of the new rulers, who in their address, unityted taking increasing interest in local music forms. While the initial generations may have been rooted in cultural traditions right(prenominal) India, they gradually pick out many aspects from their kingdoms which retained the traditional Hindu culture. This helped spur the fusion of Hindu and Muslim ideas to bring forth new forms of musical synthesis like qawwali and khyal. The most influential musician of the Delhi Sultanate period was Amir Khusrau (12531325), sometimes called the incur of modern Hindustani classical music.4 A composer in Persian, Turkish, Arabic, as easily as Braj Bhasha, he is credited with systematizing many aspects of Hindustani music, and also introducing several ragas such as Yaman Kalyan, Zeelaf and Sarpada.He created the qawwali music genre, which fuses Persian melody and beat on a dhrupad like structure. A number of instruments (such as the sitar and tabla) were also introduced in his time. Amir Khusrau is sometimes credited with the origins of the khyal form, but the record of his compositions do not appear to support this. The compositions by the court musician Sadarang in the court of Muhammad Shah bear a closer affinity to the modern khyal. They suggest that patch khyal already existed in some form, Sadarang may have been the father of modern khyal. Much of the musical forms innovated by these pioneers merged with the Hindu tradition, composed in the democratic language of the people (as opposed to Sanskrit) in the work of composers like Kabir or Nanak. This can be seen as part of a large Bhakti tradition, (strongly related to the Vaishnavite movement) which remained influential across several centuries notable figures include Jaya deva (11th century), Vidyapati (fl. 1375 CE), Chandidas (14thfifteenth century), and Meerabai (15551603 CE).As the Mughal Empire came into closer contact with Hindus, especially under Jalal ud-Din Akbar, music and dance also flourished. In particular, the musician Tansen introduced a number of innovations, including ragas and particular compositions. Legend has it that upon his rendition of a night-time raga in the morning, the entire city cast off under a hush and clouds ga at that placed in the sky, and that he could unprovoked fires by singing the raga Deepak, which is supposed to be composed of notes in towering octaves. At the royal house of Gwalior, Raja Mansingh Tomar (14861516 CE) also participated in the prowl from Sanskrit to the local idiom (Hindi) as the language for classical songs.He himself penned several volumes of compositions on religious and secular themes, and was also responsible for the major compilation, the Mankutuhal ( book of Curiosity), which outlined the major forms of music prevalent at the time. In particular, the musical form known as dhrupad saw considerable exploitation in his court and remained a strong point of the Gwalior gharana for many centuries. After the dissolution of the Mughal empire, the patronage of music go along in scummyer princely kingdoms like Lucknow, Patiala, and Banaras, giving rise to the diversity of styles that is today known as gharanas. Many musician families obtained large grants of land which made them self sufficient, at least for a few generations (e.g. the Sham Chaurasia gharana). Meanwhile the Bhakti and Sufi traditions continued to develop and interact with the different gharanas and groups.Modern eraUntil the late nineteenth century, Hindustani classical music was imparted on a one-on-one earth through the guru-shishya (mentor-protg) tradition. This system had many benefits, but also several drawbacks in many cases, the shishya had to spend most of his time serving his guru with a hope that the guru might teach him a cheez (piece or nuance) or two. In addition, the system forced the music to be limited to a small subsection of the Indian community. To a large extent it was limited to the palaces and dance halls. It was shunned by the intellectuals, avoided by the educated middle class, and in general looked see upon as a frivolous practice.5 Then a fortunate turn of events started the renaissance of Hindustani classical music. First, as the power of the maharajahs and nawabs declined in first 20th century, so did their patronage. With the expulsion of Wajid Ali Shah to Calcutta after 1857, the Lucknavi musical tradition came to influence the music of renaissance in Bengal, giving rise to the tradition of Ragpradhan gan around the turn of the century. Also, at the turn of the century, two great stars emerged on the purview Vishnu Digambar Paluskar and Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande. Independent of each other, they spread Hindustani classical music to the rabble in g eneral, and the Marathi middle class in particular.These two gentlemen brought classical music to the masses by organizing music conferences, starting schools, teaching music in class-rooms, and devising a standardized grading and testing system, and by standardizing the promissory note system.6 Vishnu Digambar Paluskar emerged as a talented musician and organizer despite having been blind at age 12. His books on music, as well as the Gandharva Mahavidyalaya music school that he opened in Lahore in 1901, helped foster a movement away from the closed gharana system. Paluskars con pacerary (and occasional rival) Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande acknowledge the many rifts that had appeared in the structure of Indian classical music. He undertook extensive research visits to a large number of gharanas, Hindustani as well as Carnatic, collecting and comparing compositions. Between 1909 and 1932, he produced the monumental four-volume work Hindustani Sangeetha Padhathi,7 which suggested a tran scription for Indian music, and described the many traditions in this notation.Finally,mit consolidated the many musical forms of Hindustani classical music into a number of thaats (modes), subsequent to the Melakarta system that reorganized Carnatic tradition in the seventeenth century. The ragas as they exist today were consolidated in this landmark work, although there are some inconsistencies and ambiguities in Bhatkandes system. In modern times, the government-run altogether India Radio, Bangladesh Betar and Radio Pakistan helped to bring the artists to public attention, countering the loss of the patronage system.The first star was Gauhar Jan, whose career was born out of Fred Gaisbergs first recordings of Indian music in 1902. With the advance of films and other public media, musicians started to make their living through public performances. As India was exposed to Western music, some Western melodies started confluence with classical forms, especially in popular music. A number of Gurukuls, such as that of Alauddin Khan at Maihar, flourished. In more modern times, embodied support has also been forthcoming, as at the ITC Sangeet Research Academy. Meanwhile, Hindustani classical music has become popular across the world through the influence of artists such as Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan.Principles of Hindustani musicThe rhythmic organization is establish on rhythmic patterns called tala. The melodic foundations are called ragas. One possible sorting of ragas is into melodic modes or parent scales, known as thaats, under which most ragas can be classified ground on the notes they use. Thaats may consist of up to seven scale degrees, or swara. Hindustani musicians name these pitches development a system called Sargam, the equivalent of the Western movable do solmisation Sa (Shadaj) = DoRe (Rishab) = ReGa (Gandhar) = MiMa (Madhyam) = FaPa (Pancham) = SoDha (Dhaivat) = LaNi (Nishad) = TiSa (Shadaj) = DoBoth systems reverberate at the octave. Th e difference between sargam and solfege is that re, ga, ma, dha, and ni can refer to either Natural (shuddha) or altered Flat (komal) or cunning (tivra) versions of their respective scale degrees. As with movable do solfege, the notes are comprehend relative to an arbitrary tonic that varies from performance to performance, rather than to fixed frequencies, as on a xylophone. The fine intonational differences between different instances of the same swara are called srutis. The three primary registers of Indian classical music are mandra (lower), madhya (middle) and taar (upper). Since the octave location is not fixed, it is also possible to use provenances in mid-register (such as mandra-madhya or madhya-taar) for certain ragas. A typical rendition of Hindustani raga involves two stages Alap a rhythmically free improvisation on the rules for the raga in order to give life to the raga and flesh out its characteristics.The alap is followed by a long slow-tempo improvisation in vocal music, or by the jod and jhala in slavish music. Bandish or Gat a fixed, melodic composition set in a specific raga, performed with rhythmic accompaniment by a tabla or pakhavaj. in that location are different ways of systematizing the parts of a composition. For example Sthaayi The initial, rondo phrase or line of a fixed, melodic composition. Antara The first body phrase or line of a fixed, melodic composition. Sanchaari The third body phrase or line of a fixed, melodic composition, seen more typically in dhrupad bandishes Aabhog The fourth and concluding body phrase or line of a fixed, melodic composition, seen more typically in Dhrupad bandishes. There are three variations of bandish, regarding tempoVilambit bandish A slow and steady melodic composition, usually in largo to adagio promotes. Madhyalaya bandish A medium tempo melodic competition, usually set in andante to allegretto speeds. Drut bandish A fast tempo melodic composition, usually set to allegretto speed or faste r. Hindustani classical music is primarily vocal-centric, insofar as the musical forms were designed primarily for vocal performance, and many instruments were designed and evaluated as to how well they emulate the human voice.Types of compositionsThe major vocal forms or styles associated with Hindustani classical music are dhrupad, khyal, and tarana. Other forms include dhamar, trivat, chaiti,kajari, tappa, tap-khyal, ashtapadis, thumri, dadra, ghazal and bhajan these are sept or semi-classical or light classical styles, as they often do not adhere to the rigorous rules of classical music.Dhrupad important hold DhrupadDhrupad is an aged style of singing, traditionally performed by male singers. It is performed with a tambura and a pakhawaj as instrumental accompaniments. The lyrics, some of which were written in Sanskrit centuries ago, are presently often sung in brajbhasha, a medieval form of northward and einsteinium Indian languages that was spoken in Eastern India. The ru dra veena, an ancient string instrument, is used in instrumental music in dhrupad. Dhrupad music is primarily devotional in theme and content. It contains recitals in praise of particular deities. Dhrupad compositions begin with a relatively long and acyclic alap, where the syllables of the following mantra is recited Om Anant tam Taran Tarini Twam Hari Om Narayan, Anant Hari Om Narayan. The alap gradually unfolds into more rhythmic jod and jhala sections. These sections are followed by a rendition of bandish, with the pakhawaj as an accompaniment.The great Indian musician Tansen sang in the dhrupad style. A lighter form of dhrupad, called dhamar, is sung primarily during the festival of Holi. Dhrupad was the main form of northern Indian classical music until two centuries ago, when it gave way to the somewhat less exacting khyal, a more free-form style of singing. Since losing its main patrons among the royalty in Indian princely states, dhrupad risked becoming extinct in the firs t half of the twentieth century. However, the efforts by a few proponents from the Dagar family have led to its revival and eventual popularization in India and in the West.Some of the best known vocalists who sing in the Dhrupad style are the members of the Dagar lineage, including the senior Dagar brothers, Nasir Moinuddin and Nasir Aminuddin Dagar the junior Dagar brothers, Nasir Zahiruddin and Nasir Faiyazuddin Dagar and Wasifuddin, Fariduddin, and Sayeeduddin Dagar. Other leading exponents include the Gundecha Brothers, who have received training from some of the Dagars. Leading vocalists outside the Dagar lineage include the Mallik family of Darbhanga tradition of musicians some of the leading exponents of this tradition were Ram Chatur Mallick, Siyaram Tiwari, and Vidur Mallick. A section of dhrupad singers of Delhi Gharana from Mughal emperor Shah Jahans court migrated to Bettiah under the patronage of the Bettiah Raj, giving rise to the Bettiah Gharana.8 Bishnupur Gharana, based in West Bengal, is a pick up school that has been propagating this style of singing since Mughal times.KhyalMain article KhyalKhyal is a Hindustani form of vocal music, adopted from medieval Persian music and based on Dhrupad. Khyal, literally meaning thought or imagination in Hindustani, is unusual as it is based on improvising and expressing emotion. A Khyal is a two- to eight-line lyric set to a melody. The lyric is of an emotional account possibly from poetical observation.clarification needed Khyals are also popular for depicting the emotions between two lovers, situations of ethological signification in Hinduism and Islam, or other situations evoking intense feelings.Th importance of the Khyals content is for the singer to depict, through music in the set raga, the emotional significance of the Khyal. The singer improvises and finds inspiration within the raga to depict the Khyal. The origination of Khyal is controversial, although it is veritable that this style wa s based on Dhrupad and influenced by Persian music. Many deal that Amir Khusrau created the style in the late 16th century. This form was popularized by Mughal Emperor Mohammad Shah, through his court musicians. Some well-known composers of this period were Sadarang, Adarang, and Manrang. editTaranaMain article TaranaAnother vocal form, taranas are medium- to fast-paced songs that are used to convey a mood of elation and are usually performed towards the end of a concert. They consist of a few lines of poetry with soft syllables or bols set to a tune. The singer uses these few lines as a foothold for fast improvisation. The tillana of Carnatic music is based on the tarana, although the former is primarily associated with dance. tappaMain article TappaTappa is a form of Indian semi-classical vocal music whose specialty is its rolling pace based on fast, subtle, knotty construction. It originated from the folk songs of the camel riders of Punjab and was developed as a form of class ical music by Mian Ghulam Nabi Shori or Shori Mian, a court singer for Asaf-Ud-Dowlah, the nawab of Awadh. Nidhubabur Tappa, or tappas sung by Nidhu Babu were very popular in 18th and 19th-century Bengal. Among the living performers of this style are Laxmanrao Pandit, Shamma Khurana, Manvalkar, Girija Devi, Ishwarchandra Karkare, and Jayant Khot.ThumriMain article ThumriThumri is a semi-classical vocal form said to have begun in Uttar Pradesh with the court of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, (r. 18471856). There are three types of thumri poorab ang, Lucknavi and Punjabi thumri. The lyrics are typically in a proto-Hindi language called Brij Bhasha and are usually romantic. Some recent performers of this genre are Abdul Karim Khan, the brothers Barkat Ali Khan and Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Begum Akhtar, Girija Devi, Beauty Sharma Barua, Nazakat-Salamat Ali Khan, Prabha Atre, Siddheshwari Devi, and Shobha Gurtu.GhazalMain article GhazalGhazal is an primitively Persian form of poetry. In the Indian sub-continent, Ghazal became the most common form of poetry in the Urdu language and was popularized by classical poets like Mir Taqi Mir, Ghalib, Daagh, Zauq and Sauda amongst the North Indian literary elite. Vocal music set to this mode of poetry is popular with multiple variations across Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Ghazal exists in multiple variations, including semi-classical, folk and pop forms.Instrumental musicThe Royal Musicians of Hindustan circa 1910 Ali Khan, Inayat Khan, Musheraff Khan and Maheboob Khan Although Hindustani music clearly is focused on the vocal performance, instrumental forms have existed since ancient times. In fact, in recent decades, especially outside sec Asia, instrumental Hindustani music is more popular than vocal music, partly due to a somewhat different style and faster tempo, and partly because of a language barrier for the lyrics in vocal music. A number of musical instruments are associated with Hindustani classical music.The veena, a string instrument, was traditionally regarded as the most important, but few play it today and it has largely been superseded by its cousins the sitar and the sarod, both of which owe their origin to Persian influences. Other tweak or struck string instruments include the surbahar, sursringar, santoor, and various versions of the slide guitar. Among bandy-legged instruments, the sarangi, esraj and violin are popular. The bansuri, shehnai and harmonium are important wind instruments. In the percussion ensemble, the tabla and the pakhavaj are the most popular. Various other instruments have also been used in varying degrees.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Impact of Cultural Differences, Internal and Environmental Factors at Airbus Essay
Employees are affected by a number of internal and outside(a) forces that when combined produce given demeanours and attitudes. In this paper, I will consider the key factors affecting single(a) and groups behaviour and their corresponding relationship to the personal and brassal performance. The scenario, Airbus manufacturing plant in Toulouse, is dominated by tensions amongst groups of workers with several(predicate) cultural background. The tint of those cultural challenges, the pressures of delivering the A380s in date and the demands from the outer surround will be some of the factors that will be considered in the compendium below. In order to understand the multiple forces and the organisational permute processes undertaken by Airbus, two influential frameworks for channelize have been examined in this paper. The model introduced by Burke and Litwin (2002), and the speak to presented by Kotter (1995), based upon the authors research into corporate transform.1. mo rtal factors Attitudes and personal behavioural codes consist of an organisation of feelings, thoughts and cognitions in a delimitate situation. Airbus employees appear not to be motivated to fulfil the groups objectives as there are too many tensions and too more(prenominal) than suspicion (Hollinger & Wiesmann, 2008), as reported by an official of the French union. As work motif and line of business satisfaction are close linked with the overall performance of workers, it is important to identify factors leading to job dissatisfaction at Airbus. The arrival of two thousand electricians to resolve wiring riddle has impacted negatively on the Toulouse plant resulting in overcrowding, sudden depart in industrial processes and dispositions against other individuals with a number of differences. The temperament and individual emotions are ambitious to understand for people with diverse cultural up voice communication. in that location are to a fault differences in pay whic h are perceived as unequal and negative, particularly for those employees not on secondment. In summary, individuals are a lot resistant to transmit which involve loss and question. One of the most prevalent reasons for human resistance is the focus on their own best interests preferably of the organisations (Kotter & Schlesinger, 1979).2. Work group factors Although aggroup conversion end potentially create a positive organisational synergy, the same gutter also create unique challenges resulting from social integration, tension, and conflict (Jehn, Northcraft & Neale, 1999). In the case of Airbus, it appears there are two leaders from different groups and glosss bringing different attitudes and dispositions to the groups, giving birth to nationalistic tensions among French and German employees. Management rivalries become a detrimental model for working groups (Drucker, 1986). aggroup engagement and social integration are then increasingly difficult as the majori ty of Germans are temporary employees coming from outside the companionship. Furthermore, the organisational culture of Airbus is affected by the lack of trust and transparency from management. In this situation, worship and suspicion emerge and French groups start to perceive the growing check of German managers as unfair and unequal. All these factors create frustrations amongst the teams and individuals thus producing uncertainty which affects the plant performance and the companys ability to meet delivery schedules.3. Organisational factors The organisational structure and culture as well as its policies and systems, together with the trim goals do work employee and team behaviours. With this in mind, it is important to consider that Airbus and its parent company EADS were merged in the name of European unity and intended to be more competitive in the aerospace industry. With the internal pressures of company restructuring consisting of the A380 delivery targets and on-lin e(prenominal) production delays, Airbus workers become dominated by uncertainties and tension between different working groups. As Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) highlighted in their study, human resistance often emerges during organisational change efforts. Power 8, Airbus restructuring programme which consisted of undertaking a number of changes including job cuts, mill sales, new areas for components sourcing and leadership turnover, produces social tensions and management rivalries inside the organisation.4. External environment An analysis of the national and global context of Airbus is crucial to understanding the influence of external forces producing both opportunities and threats to the organisation. Amongst those factors, pressures from politics, unions and public opinion are sovereign forces in the case of Airbus. Competition in the global market, mainly between Airbus and Boeing, is also intense. Each company is under pressure and suffering from severe delays in deliver y targets. State shareholders naturally makes the company subject to semipolitical interests and giving medication rules and regulations affect Airbus operations management and its decision making process. Questions are brocaded about the compatibility of the companys economic goals and its commitment to more political and social objectives. The leadership team need to engage and negotiate with merchandise unions, political parties and public movements to ensure success in the companys outcomes. Thus pressure from different groups makes it problematic for Airbus to align the internal organisation with the external forces.5. Change dynamics Burke and Litwin (1992) present a causative model that helps to define and establish a cause-and-effect relationship between a number of organizational elements which are key to organizational change. The linkage between these is the key to effective change. They identify the external environment as the dominant factor driving change in organi sations which affects their mission, culture, leadership and strategy. The companys structure, systems, management practices, and climate are in turn linked to those dimensions and impact the overall performance. In the case of Airbus, the merger between Airbus and EADS and the strong arguing of Boeing in the global aerospace market are the most dominant external forces. Those trigger a series of further changes in the company, which together, affects the motivation take of employees and work groups.6. Change management issues Kotter (1995) in his corporate change analysis provides a number of lessons learnt which help understand the complex issues outlined in the Airbus case study. One of the issues in Airbus strategy is the lack of cooperation from individuals and teams. Morale and motivation are important factors to control and influence, especially in the first physical body of the transformational process. Additionally, the role of leadership in terms of establishing a visio n, communicating it and be the example of the new behaviours is also crucial. Airbus past rivalry between the motive French and German management sides have been detrimental for the change effort. As Drucker (1986) points out managers inability to change their attitudes and behaviour as rapidly as their organizations require (Drucker, 1986) is a barrier for organisational growth. It is important to consider that changes take a long time to naturalise into the company culture. The benefit of Airbus restructuring programme, Power 8, cannot be judged before its time. The change in habits and rules destabilise people and the companys exposure to public opinion and political interest increases the process of change in its complexity.Conclusion Todays workforce is becoming more diverse in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. Managers are duty demarcation line to develop skills to influence the relationship between team diversity and team outcomes by analysing the current situation and p ossible issues to be avoided. Changes are mainly needed in the instance of Airbus, they are implementing a large outmatch change affecting the organisational leadership, culture, structure and operations. Consequently, people affected by change experience some level of discomfort but leaders can increase their level of success by selecting the right strategy and approach to use with workgroups and individuals. Effective change management strategy should be unvarying with the companys management behaviour and the overall companys culture, ensuring alignment of people internally and externally in the public environment. The change process in every organisation requires a length of time and readiness for individual change which proceed through stages which should not be overlooked for a successful outcome.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Google Is Changing Everything
Google Is Changing Everything 1. Use Google to conduct a search. What advertisements bulge next to the search results? act Advertisements related to the search keyword. 2. What is Google moveing to do with spreadsheets? Answer Google try to ply spreadsheets to compete Microsoft crops as well as to be fitting to provide online spreadsheets where people could share and collaborate flat to the spreadsheets and store the file online instead in local computer 3. What is an enterprisingness search? AnswerEnterprise search is the practice of making center from multiple enterprise-type sources, such as databases and intranets, to be indexed, searched and displayed to authorized users 4. discover potential revenue models in Googles activities described here and on Googles Web site. Answer Google potential revenue model is through advertisement. then we can said that Google Revenue = Time Spend On Web. The to a greater extent(prenominal) time people spent on the sack up means mor e exposure to Google ads. For the advertisement, the advertizers cave ins Google for every person clicks on the ad which lead to the advertisers website. . How do Googles services benefit a community such as Kaiser? Answer From the case study, we can see that Kaiser genuine clinical knowledge portal for their 50,000 doctors, nurses and other caregiver, which main purpose is to cater right information be able to be accessed quickly and easily. wherefore with the combination of knowledge which stored in the portal and the advancement of Google Search Appliance, Google able to provide them with reliable indexing and also strong search capability.moreover by using Googles spell checking, problem with doctor deal and pharmaceutical products name can be easily overcome. 6. Why is Google considered a Web 2. 0 company? How is it related to societal networking? Answer accord to Wikipedia, Web 2. 0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability and coaction on the World Wide Web. Based on the characteristic of web 2. 0, Google can be considered as Web 2. Company because it can be accessed from anywhere, have strong data which supporting their company, periodically updated, and have dangerous user interface. Google can be considered to web 2. 0 company non only related to their social networking product, but also to their other product such as Gmail, Google Maps, etc. Through Orkut, which already being replaced with Google Plus, which is Google social networking product. From Google Plus user will be able to interact with others and pull in network with others 7. Enter google. om and identify all wireless activities. Answer Google try to move all the desktop application to web based application. In the google. com site, the wireless activities that can be found are search maps, Google Plus, Google Mail, You Tube, Google Groups, Google Document, etc. 8. Google derives most of its income from advertisem ent. Yet, it provides many other services for free. Speculate on the reasons. Answer It is believed that anything that related to digital networks quickly feels the effect of falling cost.According to canonic economic theory, in a competitive market, price falls to peripheral cost. And this also applies to Internet, however in this sector every day bare(a) cost of digital information comes closet to nothing. And in my opinion wherefore Google provides their service free is in order to build their temper. I believed that in one case people already gained trusted, feel comfortable and feel that this service provide lots of benefit, they will not be oppose if they need to pay for this service eventually.For example in Google web advertisement, it all started with their good reputation in searching keyword based on their PageRank technology, which lead to attention, which mean summation in traffic, and as a return, money come to Google through advertisement. 9. Identify Googles ac tivities related to e-commerce. Answer Related to e-commerce, Google facilitates advertising through Google AdSense. In addition to that, Google also facilitate online selling and buying by introducing Google increase Search.
Event Marketing – the Lessons from Red Bull Strategy
There be few shops that can draw extinct more lessons in how to approach the following generation of merc giveise than vehement dickhead. Focusing their scheme on earned media, cultural integration and measure out creation, rose-cheeked Bulls approach is pioneering, and a template that more brands would love to follow. However its also proven a tough strategy to replicate, specific all toldy because just how variant it is from the tralatitious selling model. Its definitely not just or so sponsoring a couple of offspring typefaces and calling it a day.The scale of exit Bulls committal to non-traditional marketing is unprecedented. As far rump as a ex ago, rubor Bull was spending more than 80% of their significant marketing budget on non-measured media. Thats completely inverse to the traditional marketing formula of focusing on packaged communication messages and the giganticcast media to bedspread them. Core to tearing Bulls success has been their unique st rategy of focusing on brand- witnessed events.It struck me that one of the best elbow rooms to profess the point to the highest degree what it takes to seriously succeed at their level and at this game was to show the scale they are operating on. Creating vs sponsoring After sponsoring a handful of existing events early in the brands history, redness Bull made a strategic decision to make water their own events and fill followed this direction consistently ever since. This is a hugely burning(prenominal) differentiator for them, and sets them a league ap artistic creation from sponsor brands . Early coronation becomes equity As a sponsor brand, the more important and best-selling(predicate) the event becomes, the more it cost. However Red Bulls initial dropment in creating the event quickly starts paying compound interest, and as the event grows in meridian they reap all of the rewards while cost them only the maintenance of re-running the event. 2. Sole-branding Most t remendous events have their platinum, gold and ash gray sponsors. How much are brands really getting out of these sponsorships?And if you want to severalise your brand by putting your name on the event, be disposed(p) to shell out mega bucks. Red Bull on the other hand is the title sponsor for every one of these ninety events, and their branding is present and seamlessly integrated into the event rather than tacked on and diluted amongst a century other sponsors. There is no question who is putting on the event and responsible for bringing it to everyone and making it happen.3. Au thereforeticity and credibility For me there is a big difference with a brand simply paying to have their logo attached to some affaire, and with a brand who puts their energy, resources, and creativity to work in bringing something to life themselves, even if it is of course delivered behind the scenes by a host of event and activation agencies. Theres a different level of commitment involved, and a d ifferent type of authenticity and credibility is conferred to the brand as a result. Successful creation signals commitment to and slurred understanding of the space, whereas anyone can pay to logo-ize something.Im not saw sponsorship is always a bad thing by any stretch, still Id argue it definitely lacks the same resonance with the audience. 4. undercover up There is something powerful about how so many of these Red Bull events started out small and local, and have grown to be big and hugely important and influential amongst the athletes and their fans. Athletes themselves say voluntarily that many of these events are as important or second only to the X-Games in stature and importance to their career. This is huge for authenticity with their target.Red Bull has grown up with its audience, and them with it. 5. Control Last point on creation vs sponsorship is about control. Namely, when you own the event, you do what you want with it. You control the promotion, the PR, the mess aging, the branding, when it happens, where it happens, whos involved. Everything. Even as a long-term sponsor of an event, you are ultimately at the benevolence of the events owners and along for the ride. Longevity many another(prenominal) brands flit from labor to campaign, with their event activation a tacked on component that is rarely intercommunicate consistently. Getting ommitment to ongoing events from a brand can be undecomposed impossible. Red Bull is basically different in this regard. They create experiences that bring forth value for the brand and then they build equity in them consistently over time, just as most brands would do with important increase innovations and sub-brands. This is hugely cost effective compared to reinventing the wheel every year, and it ensures the brand becomes fundamentally woven into the lives of the athletes and influential consumers they wish to r distributively, as Red Bull is guaranteed to be part of their year, every year.Plus the audience often scales in coat annually. Flugtag and Red Bull Soap Box race are presently yearly highlights for many consumers, reaching in-person audiences of hundreds of thousand of volume in many cities. In Brazil over one million people turned up for the Red Bull Air Race. From the list under you can see sponsorship of some events such as Flugtag reaching back all the way to 1991, but the vast majority of the events theyve created over the eld are still ongoing, year after year.Depth and breadth. Another come across differentiator with Red Bull is the incredible effort they have gone(a)(a) to in order to own action sports and become embedded in youth culture across the board. They have quite literally gone after every action sport you can telephone of, and in a number of cases essentially created their own sports. Theyve since started attacking music and art with the same vigour. Where most brands are happy to tack on their logo to a handful of events in a year and call it a sponsorship strategy, Red Bull is literally ubiquitous.In many cases they are short essential to the vitality of the sports they sponsor. Use creativity to reinforce the brand and create cut- through Looking down the list, another thing becomes immediately clear all of the events sound awesome. Last Man Standing. Down and Dirty. exodus. Chopper Assault. City Rage. Heavy Metal. Red Bull have used crazy sounding and subversive label to build excitement around events before youve even heard of them to and to indelibly stamp them as Red Bull.Additionally, Red Bull examine out and create a sense of drama and the spectacular with each event to rival anything Evel Knieval couldve ever imagined. Downhill bike racing through Rios most notorious barrios? Wakeboarding in the dark in a flooded mine? Motocross duelling in bullrings? Roller derby on internal-combustion engine skates? Red Bull has made it their mission to bring barely imaginable experiences into existence, and giv e them all the spectacle and pomp of a real sport. And then to do it again, year after year. Create shareable means and earn your media How can Red Bull possibly afford all this?Well, they do the opposite thing most brands do. Most brands spend a tiny bit on content, and then 10x as much on media to try and spread that content as far as possible, because people arent really that interested in what they are saying so they have to get it in front of eyeballs by force. Which of course then diminishes the value of reaching those people, addicted they would rather you werent. Red Bull was doing earned media before it was a buzzword. They invest in unique, compelling experiences, and in the creation of content from those experiences.They get a significant amount of very deep and powerful brand fundamental interaction at the actual experiences themselves, both from participants and spectators. And then through a combination of PR, word of mouth, and pull media channels they get an abso lute ton of word picture of their content. And through platforms like their prevalent Facebook page, content-rich website, Red Bulletin, and a legion of popular microsites and brand communities like FMXWorld, Red Bull can legitimately strike to be a media brand in its own right at a time when most brands are still scolding about the subject.The reason Red Bull is so exciting as a brand and a case study to so many is theyve flipped the traditional advertising model on its head. They invest most of their budget in experiences, content and media assets, and allocate comparably little to actual media itself. They conceive if they build cool things, people will seek it out and talk about it, and they are right. From a Brandweek article from 2001 In the antithesis of any majors marketing plan, Red Bull buys traditional advertising last. altogether when a market is deemed mature does the party begin a media push.The idea is to reinforce, not introduce, the brand. Media is not a too l that we use to establish the market, verbalise vp-marketing David Rohdy. It is a critical part. Its just later in the development. The brand spent $100 million in the U. S. last year, according to the company Measured media spending was only $18. 9 million last year, up from $9 million in 1999, per Competitive Media Reporting. In a way their model is to first build targeted, ubiquitous relevance rather than broad mass awareness. They dont blast out, they focus deep and then bubble up.And the latter approach gives them a much stronger and longer-lasting foundation for their activity, and costs them less. Paid media fits into the mix later to solidify the position, but its an enhancer rather than the foundation. Mix spheric platforms and local activation Red Bull is looking for the ultimate blend of local relevance and cost-effective impact. So they have a chaotic but effective mix of global platforms such as Flugtag and Air Race and tens of locally focused events. Many events st art out locally and then get rolled out across regions as the template is perfected. Living and creating with your audiencesI think I got this insight out of one of the many great Mobile younker presentations on Red Bull. Basically the point is everything Red Bull do is about creating and living with their audience, rather than messaging at them. What else? I think you can probably tell from this post and the preceding list that Im a massive fan of Red Bulls strategy. Its unique, its effective, and it has a lot to say about where the next generation of marketing is heading. Would love to hear what other lessons youve taken from Red Bulls approach, and what other brands you think are doing this right.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
When people become very angry, they are said to be operating from their `dinosaur brain`
It has been say that the thing that sets charitable beings apart from all the other creatures in the fauna kingdom is the fact that human beings have the ability for discernment and for consistent sentiment. In times were animals would be ruled by impulse and instinct, human beings are able to control these urges to a certain extent. As beings adequate to(p) of suppressing baser instincts and impulses, human beings are expected to be above such underlying instincts.It is for this reason that people who are very angry or turned on(p) and give in to such baser instincts are said to be in operation(p) from their dinosaur minds. It is not to say of course that operating from ones dinosaur brain means that one is also capacitated with the same intellectual capacity as that of those prehistoric animals. Dinosaurs were creatures that had smaller brains than todays creatures and as such their thinking had not evolved to the same extent.This means that these animals only followed t he basic instincts such as eating, mating and sleeping, offshoots of which are aggression in certain cases in enact to preserve and protect. Therefore, any person who is operating from their dinosaur brain is simply recitation the functions that dinosaurs used to use in the underdeveloped brains. Feelings such as enkindle and hunger become the ruling considerations and logic is never part of the equation.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Rape as a Weapon of War
In recent years, global organizations have fought successfully to shelter womens rights and gender equality, and Gabon is determined to play its role in maintaining this trend. Gabon is against exclusively forms of ferocity against women, and recognizes rape as a serious violation of womens rights. Gabon also recognizes that sexual violence is perpetuated by War . Currently, armed conflicts across Africa ar forcing many women and children to migrate to unsafe territory, and increasing their vulnerability to poverty, abduction and pitying trafficking . These conditions directly expose them to rape and forced prostitution .Prisoners of war are trafficked into Gabon from Benin, Nigeria, Togo and Mali for prostitution, while others are brought as housemaids and eventually forced to become prostitutes . mankind trafficking forces many innocent women and children to live in fear of being exploited. However, Gabon is committed to policies which will bring an end to sexual violence, as well as the conflicts which cause them . In 2001, Gabon enacted strict laws for the prosecution of child traffickers. Gabon has also found a earthal commission to fight child trafficking, chaired by the nations vice president .The Gabonese government activity also coif up a free hotline to fight human being trafficking and sexual violence in April 2003, in collaboration with UNICEF. This was the first initiative of its kind in Africa. Gabon recognizes that raising awareness of sexual violence against women is crucial to ending it. The government of Gabon is also confident that a centre to provide protection and assistance to the victims of human trafficking established with the assistance of the European Union in border district 2002 will help to rehabilitate the lives of many war-ravaged and sexually abused victims .In January 2002, Gabon get together the the First Specialized Meeting on Child Trafficking and Exploitation in West and Central Africa, in Cote dIvoire along with representatives of African countries and UN agencies. by-line this meeting, the Yamassoukro Declaration was adopted, upon which Gabon committed to collaborate with other African countries in c angstromaigns against human trafficking . Gabon recognizes the Declaration as a crucial step in unite womens vulnerability to rape across the region.As stated by former flower Minister Jean- Francois Ntoutoume Emane, the empowerment of women has been a major priority for Gabon. Gabon recognizes that women must be empowered to fight sexual violence, for the battle must be fought with them ang non for them.Country Report &lt http//www. protectionproject. org/human_rights_reports/report_ atomic number 101uments/gabon. doc&gt Ibid Ibid Policy Paper zero(prenominal) 14. 2(E) Human trafficking in Nigeria Root Causes and Recommendations Country Report &lt http//www. protectionproject. rg/human_rights_reports/report_documents/gabon. doc&gt Ibid Troubnikoff, Anna. Trafficking in Women and Children Current Issues and Developments. Nova Publishers, 2003 Country Report &lt http//www. protectionproject. org/human_rights_reports/report_documents/gabon. doc&gt Press Release No UNIS/GA/1655. General fable Special Session Continues, as Heads of State, High-level Ministers Discuss Initiatives for Social Development. &lt http//www. unis. unvienna. org/unis/pressrels/2000/ga1655. html &gt
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Fit Crackers Market Analysis
MKT 201Sec 07 Submitted To Mr. Abul Khair Jyote Submitted By Group Innovi base MEMBERS MD. Asif Chowdhury,ID 1010498 Nafisa Khan, ID1020718 Tusher Mahamud, ID 1127026 Shadia Tahsin, ID 1221675 Yasmin Jahan, ID 1127036 Submission Date 25th november 2012 ASSIGNMENT ON equal awry(p) Ac realizeledgement We would handle to thank our respected course instructor Mr. Abul Khair Jyote to wee-wee us such(prenominal) an chance to hurl a group study on a proceedss grocery store analysis. We also wish to give him a special word of thanks for his persistent steerage and encouragement at all set ups of this work.We consider it a great opportunity to consider a share of his knowledge and experience in the sports stadium of merchandiseing. And we want to thank the Pran foods companionships employees for giving us such precious information. We also want to thank our guardians, seniors and friends who help us to string our report valuable and complete by giving information and their valuable perceptions. Topic shit rogue none 1. Executive Summary 1 2. Introduction * ac confederation everyplace prognosis * crossing 2-32-33 3. grocerying concoction * Product * bell * Place * Promotion 44444 4.mart Strategies * Market breakdown * Target Market * Market Positioning 5-655-66 5. use of market Concept 6 6. mental synthesis guest Relationship 6-7 7. Customer Relationship Group 7-8 8. Competitors 8 9. SWOT digest 9 10. Ad abstract 10 11. Product Life unit of ammunition 11 12. Conclusion 11 Executive Summary salvo barmy is a convergence of Pran Food companionship. It starts the journey in 2012 with milk favor cooky. Slogan of this harvest-festival was ESE GELO CRISPY CRUNCHY FIT balmy EKBAR caravanserai R TOTALLY CRAGY HOYE JAN. Weight of this intersection point is 130gm and price is TK. 0. In grocery store segmentation it does non focus only a special group. It divides market into multiple segments like demographic, Psychographic segmen tation. It uses different point marketing strategies for its several nodes. Its prey customers are children, youthfulness plenty. That is why it uses milk touch sensation, sweet and healthy ingredients. It holds a great position in the consumer mind by creating true(p) stress of biscuit also favorable price for every(prenominal) class of concourse. To realise a skinny relationship Pran always handle their consumer promptly. PRAN view their consumers as their king.They conformation and maintain harvest-timeive customer relationships via endorsing consumers satisfaction. It also maintains good customer relationship. At the beginning of condition crackers it has good demand in the local market. But sidereal day by day competitors are change magnitude by offering more variety overlap with fewer prices like Fnf crackers by Danish group. In the SWOT analysis it has good chance to hold market also have weakness & deoxyadenosine monophosphate threats to escape from the m arket. Pran primed(p) Cracker has an Ad which telecasts on Tv also it circulates Ad on some unusedspaper.This ad actually dictates that people who chicane craziness especially the five-year-older can enjoy it more to sapidity their craziness. meet crazy starts its life history cycle from introduction with great driving and successfully hold in the market exclusively due to increase competitors its now in maturity stage which is not good for Pran. At last we can indicate that to survive in the warring market Pran have to pass off with rising variety sense of taste of fit crackers like Fnf awry(p) with draw and quarterive price by providing superior taste than new(prenominal) competitors. Page none 01 Introduction We analyze the market of capable Crackers a reaping of PRAN Foods Company.The introduction part divided into 2 sections one is active company and the new(prenominal) one is about the crop. Company Overview PRAN is currently one of the most admired foo d and beverage cross off among the peoples of Bangladesh. PRAN started in 1981 as a processors fruit and vegetable in Bangladesh. completely the PRAN fruits are produced as per international standards maintaining highest level of quality at every stages of its production process. PRAN products are regularly being exported among 82 countries around the world. The company has adopted ISO 9001 as a guiding principle of its management system.This company is complaint to HACCP and certified with HALAL, which ensures the best quality products reaches to the customers around the world. Company intent To generate employment and earn dignity and self-respect for their competitors through profitable enterprises. Vision Improving Livelihood PRAN is currently producing 200 hundred products on a lower floor 10 different categories. Page No. 02 Company Objective * proceeds maximization * Maximize sales * Growth * Maximize sales receipts Attract and retain loyal customers by providing loo k upon for customers LOGO Company AddressCorporate Address PRAN-RFL Centre, 105 middle Badda, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. Phone 880-2-9881792 Ext-345, 880-2-8835546 facsimile machine 88-02-8837464 Web Address www. pranfoods. net Product Introduction Our market analyzing product name is capable Crackers its a milk-flavored biscuit. Its a East Pakistani product. It is under their Dairy Category. PRAN Dairy Limited manufactures it in their mill Bagpara, Palash, Narsingdi. PRAN come with a new milk flavored biscuits with new taste and new design Launch Year 2012 Page No. 03 Country of caudex Bangladesh Storage Information Keep in dry and cool place. trade Mix The marketing mix consists of everything that the PRAN Fit Crackers can do to solve the demand for its product. The many possibilities can be collected into quad groups of variables know as the 4Ps. Product In short, we can define product as anything that can be offered to a market or consumer for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. This product is pure tangible goods. Levels of the product The following are the two levels of this product Core Benefit Satisfaction of hunger, ensure nutrition to the people.Actual Product Name Fit Crackers, a PRAN food. A new milk- flavored crisp, crunchy and tasty biscuit with new and different style packing. Tagline/Slogan ESE GELO CRISPY CRUNCHY FIT CRACKERS EKBAR KHAN R TOTALLY CRAGY HOYE JAN Net Weight 130 GM. outlay Tk. 30. 00, which is based on their target customers income. Place This product is available in every grocery and departmental shops of Bangladesh. It also exported other countries like PRANs others products. Promotion It uses newspaper and TV Ad as promotional activities. Page No. 04 Market Strategies Market spatial relationTarget marketing Market segmentation This process involves market segmentation, target marketing, differentiation and positioning. Market Segmentation Market segmentation is one of the most i mportant parts in marketing. It is the part where marketers divide the market into diminished groups of buyers distinct needs, characteristics, or carriage that might require separate products or marketing mixes. Here, Multiple segmentation is use to take up the market. Demographic Segmentation Age & life cycle This is a milk flavored sweet healthy and biscuit which is for children and young people mainly.Because for older people sweet and fat is not healthy. They choose a small family size. Religion They choose not only Non-Muslim and non-vegetarian but also for Muslim and vegetarian. Psychographic Segmentation Its a milk flavored crispy crunchy biscuit, which new different taste create craziness. Its slogan based on this psychology of craziness. They choose middle class people for their market. Target Marketing It uses different target marketing strategies for its several customers. Its target customers are children, young people. That is why it uses milk flavor, sweet and h ealthy ingredients.Make the product crispy, crunchy and tasty to attract the customers. It designed and weighted based on another customer small families. Page No. 05 Another customer is middle class people who like to take biscuits with tea. To attract middle class people it designed like a meal, which people can take with tea. Moreover, they make a lower price for middle class people. It targets not only Non-Muslim and non-vegetarian people but also Muslim and vegetarian people. That is why they use HALAL and vegetarian ingredients to make this product. Market PositioningWhile promoting or introducing a new product it is very important to have a good and strong positioning strategy. Product position is the way the product defined by consumers on important attributes-the place and product occupies in consumers minds relative to competing. As fit crackers is a product of PRAN group create position in the consumer mind by promoting attractive ad with great milk flavor taste also with good brand name (Pran) so is unquestionably have a better place relatively to competing products in the minds of target customers.Its completely a new product with an advantage over other competitor by offering good taste with good price which can easily affordable to every class of people. Practice of Marketing Concepts There are five marketing concepts. * Production * Product * Selling * Marketing * Social Marketing Concept From this PRAN practice Marketing concepts for Fit Crackers Marketing concepts They view their customers as their king and as their laypeople. They identify needs and wants of the target markets and de operatering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do.That is why they come with different milk-flavored biscuit from their competitors innovating new taste according to their customer choice. Building Customer Relationship PRAN view their consumers as their king. They fear about their consumers. They build and maintain profitable customer relations hips via endorsing consumers satisfaction. They fully support consumers right to know what is in the product and they are transparent in terminuss of ingredients. They abide clear confabulation about their product ingredients, date of expire, nutrition values, etc.Page No. 06 They recently have started PCC (PRAN Customer Care) The eventual goal of their customer care program is to build long-term profitable relationships with their customers. They honor the communication to their customers. So, they humbly request their customers to feel free to communicate with them regarding following issues * Complaint for the product * Price information * Benefits of the product * Comments for the product * And any other issues Objectives to research through their customers care are * To create a culture of customer focus To receive complaints from the customers on product related matters * To achieve customer satisfaction * To create rapport and loyalty They house the easiest way to communi cation as they care valuable time of their consumers. Consumers can communicate with them about them through * Cell Phone +88-01973-737777 (During 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. ) * Through their meshing mail- email&160protected com Customer Relationship Groups For capturing Value from customers every product or company need to identify its customer groups. There are four customer groupsShort-term Customer Project Loyalty Long term Customer High positivity Low Profitability Potential Profitability Page No. 07 True Friends Small families who are always having product of PRAN and very loyal to as PRAN product consumers they are also Fit Crackers true Fiends. Butterflies Children or young people are Fit Crackers Butterflies. They are highly profitable but if they get bare(a) facilities from another crackers biscuits like taste change, cost effective installation they will switch to another crackers biscuits.Strangers Some people live in Bangladesh but do not like to have Bangladeshi manufactur ing products they always try to choose exported products for their own use. That kind of people is strangers for Fit Crackers. However, they are very precise in size. Barnacles Upper Middle class and upper class people are like Barnacles for Fit Crackers. Because they are, like fastidious. However, they are very loyal to PRAN, the leading Bangladeshi agro-based manufacturing company. However, if they find a simple fault or very little taste dissatisfaction they will be switch to others. CompetitorsDay by day new competitors has arrived on of them is FnF crackers by Danish group. They also provide the same design biscuit but their price of the product is not so high Tk. 30. n also tastes different from Fit crackers. of import point is that they brought small packet size 65-gram n price 15 Tk. Therefore, FnF crackers have a strong chance to compete. Page No. 08 Source Prothom Alo News Paper Bangladesh, 22 November 2012, Front Page. SWOT Analysis Strengths * Completely new Segment. * Taste is good. * Consumer perception is good. * Reasonable price than other product Weaknesses * Low market share. leave out of brand awareness. * leave out of variety. * Lack of product size differentiation. Threats * Competitors have variety. * Competitor has different product size. * Lack of promotion. Opportunities * Fast market expansion. * Younger as an influence. * Innovative Promotions. * Good discoloration name. Ad Analysis As Fit crackers is a biscuit targeted towards the young generation who are always in a cannonball along and dont get enough nutrition, the Tvc and Newspaper Ad of this product also generate the intension to grab that particular target markets attention.Lots of color have been used with a humorous story. Source Prothom Alo Newspaper, Bangladesh 17 September, Page 20 Page No. 09 Product Lifecycle A new product progresses through a sequence of stages from product development to introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. This sequence cognize a s the product life cycle and is associated with changes in the marketing situation, therefore affecting the marketing strategy and the marketing mix. PRODUCT LIFE beat FOR FIT CRACKERS, THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS IS THIS PRODUCT IS ON NOW IN MATURITY STAGE(information provided by Pran company) * In maturity stage one or more competitors can come. And a competitor named FnF Crackers come in market and they offers lower price than fit Crackers. * Fit crackers features enhanced to differentiate the product from that of competitors. Page No. 10 Conclusion Page No. 11 From the overall point of view we can conclude that Pran is a good company which has great value in the market which come up Fit crackers with sequent strategy which has great demand in the market when competitors were absent in the market.Now markets are flourished with new product with variety according to consumer choice. One of the competitive products of Fit Crackers is FnF Crackers of Danish Group come up with variety with good price. But one thing Fnf Crackers not have which is brand name but Pran has so still have chance of fit crackers to regain his position in the market if they come up with new variety of product of Fit Crackers with variety taste which should superior than other. To draw attention of consumer Pran have to gain ground its product more and more by Tv, Magazine, Radio, Newspaper etc. give thanks You
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Metapath Case Report Essay
1. PURPOSEThe purpose of this briefing note is to provide recommendations for Metapath software system Corp. (Metapath) on its support stands received in September 1997. These two offers came from 1) a fund consortium led by Robertson Stephens Omega Fund (RSC) and technology Crossover Ventures (TCV) and 2) CellTech Communications (CellTech), a vendor of radio technology which had deep gone IPO.2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYMetapath has made honourable progress in developing its billet since its inception generating $6.4m revenue in the September hind end of 1997 with representation of three large nodes. yet, with the ambition to win a rock-steady chance of IPO within the next two years, more(prenominal) corking needed to be raised to gain traction in customer acquisition and smooth out current quarter-to-quarter revenues. Metapath has received two offers as at September 1997 and they are discussed as follows RSC and TCV consortium offered to buy $11.75 one thousand thousand of birth at a $76 million pre-money valuation (serial publication E favorite(a)). The proposed parenthood instrument was a participating redeemable stock (PCPT). This instrument functions the same as the convertible preferred stock in the topic of a qualified public offering whereas in the event of a sale, RSC and TCV consortium not only receives the face evaluate of the consideration, but also gets the equity participation. CellTech offered Metapaths shareholders to receive common stock at closing in CellTech at $115 million.3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMSThe problems associated with the offers from RSC and TCV consortium are listed as follows Proposed stock instrument is extremely dilutive to the founders in the event of a sale where the liquidity preference impart reduce the kernel of funds available to the other four tranches from previous investments. If the Metapath goes public, the percentage of self- exit for C & adenosine monophosphate D tranches will be merely dilut ed, by and by RSC and TCV consortium exercises its liquidity preference. The problems associated with the offers from CellTech are listed as follows CellTechs liquidity and financing issues.Strategic/Business fit between CellTech and Metapath.4. ANALYSISComparing the border sheet of the offer from RSC and TCV consortium to that of CellTech, RSC and TCVs PCPT had a much more dilutive impact to Metapath upon exit.Under liquidation, the term sheet stipulates that the Series E investors is authorise to claim its initial investment of $10.75 million plus any accumulated but unpaid dividend. Any proceeds after this claim will then be distributed to all common and Series E Preferred shareholders on an as-converted pro-rata basis. This double dipping means that RSC will not only repossess its initial investment of $5 millions, but also enjoys the convertible benefits.As a result, if the sale occurs before 2000, the profitability for A-D tranches will be negatively impacted by the prefe rred peculiar(prenominal) in the Series E. However if the sale occurs after 2000, A and B tranches will be little by little redeemed on an annual basis, which will leave C and D tranches to be mostly impacted adversely by the preferred characteristic in the Series E stock.Under the circumstance of an IPO, tranches C, D and E will convert to common at their negotiated prices while A & B will be redeemed.However, on the flip side, the price offered by RSC and TCV consortium was $6, which was significantly higher than the first three rounds of financing (tranches A,B and C) at $1.05 and final round (tranche D) at $1.62. PCPT instrument was created to enable the consortium to relieve the risks in the event of a sale/liquidation that would be of the founders interests and  apprise destroying.CellTechs valuation of $115 million was certainly attractive for a ships company like Metapath with a revenue run rate of $25.6 million. However, this represents or so 30% of the totally c apitalisation. The willingness from CellTech to sacrifice such a large measurement of capital indicates that either CellTech genuinely believed that Metapath would contribute significantly to the synergies to the NewCo or there could be asymmetric information hidden from the management. It signalled CellTechs underlying business might have limited upside. This issue needs to be further investigated if offer is accepted from CellTech.In addition, CellTechs balance sheet indicated on-going liquidity and financing risks. As we can see from the table below, the company continued to face liquidity pressure where its cash ratio and readily ratio deteriorated over the course from 1995 to 1997. CellTech had six consecutive quarters operational loss, which indicated that its unhealthy operating cash flow ratio.Doubts were raised whether CellTech was a good strategic fit to Metapaths business model. This is due to the fact that CellTechs products were mostly hardware-based and installed in the field with cellular base stations, whereas Metapaths products generally consisted of software running on standard server platforms in the wireless switching office. The only benefit gauged regarding this point was that some of CellTechs engineers could probablely be useful to Metapaths development group.5. CONCLUSIONSThe recommendation for Metapath is to take the offer from RSC and TCV consortium. Even though CellTech has performed well since the IPO and bullish views from the stock analysts, its potential information asymmetry issues and liquidity risk could harm the value of Metapath smudge acquisition. The limited strategic fit is also of our concern, which might constrain Metapaths process potential. With our ambition to lead Metapath to IPO, we see RSC and TCV consortium as a better fit in this case. Tranches A and Bs interests will be protected through their initial capital structures. Tranches C and Ds interests will be diluted however it enables Metapath to co ntinue its growth momentum with limited downside.
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